Changes: - Patch for the plugin not enabling properly on 1.8 servers
- Added a 1.19+ jar to support a more recent api-version
- Updated NBT support
- Minor optimization
Changes: - Added 1.21 support
- Minor optimization for MySQL
- Potential patch for issue when using RoseStacker
- Updated support for latest versions of PlaceholderAPI, HeadDatabase, and RoseStacker
Changes: - Fixed a major exploit with the fishing system, which allowed players to throw fish anywhere and use a fishing rod to pull the item, which still ran the chance of them receiving gems
- Minor MySQL adjustment to prevent console spam in the rare case it gets disconnect
Changes: - Added Vault support! (see config.yml)
- Fixed the support for 1.20.1 since the last version didn't work properly
- Fixed compatibility with PlaceholderAPI to support the latest versions, which had previously caused placeholders to not work properly for some people
Notes: - I realized I put the second jar name as "1.13" instead of "1.13+" in this update, but the "1.13" version will work on all versions from 1.13 - 1.20.1
Code (Text):
# Set to true, if you wish to use "ElementalGems" as a vault-supported custom currency
vault-hook: false
Changes: - Fixed issue with upgrades, that allowed players to purchase them for free, caused in v1.8.7
- Added support for a "required permission" to receive gems through each applicable drop types (dropRates.yml)
- Added support for a max limit when running the "/gem give" command (This helps prevent against accidentally spawning in too many gems at once) (config.yml)
Code (Text):
amountExceedsMaximum: '{prefix} &cThis amount exceeds the maximum amount allowed. Max: {maxAmount}'
# Maximum amount of gems that can be received using the "/gems give" command. Set to 0 to disable.
# This feature helps prevents your server from crashing from too many entities, if you accidentally give too many gems.
max-gem-give: 10000
Changes: - Added 1.19.3 Support
- Updated all material types in the configs, to support the latest mc versions, by default
- Slightly optimized MySQL handler
Changes: - Corrected an issue which didn't allow the plugin to set the proper gem-starting-balance, when using mysql
- Added Head Database support (To use, set material as 'HDB:id')
- Added the ability to cancel a purchase if a player already has a certain permission (To use, add to the following files)
Code (Text):
purchaseDeniedHasPermission: '{prefix} &cCannot purchase item since you already have access to this reward'
Changes: - Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to throw an error when trying to withdraw more than the set withdraw limit
- Added support for the Gem item to be a player head (material: 'SKULL:Username')
- Added support to disable the gem shop
Code (Text):
shopDisabled: '{prefix} &cThe gem shop is currently unavailable.'
disableGemShop: false #Set to true if you wish to disable the internal gem shop altogether
Changes: - Corrected an issue that caused the plugin to crash the server when an invalid customModelData was set
- Added a withdraw limit feature to limit the amount of gems withdrawn at once
Code (Text):
withdrawLimitReached: '%prefix% &cYou cannot withdraw more than &a%amount% Gems &cat once'
# Limit the amount of gems a player can withdraw at once
withdraw-limit: 2304
Changes: - Fixed a bug when trying to configure the drops for all mob/block type at once, that didn't actually drop anything
- Fixed a syntax error for the * symbol, for the above feature, in the dropRates.yml
Changes: - As requested by my supporters, the %elementalgems_balance_format1% placeholder has been reverted back to %elementalgems_balance_formatted% and %elementalgems_balance_format2% has been changed to %elementalgems_balance_formatted1%
Changes: - Corrected a bug which may have spammed the console with errors
- Added support to edit ALL drop rates of all entity/block types for a specific category, at once, with optional whitelisting for a specific entity/block type (Example below)
- Changed placeholders from %elementalgems_balance_formatted% to %elementalgems_balance_format1%
- Added a new placeholder %elementalgems_balance_format2%. This placeholder will take a value like 100,000 and display it as 100k
Code (Text):
chance: 10
amount: 1
randomAmount: true
supportStacking: false
message: '{prefix} &b{amount}x &agem(s) have been dropped from killing an entity'
Changes: - Corrected a bug which prevented the configuration files from updating properly when running /gems reload
- Corrected a bug which allowed people to send gem payments to others without gems being withdrawn from their account
- Corrected a bug which didn't allow the Gem item to register properly so it would show as a normal emerald
Changes: - Corrected a minor issue that didn't allow hex colors to work in 1.18
- Changed shop purchase-cooldown to milliseconds. (20 milliseconds = 1 second) (Default = 5)
- Added an "upgrade-purchase-cooldown" feature to upgrades.yml (Cooldown in milliseconds) (Default = 10)
Changes: - Slightly optimized gem upgrades
- Added a new subcommand to the "/gems give" and "/gems add" command. Adding "-upgrades" to the end of the command will sync your player's gem upgrade values and calculate the added amount by the amount set in your upgrades.yml (As of right now, the only gem upgrade checked is Fortune)
Alright so here's a fairly large update with lots of optimization and bug fixes for you guys
Changes: - Corrected an issue that caused Major Lag issues when using MySQL with the gem shop
- Optimized the gem shop and upgrade menus to run more smoothly
- Displaying decimal values is now optional. (Can be toggled in the config.yml)
- Decimal values are now supported for drop chances and upgrade activation chances
- MobDeathPatch has now been re-enabled and if enabled in the dropRates.yml file, you should be able to receive gems from certain plugins that handle mobs differently
Code (Text):
enableDecimalValues: false #Set to true if you wish for numbers like "123.45" to be supported when displaying numbers in this plugin
Code (Text):
#Only enable this if you are having trouble receiving gems when killing an entity (mob)
mobDeathPatch: false
Changes: - Added customModelData support for the versions that support it. All items related to ElementalGems are now customizable via this method
Code (Text):
material: EMERALD
damage: 0
glow: true
displayName: '&a&lGem &7(&fRight-Click&7)'
- ''
- '&7Right-Click to add gems to your account'
customModelData: 123456789 #Replace the number with your Custom Model Data number if you wish to use this feature
Changes: - Corrected an issue which caused errors to spam the console for 1.18 servers
- Possible fix for newly introduced memory leakage (Beta) (Join my support discord and let me know if you are having any issues with this)
Changes: - Added new feature/patch to put a cooldown on players when purchasing items from the shop! (Add the following to your config.yml and shops.yml)
- Added new feature/patch to disable gems from being received when breaking a block connected to the ground (Add the following to dropRates.yml)
Code (Text):
onShopCooldown: '{prefix} &cPlease wait to purchase another item!'
Code (Text):
purchase-cooldown: 1 #Cooldown, in seconds, between how long a player must wait to purchase another item. (Cooldown resets when the server or plugin restarts)
Code (Text):
SUGAR_CANE: #Sugarcane
preventFirstBlock: true #Enable this to disable gems from being received from the block connected to the ground. (Recommended for blocks that grow upwards)
Changes: - Added support for 1.17.1
- Download now includes multiple jar files for each supported MC versions (Should fix the issue with certain materials not registering in the gem shop)
Changes: - Added a new "data-save-interval" feature to allow you to customize how often the data gets saved. Add the following to the config.yml:
Code (Text):
#In seconds, set how often the gem data should be saved to the database.yml (1800 = saved every 30 min)
data-save-interval: 1800
- Disabled gems from being crafted into emerald blocks
- Fixed an issue where if the gem item was a block, it was able to be placed on the ground, when redeeming
Changes: - Added new permission: "" (You can ignore if your players already have the "elementalgems.access" permission)
- (
REQUIRED) Added new "Toggleable" feature to disable the option to right-click and redeem gems. Please add the following to your config.yml
Code (Text):
canRedeemGems: true #Set to true to allow players to right-click and redeem gems
Changes: - Added a new "requiredPermission" feature to require the player to have a specific permission in order to purchase an item from the gem shop
- Added a new message to the config.yml
Add to config.yml: purchaseAccessDenied: '{prefix} &cYou do not have permission to purchase this item. Requires: &e{permission}'
Example of where to implement this new feature in your shops.yml:
Changes: - Optimized the gem drop methods
- Corrected an issue where the new "Execution" upgrade would not always attempt to run commands when gems are received
- Added a new "Toggleable". Add the following to the Toggleable section in your config.yml
Code (Text):
enableGemVillagerTrades: false #Set this to true to allow players to use gems in villager menus
Changes: - Added a new Upgrade known as "Execution"! This upgrade will allow you to have any command(s) you desire, to run when a player receives gems!
Changes: - Added the ability to Give/Add gems to a player in silence. (Example: "/Gem give <Player> <Amount> -s")
- Added support for 'WildTools' Harvester Hoes
Note: I have decided to go ahead and extend the sale until December 31st, 2020. Enjoy!
Changes: - Removed some unnecessary code
- Slightly optimized the Gem Top feature
- Added a limited time sale for Black Friday!
(Ends December 1st, 2020)