✅ 》ElementalGems [1.8-1.20] Gem Shops, Upgrades, Hex Colors & More!《 ✅ icon

✅ 》ElementalGems [1.8-1.20] Gem Shops, Upgrades, Hex Colors & More!《 ✅ -----

The #1 Currency System on the market!

- Added new feature/patch to put a cooldown on players when purchasing items from the shop! (Add the following to your config.yml and shops.yml)
- Added new feature/patch to disable gems from being received when breaking a block connected to the ground (Add the following to dropRates.yml)

Code (Text):
  onShopCooldown: '{prefix} &cPlease wait to purchase another item!'
Code (Text):
purchase-cooldown: 1 #Cooldown, in seconds, between how long a player must wait to purchase another item. (Cooldown resets when the server or plugin restarts)
Code (Text):
  SUGAR_CANE: #Sugarcane
    preventFirstBlock: true #Enable this to disable gems from being received from the block connected to the ground. (Recommended for blocks that grow upwards)
----------, Nov 27, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 297
First Release: Jul 10, 2020
Last Update: Sep 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
22 ratings
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Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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