⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] icon

⭐ Player Auctions ⭐ ➢ Let your players sell items! [1.7-1.21] -----

Let your players sell/bid items, automatic category detection, cross-server support and more.

Release 1.17.0
We realized we haven't released an update for almost 6 months! Here is some exciting features and loads of bug fixes for the Christmas Holidays! Wowww!

Fixed an issue with the open command
Added a item placeholder for my auctions menu according to your auction limit and available limit
Fixed an issue using "NaN" when parsing double in command input, woah didnt even know about this
Recoded item API
Item per item now shows up if you have more than 1 item
Added %seller% to commands-purchased
Updated command API
Fixed category getAuctions not working for all
No longer need pa.admin.open for using search tag
Fixed expire-ranks-hours being reset in the config
Fixed bid command not tab completing
Fixed bid minimum not working on menu
Used multi-threaded locks for getting generated keys in insert methods
Updated DB Converter
Fixed category item meta selector
Fixed an issue where some menus and items wasn’t working for multiple slots
Bidding now checks their balance before
Fixed confirmation
Added custom model data blacklist
Added %amount% to more messages
More command options to be executed during certain events
Added config API
Added more placeholders to placeholderapi
Recent menu gui player now works properly for external viewers
MySQL no longer requires strict yaml rules for checking ports as an int
Added gradients
Can now play custom sounds
Changed item amounts to long
Fixed 1.7.0 errors
If sell command and auction command are the same, the menu will open up if the arguments is 1
Fixed auction sync error
Added permission for open command on main command in config.yml
Updated frameworks and added more error checks
Added the [server] placeholder
Updated API consumer
Made [owner] for skulls show the viewer when using -view
Added %viewer% to lore and name to show the view of the gui
Added [viewer] to the gui titles
Allows PAPI placeholders to return colours
Added category item swapper
You can either now use "slots" or "slot" in the menu config
Removed GUI page cooldowns (category swapper and refresh still have a cooldown for now)
Fixed show-needed-amount-items not working properly in confirm.yml
Added min & max amount per category
Added more placeholders
Fixed some bugs and issues
Added preview in buy menu by right clicking the item in the menu
Added specific auction menus to open command
Fixed issue with placeholders while /pa reload
Added GemsEconomy
Added MiniMessage
Added regex to blacklist names Added a sell lock
Added cooldown more sooner Specific permission messages
Added option for "dangerous-ignore-update-inventory"
Added item support for currencies
----------, Nov 10, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 68,334
First Release: Aug 23, 2020
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
21 ratings
Find more info at olziedev.com...
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Downloads: ------
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