☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] icon

☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] -----

Schnelles Zerfallen von Blättern / Fast decay of leaves ☄️ Easy to use!

1.19_R3 - The Config File Update
~ changed the default values inside the config.yml
This makes the config file look more clean. All in all, not much has changed. Only the generic terms of the options have been renamed.

If you use the old config.yml values from prior 1.19_R2, the plugin will not work. Please get the new defaults and tweak them to your liking.

Code (YAML):
#                               #
# Configuration for RHLeafDecay #
#                               #

# You can select specific worlds for using the plugin
#  - 'Included_World'
#  - 'Decay_Only_In_This_World'
: [ ]

# You can also exclude specific worlds
#  - 'Excluded_World'
#  - 'This_World_Will_Be_Ignored'
: [ ]

# Delay in ticks of the break block checks. Minimum is 5!
# default: 8
: 8

# Delay in ticks to check for decaying leaves
# default: 4
: 4

# Enable particles for decaying leaves
: true

# Enable for stepwise leaf decaying (very slow!)
# There will be no random shuffling of the leaves!
: false

# Do you want to have sounds, when leaves are decaying?
: true

# Do you want to hear sounds, when executing commands?
: true

Thank you for over 15.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used. :love:

As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion here or send me a direct message.

And if you like my this or my other plugins, then please leave a review!
----------, Oct 12, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,429
First Release: Sep 5, 2020
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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