Alright so here's a fairly large update with lots of optimization and bug fixes for you guys
Changes: - Corrected an issue that caused Major Lag issues when using MySQL with the gem shop
- Optimized the gem shop and upgrade menus to run more smoothly
- Displaying decimal values is now optional. (Can be toggled in the config.yml)
- Decimal values are now supported for drop chances and upgrade activation chances
- MobDeathPatch has now been re-enabled and if enabled in the dropRates.yml file, you should be able to receive gems from certain plugins that handle mobs differently
Code (Text):
enableDecimalValues: false #Set to true if you wish for numbers like "123.45" to be supported when displaying numbers in this plugin
Code (Text):
#Only enable this if you are having trouble receiving gems when killing an entity (mob)
mobDeathPatch: false