- Drinks can now have cooldowns, meaning a player can only have a GambleBar drink ever x hours, minutes, or seconds. This will require fields being added to the config/message files. There is also now a "cooldowns.yml" file but it does not need to be touched.
Add this to the config.yml
Code (YAML):
# Set this to true if you want the GambleBar cooldown to apply to each drink individually
# Leave it as false if you want the cooldown to apply to ANY/ALL drinks the same.
: false
# This number is how many seconds the cooldown is between a player consuming a GambleBar drink
: 300
And add this to the messages.yml
Code (YAML):
# Sent when a player tries to consume a drink but they are on cooldown
"&c&lSorry&7, you cannot drink this for another &c%time%&7."