☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] icon

☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] -----

Schnelles Zerfallen von Blättern / Fast decay of leaves ☄️ Easy to use!

+ added tested support for 1.21

~ fixed bStats metrics

Thank you for over 34.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Jun 13, 2024

~ updated to Java 21

- removed folia-supported: true from the plugin.yml, as Folia or any other multi-threaded server software is and will not be supported

Thank you for over 34.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Jun 6, 2024

+ added drops-enabled option
You can set it to false if you want to disable leaf drops

~ updated bStats metrics

Thank you for over 32.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Apr 28, 2024

+ added support for Spigot version 1.20.5
From now on, only the version(s) mentioned above will be supported!

- dropped support for 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19 and 1.20.4
If you want to use this plugin on those versions, please use this release instead!

Thank you for over 32.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Apr 24, 2024

+ added 1.20 support

Thank you for over 21.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Jun 7, 2023

~ changed the default values inside the config.yml
This makes the config file look more clean. All in all, not much has changed. Only the generic terms of the options have been renamed.

If you use the old config.yml values from prior 1.19_R2, the plugin will not work. Please get the new defaults and tweak them to your liking.

Code (YAML):
#                               #
# Configuration for RHLeafDecay #
#                               #

# You can select specific worlds for using the plugin
#  - 'Included_World'
#  - 'Decay_Only_In_This_World'
: [ ]

# You can also exclude specific worlds
#  - 'Excluded_World'
#  - 'This_World_Will_Be_Ignored'
: [ ]

# Delay in ticks of the break block checks. Minimum is 5!
# default: 8
: 8

# Delay in ticks to check for decaying leaves
# default: 4
: 4

# Enable particles for decaying leaves
: true

# Enable for stepwise leaf decaying (very slow!)
# There will be no random shuffling of the leaves!
: false

# Do you want to have sounds, when leaves are decaying?
: true

# Do you want to hear sounds, when executing commands?
: true

Thank you for over 15.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Oct 12, 2022

~ performance improved significantly thanks to GeekLegend

- removed unssessary code

Thank you for over 12.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Jul 31, 2022

+ added tested support for 1.19

Thank you for over 10.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Jun 8, 2022

+ added the classic one-by-one decay option
Just switch the new config value to true to use it.

Please add this to your config.yml:
Code (YAML):

# [DEU] (Optional) Aktiviert, dass die Blätter einzeln zerfallen (sehr langsam!)
# [ENG] (Optional) Enable one-by-one for stepwise leaf decaying (very slow!)
: false

Thank you for over 7.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!

Have an awesome winter time! :)
----------, Dec 31, 2021

+ added official 1.18 support!! yay!

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!

Have an awesome winter time! :)
----------, Dec 4, 2021

+ added official 1.17 support!! yay!

~ renamed the version number
I shortened the plugins version number from e.g. 1.1.2-1.16_R6 to e.g. 1.17_R1. It helps to keep it simple and also makes it easier to find in the /plugins folder of your spigot server.

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!

Have an awesome summer time! :)
----------, Jun 22, 2021

~ fixed a compatibility issue with Java 11 :coffee:
I removed the last bits of Java 15 compiler. Now it only uses Java 8 once again.

Thanks to XXirs for the notice


However, I will change the Java version to latest, when 1.17 releases, as Java 8 will be unsupported by most software (e.g Paper). Also it is better to use, to get even the most out of the plugins; so keep that in mind!
----------, May 19, 2021

- reverted back to Java 8 :coffee: (JRE 1.8)
It's still referenced to Java 15, but aims back onto Java 8. I've tested it on a separate system with just Java 8 and Paper. All features should now work again. I am sorry for the inconvenience :cry:

Thanks to CroaBeast for the notice:

I hope, that you will still use my plugin :)
----------, May 18, 2021

+ added bstats metrics
+ added mod support (more info below)

~ updated to Java 15 :coffee:
However there is no significant change inside. You do not have to change your Java version at all.
~ updated the config.yml file's description
Code (YAML):
#                               #
# Configuration for RHLeafDecay #
#                               #

# [DEU] Freilassen wenn alle Welten erlaubt sind
# [ENG] Leave empty to allow all worlds
: [ ]

# [DEU] Welten die vom Plugin ausgeschlossen werden
# [ENG] Worlds that will be ignored by the plugin
: [ ]

# [DEU] Verzögerung bei Ticks, um einen abgebauten Block zu prüfen. Muss mindestens 5 sein!
# [ENG] Delay in ticks of the break block checks. Minimum is 5!
: 8

# [DEU] Verzögerung in Ticks, um verfallende Blätter zu prüfen
# [ENG] Delay in ticks to check for decaying leaves
: 4

# [DEU] (Optional) Partikel für Blätter aktivieren
# [ENG] (Optional) Enable particle for decaying leaves
: true

# [DEU] (Optional) Geräusche beim Decay
# [ENG] (Optional) Enable sounds for decaying leaves
: true

Info - mod support

Now compatible with server modifications based on Forge or Fabric, since most mods are based on the code of the normal Minecraft leaves and therefore use the same decay event.
  • Magma (Forge + Spigot/Paper) - [click]
  • Cardboard (Fabric + Spigot/Paper) - [click]
----------, May 16, 2021

+ added 1.16.5 support
----------, Jan 17, 2021

Korrektur der API-Version in der plugin.yml

Ein Update ist nicht notwendig.

Das Plugin hat sich ansonsten grundlegend nicht verändert und funktioniert einwandfrei von 1.13.2 bis 1.16.2 auf Spigot oder Paper! :)
----------, Sep 6, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,380
First Release: Sep 5, 2020
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings