+ added bstats metrics
+ added mod support (more info below)
~ updated to Java 15
However there is no significant change inside. You do not have to change your Java version at all.
~ updated the config.yml file's description
# [DEU] Freilassen wenn alle Welten erlaubt sind # [ENG] Leave empty to allow all worlds OnlyInWorlds: []
# [DEU] Welten die vom Plugin ausgeschlossen werden # [ENG] Worlds that will be ignored by the plugin ExcludeWorlds: []
# [DEU] Verzögerung bei Ticks, um einen abgebauten Block zu prüfen. Muss mindestens 5 sein! # [ENG] Delay in ticks of the break block checks. Minimum is 5! BreakDelay: 8
# [DEU] Verzögerung in Ticks, um verfallende Blätter zu prüfen # [ENG] Delay in ticks to check for decaying leaves DecayDelay: 4
# [DEU] (Optional) Partikel für Blätter aktivieren # [ENG] (Optional) Enable particle for decaying leaves SpawnParticles: true
# [DEU] (Optional) Geräusche beim Decay # [ENG] (Optional) Enable sounds for decaying leaves PlaySound: true
Info - mod support
Now compatible with server modifications based on
Forge or
Fabric, since most mods are based on the code of the normal Minecraft leaves and therefore use the same decay event.