✨ GambleBarPro | The Perfect Gambling Solution✨ icon

✨ GambleBarPro | The Perfect Gambling Solution✨ -----

Let players gamble by drinking! | NPCS | Unlimited Bars & Drinks | Vault and PlayerPoints

[NEW] PlayerPoints Support (and Java 17)
  • GambleBarPro now supports the PlayerPoints plugin. You can set each bar to either use your Vault economy or PlayerPoints. (This involves adding some lines to the config and messages.yml).
  • From this version onward, your server must be running Java 17 or higher! About 90% of users already do this.
  • You can either regenerate your config and messages.yml OR add the following lines to the respective files.
In config.yml, add the following
Code (YAML):
# This is the default economy plugin bars will use unless specified in the bar's configuration
# Options: Vault, PlayerPoints
: Vault
Additionally, for each bar, underneath the "title" and "size" fields, you should add this field with the value set to either "Vault" or "PlayerPoints".
Code (YAML):
   economyType : PlayerPoints
Add the following lines to your messages.yml
Code (YAML):
# Sent to a player when they buy a drink with PlayerPoints
# %drink% = drink name, %price% = drink's price
: "&fYou've bought a &c%drink% &ffor &c%price% &fpoints."

# Sent when a player doesn't have enough PlayerPoints to buy a drink
# %drink% = drink name, %price% = drink's price
: "&cSorry, you can't afford the &f%price% &cpoints for a &f%drink%&c."

# Sent when a player wins a drink with PlayerPoints
# %reward% = the amount of $ won
# %drink% = the name of the drink won
: "&eYou've won &f%reward% &epoints from winning a &f%drink%&e!"

# Sent when a player has a super lucky win with PlayerPoints
# %reward% = the amount of $ won
# %drink% = the name of the drink won
: "&eYou've got super lucky and won &f%reward% &epoints from winning a &f%drink%&e!"
----------, Feb 10, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 398
First Release: Jun 1, 2020
Last Update: Jul 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
15 ratings
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Downloads: ------
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