✨ GambleBarPro | The Perfect Gambling Solution✨ icon

✨ GambleBarPro | The Perfect Gambling Solution✨ -----

Let players gamble by drinking! | NPCS | Unlimited Bars & Drinks | Vault and PlayerPoints

  • This update fixes the use of hex colors in MC 1.21.
----------, Jul 24, 2024

  • Fixed bug where drinks would still disappear if used on cooldown.
----------, Jun 8, 2024

  • There was a bug with drinks in 1.20.6.
----------, Jun 8, 2024

  • There was a bug causing the plugin to not function properly in minecraft version 1.12.x. This has now been fixed.
----------, May 18, 2024

  • Drinks can now have cooldowns, meaning a player can only have a GambleBar drink ever x hours, minutes, or seconds. This will require fields being added to the config/message files. There is also now a "cooldowns.yml" file but it does not need to be touched.

Add this to the config.yml
Code (YAML):
# Set this to true if you want the GambleBar cooldown to apply to each drink individually
# Leave it as false if you want the cooldown to apply to ANY/ALL drinks the same.
: false

# This number is how many seconds the cooldown is between a player consuming a GambleBar drink
: 300
And add this to the messages.yml
Code (YAML):
# Sent when a player tries to consume a drink but they are on cooldown
: "&c&lSorry&7, you cannot drink this for another &c%time%&7."
----------, Feb 20, 2024

  • Bar drink items' lore can now contain
    • %superLuckyReward%
    • %superLuckyOdds%
  • There is a new config option you can add to your config.yml. If you set it to false, the bars will not automatically close when a player buys a drink. If this field doesn't exist in the config, the bar will close after a purchase by default.
Code (YAML):
# Set this to true if you want bars to auto-close after drink purchase.
: true
----------, Feb 13, 2024

  • There was a NullPointerException occurring after users used the /bar reload command and then tried to buy drinks. This is now fixed.
----------, Feb 11, 2024

  • If someone doesn't update their config for the playerpoints update, their economy should now default to vault.
----------, Feb 10, 2024

  • GambleBarPro now supports the PlayerPoints plugin. You can set each bar to either use your Vault economy or PlayerPoints. (This involves adding some lines to the config and messages.yml).
  • From this version onward, your server must be running Java 17 or higher! About 90% of users already do this.
  • You can either regenerate your config and messages.yml OR add the following lines to the respective files.
In config.yml, add the following
Code (YAML):
# This is the default economy plugin bars will use unless specified in the bar's configuration
# Options: Vault, PlayerPoints
: Vault
Additionally, for each bar, underneath the "title" and "size" fields, you should add this field with the value set to either "Vault" or "PlayerPoints".
Code (YAML):
   economyType : PlayerPoints
Add the following lines to your messages.yml
Code (YAML):
# Sent to a player when they buy a drink with PlayerPoints
# %drink% = drink name, %price% = drink's price
: "&fYou've bought a &c%drink% &ffor &c%price% &fpoints."

# Sent when a player doesn't have enough PlayerPoints to buy a drink
# %drink% = drink name, %price% = drink's price
: "&cSorry, you can't afford the &f%price% &cpoints for a &f%drink%&c."

# Sent when a player wins a drink with PlayerPoints
# %reward% = the amount of $ won
# %drink% = the name of the drink won
: "&eYou've won &f%reward% &epoints from winning a &f%drink%&e!"

# Sent when a player has a super lucky win with PlayerPoints
# %reward% = the amount of $ won
# %drink% = the name of the drink won
: "&eYou've got super lucky and won &f%reward% &epoints from winning a &f%drink%&e!"
----------, Feb 10, 2024

  • In a recent update, I added support for custom model data. This was not added to Bukkit until version 1.14. This is causing GambleBarPro errors on servers below version 1.14. It is now fixed. Note: You still cannot use custom model data on older servers, but the plugin is no longer broken.
----------, Aug 25, 2023

  • Fixed RGB support for MC versions 1.20.x
----------, Jun 27, 2023

  • Added %drink% as a placeholder to represent the drink's name to "drinkWin" and "luckyDrinkWin" messages.
----------, Apr 23, 2023

  • Add %drink% placeholder in rewardCommands and superLuckyRewardCommands, as per request.
----------, Apr 21, 2023

  • Custom model data is now supported for GambleBarPro drinks.
  • To custom model data, you will need to supply your own texture pack files, and you can configure that custom model id via the plugin's configuration file. The plugin does not supply custom models for you.
  • Fixed a couple bugs that were detected with the change to bar IDs not having to be integers. Nothing game breaking.
----------, Mar 26, 2023

  • Added auto tab completions. So for example, bar IDs, drink slot numbers, and player names will be automatically tab-able when appropriate in commands.
  • Fixed a small bug with /bar give when the bar ID was not an integer value.
----------, Mar 24, 2023

  • Fixed exploit issue with the plugin. Please update to this version ASAP.
----------, Mar 11, 2023

  • Previously, bar IDs were integers. This wasn't really a problem, but it didn't look clean. Now, bar ids can be a string instead. For example, the default bar was 0 but is now "mainBar".

  • Minor changes to the config and messages files.
----------, Feb 20, 2023

  • There was a problem where users would get update alerts for the plugin even when there was no update. This problem will no longer happen.
  • Background infrastructure changes to prepare for future updates.
----------, Dec 23, 2022

With this update, it is now possible to configure a third possible outcome from a drink, a "super lucky win". (Note: If a super lucky win occurs, the normal rewards will not be given, only the super lucky rewards.)

Users should update their configuration if they want to use super lucky wins, but their plugin won't break if they don't. Below, see what a drink configuration looks like with super lucky wins. Notice the added lines, "superLuckyReward, superLuckyRewardCommands, superLuckyOdds".

Code (YAML):
: "&c&lBeer"
       - "&#00eff7&lClick to buy for a chance to win!"
        - "&#00bdf7Price: &f$%price%"
        - "&#00a1f7Reward: &f$%reward%"
        - "&#007cf7Odds of winning: &f%odds%%"
: 500
: 1000
: 2000
: 50.00
: 5.00
       - "broadcast &c%player% &fhas won &c$%reward% &ffrom the GambleBar!"
       - "broadcast &c%player% &fgot very lucky and won &c$%reward% &ffrom the GambleBar!"
----------, Nov 23, 2022

  • Some users reported server/main thread crashing due to update checking. Update checking is now asynchronous.
----------, Sep 16, 2022

  • Some users reported server/main thread crashing due to update checking. The method for update checking has improved, added timeouts, and separated update checking from the main thread.
----------, Sep 16, 2022

  • There was a problem with versions too low to support RGB colors.
----------, Aug 9, 2022

  • You can now use RGB color codes for this plugin. To use, simply just write a "&", without the quotes, followed by the hex code, and the text.
  • Refactored some other code that was just not done well the first time around.
----------, Jul 21, 2022

  • Slight performance optimization.
  • Downgraded to Java 8. This shouldn't break anything for newer version users, but it should fix issues for people on 1.8.x versions.
----------, Jan 21, 2022

  • There was an issue with "default" drink slots not being able to be set as filler items. This is now fixed. Note: Please make sure the "name" field of inventory filler items are " ".
----------, Oct 22, 2021

  • There was a small error in the last update that lead to a console error log. This did not impact functionality, but it did spam the console with annoying errors. This should be fixed now.
----------, Oct 5, 2021

  • Strings in messages.yml that are set to empty will no longer send a message to players at all.
  • If the reward of a drink is 0, no cash reward message will be sent.
----------, Aug 29, 2021

  • Added a blacklist to prevent certain worlds from players being able to consume GamleBar drinks.
  • Add the following line to config.yml or regenerate the file.
Code (YAML):
# This is a list of worlds that drinking a GambleBar potion will not work in
- "world_nether"
- "test_world"
  • Add the following line to messages.yml or regenerate the file.
Code (YAML):
# Sent when a player tries to consume a drink in a blacklisted world
: "&c&lSorry&7, you cannot gamble in this world!"
----------, Aug 9, 2021

  • Minor changes to support 1.17.
----------, Jun 11, 2021

  • When there is a new update out, admins will get an in-game message to alert them. Players with the permission "gamblebar.admin.updates" will get the alert upon login.
  • Please add the following line to your config.yml or regenerate your config.yml.
Code (YAML):
updateAlerts : true
  • Please add the following line to your messages.yml or regenerate it.
Code (YAML):
updateNeeded : "\n&b&lGambleBarPro &f- Version &c%newVersion% &fis out - you are still running version &c%currentVersion%&f!\n "
----------, May 24, 2021

  • To all my users, I apologize for my absence from Spigot, but I'm now done with school and have more time to focus on my plugins. More updates coming soon.
  • Added bStats data collection to this plugin.
----------, May 20, 2021

  • As seen in the image below, filler items can now be added to bar inventories, to give them a more pleasing look.
  • As you can see in the config, to add a filler item, it must look like this in the config. If I wanted to place a red stained glass pane in the first slot of a bar inventory, I would put this in the "inventory" section of the config for that specific bar.
    Code (YAML):
    : " "
    : 14
----------, Feb 3, 2021

  • There has been a lot of bug reports lately concerning the default config. I apologize for not testing it thoroughly, I do not know how this problem got by me. This should fix all issues that people were having.
----------, Feb 1, 2021

  • There was a slight error for 1.8.x servers with the last update. When players consume an item that is NOT a GambleBar drink, an error log was sent to the console. This is now fixed.
----------, Jan 17, 2021

  • I've always hated having 2 separate versions for 1.8.x and 1.11.x - 1.16.x, so I finally got around to merging them into a single jar file! I tested all the features, but if this results in any version errors, please let me know immediately. Note: The drink colors are still different depending on what server version you're using, please check the top of the config for compatibility.
  • Drink winning/losing sounds are now customizable! Please either regenerate your config file or add these lines manually.
    Code (YAML):
    # This is the sound that plays if the player wins a drink
    : LEVEL_UP

    # This is the sound that plays if the player loses a drink
----------, Jan 15, 2021

  • Can't believe I did this, but in the most recent update, I accidentally mislabeled the 1,8.x version of the plugin and the 1.11+ version. I have re-uploaded the files with the correct labels. Sorry for any inconveniences!
----------, Dec 31, 2020

  • In MC versions 1.11 - 1.16.x, if a player tried to drink an item from their off hand slot, it would disappear but wouldn't trigger the gamble listener. This bug is now fixed. If a player tries to drink a GambleBar item from their offhand slot, the event will now be canceled, and a message can be sent to them, telling them to switch the item to their main hand. If you want this message to be sent, add the following lines into your messages.yml file.
    Code (YAML):
    # Sent to the user if they try to drink with the item in their offhand
    : "&c&lSorry, &7you need to move this item to your main hand!"
----------, Dec 28, 2020

  • It was a small hassle for some servers to remove "rewardCommands" from drinks in the config. In this update, users may just get rid of the "rewardCommands" section entirely, and not have any errors.
----------, Dec 27, 2020

  • Added sound effects for when a player wins or loses a drink. (Next update will make them configurable, for now it's just a cat purr for a win and a cat hiss for a loss.) This can be disabled in the config. You must add the following lines into config.yml, or insert it directly into your config file.
    Code (YAML):
    # Set this to false to disable sound effects
    : true
Apologies for the slow rollout of new updates, I've become very busy with other projects the past couple months.
----------, Nov 6, 2020

  • There was a small error that was preventing the "/bar reload" command from properly reloading bar drinks.
----------, Aug 30, 2020

  • Added a new command to allow users with the permission "gamblebar.admin.open" to open a bar for other users. (/bar open <player name> <bar ID>). This could be useful for servers that want to use Citizens NPCs to open a bar, without allowing players to open bars via the /bar command.
----------, Aug 7, 2020

  • Fixed an odd error that was occurring on a 1.12 PaperSpigot server, where when a player drank an item, it would repeat the event several times. Hasn't been an issue on any other servers, but this will prevent it from possible happening on any more. Thanks to @craftc48 for reporting it.
----------, Jul 23, 2020

  • There was a regex issue that would lead to console errors when a drink item was configured to contain a "$" in the display name. This issue is fixed. Thank you to @TK1T for reporting it.
----------, Jul 23, 2020

  • Players with the permission "gamblebar.admin.reload" may now use /bar reload to reload all the config files. Please add the following lines into messages.yml, or insert it directly into your messages file.
    Code (YAML):
    # Sent to the command sender when they successfully reload with config files with /bar reload
    : "&bGambleBarPro config files have been reloaded."
----------, Jul 15, 2020

  • Added small feature request from @Golicraft . If the message "openedBar" is set to "" no message will be sent. (Before, a blank line would be sent.)
----------, Jun 26, 2020

  • This plugin should work perfectly fine on servers running MC version 1.16.1.
  • Players can now get a "blindness" effect when they lose a drink, in addition to a "confusion" effect. Either regenerate the config.yml file or add the following lines manually.
    Code (YAML):
    # This number is how many seconds the blindness effect lasts when a player loses a drink.
    # Set to 0 to disable.
    : 10
----------, Jun 26, 2020

  • There was a small error in the 1.8 version. I forgot to add a null check to the inventory click event. This was causing an error log in the console when a player clicked on the screen with the inventory open, but didn't click on a slot. This is now fixed. 1.11 - 1.15 version is not affected.
----------, Jun 21, 2020

  • The Command Sender will now recieve a message when they give a player a drink with the command, "/bar give <name> <barID> <item slot>".
  • You must either regenerate your messages.yml file or add the line below manually.
    Code (YAML):
    # Sent to the command sender when they use the "/bar give" command
    # %drink% = the drink's name, %player% = the player they gave it to
    : "&fYou've given a &c%drink% &fto &c%player%&f."
----------, Jun 18, 2020

  • There was a bug where if players customized one of the two default bar inventories, and didn't replace the original drinks, they would remain even when removed from the config. This is now fixed.
----------, Jun 14, 2020

  • There was a bug were players were able to consume drinks while it was in their offhand, and this would allow them to drink the same item multiple times. This bug has only affected GambleBarPro v1.4 - 1.4.3. It is fixed in this update.
----------, Jun 14, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where an error would trigger if a player had a bar inventory open and clicked off-inventory on their screen. No actual issues would occur, but it was generating an error log. This is now fixed.
----------, Jun 13, 2020

  • This plugin now support minecraft server version 1.11 - 1.11.2 as well as all previous versions.
----------, Jun 11, 2020

  • Fixed a bug that was affecting 1.12 servers. Players were unable to buy/consume drinks. This is now fixed. No changes to the 1.8 version. Shoutout to @Golicraft for reporting this.
----------, Jun 9, 2020

  • Added the ability to customize each drink's color via config. You must either regenerate your config.yml file, or add the following line to each of your drinks in the config. Refer to the valid colors for drinks on the plugins page. (Different for 1.12 - 1.15 version vs. 1.8 version).
    Code (YAML):
    potionColor : BLUE
  • Players will now go through the drinking animation when they use a GambleBar drink.
----------, Jun 8, 2020

  • Fixed a bug where players would still be able to pay for a drink, but not receive it if their inventory was full. Shoutout to @lukenrip for reporting it.
  • You must regenerate your messages.yml file, or add the following lines manually.
  • Code (YAML):
    # Sent to a player when they try to buy a drink with a full inventory
    : "&cSorry, your inventory is too full to buy a drink!"
----------, Jun 7, 2020

  • There is a new message in the "messages.yml" file. This message tells the user what the valid Bar IDs are, and it is sent when they try to open a bar with an invalid id.
  • You must either regenerate your messages.yml file, or add the following lines manually.
    Code (YAML):
    # Sent to players when they try to open an invalid bar
    # %idList% = the list of valid bar IDs
    : "&fThe valid bar IDs are &c%idList%&f."
----------, Jun 7, 2020

  • When a /gamblebar command is used with invalid arguments, the help menu will be displayed.
----------, Jun 6, 2020

If your minecraft server version is 1.12 or higher, use the "GambleBar 1.12 - 1.15.2.jar" file. If your minecraft server version is 1.8 - 1.8.8, use the "GambleBar 1.8" file.
  • If your server version is 1.12 or higher, nothing in this update is new.
  • This plugin now supports Minecraft servers running on 1.8.x versions.
  • The version of this plugin for MC version 1.8 comes with an additional .yml file called "villagers.yml". You should not need to edit this manually. It is only to hold information about the villagers names and which bars they open. Also, for the 1.8 version, each gambler villager will need to have a unique name. Each gambler villager will have an invisible armor stand spawned underneath them, just to keep them in place.
----------, Jun 6, 2020

Added support for 1.12. GambleBarPro v1.2 supports the following MC versions.
  • 1.12
  • 1.12.1
  • 1.12.2
  • 1.13
  • 1.13.1
  • 1.13.2
  • 1.14
  • 1.14.1
  • 1.14.2
  • 1.14.3
  • 1.14.4
  • 1.15
  • 1.15.1
  • 1.15.2
----------, Jun 5, 2020

  • When the "/bar give" command was used, if the drink was invalid the message would be sent to the player receiving the drink, instead of the command sender. This bug is now fixed.
----------, Jun 4, 2020

  • In v1.0 the maximum drink price and reward value was 2,147,483,647. This update simply changed the data types so the maximum drink and reward value is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
----------, Jun 2, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 398
First Release: Jun 1, 2020
Last Update: Jul 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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