✅ 》ElementalGems [1.8-1.20] Gem Shops, Upgrades, Hex Colors & More!《 ✅ icon

✅ 》ElementalGems [1.8-1.20] Gem Shops, Upgrades, Hex Colors & More!《 ✅ -----

The #1 Currency System on the market!

- Added a new "data-save-interval" feature to allow you to customize how often the data gets saved. Add the following to the config.yml:
Code (Text):
#In seconds, set how often the gem data should be saved to the database.yml (1800 = saved every 30 min)
data-save-interval: 1800
- Disabled gems from being crafted into emerald blocks
- Fixed an issue where if the gem item was a block, it was able to be placed on the ground, when redeeming
----------, Jan 12, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 297
First Release: Jul 10, 2020
Last Update: Sep 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
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