☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] icon

☄️ RHLeafDecay - Fast and smooth leaf decay! [1.20.6-1.21.x] -----

Schnelles Zerfallen von Blättern / Fast decay of leaves ☄️ Easy to use!

Version: 1.21_R1
great plugin, not have problems with using this plugin on server of version 1.21.1
Author's response
Hello :)

Thank you for your kind review!

Best regards,

Version: 1.20_R3
Didn't work for me, Just spammed errors about particle not existing. Might revisit in the future
Author's response

please use 1.20_R3 for 1.20.5/1.20.6. This is also stated in the last update notes.
Your error is because you use this release on a older version like 1.20.4.
If you don't play on 1.20.5+, then please use 1.20_R1 of RHLeafDecay.

Hope I could help you with this.

Have a nice day!

Version: 1.20_R1
Simple, lightweight, and exactly what you're looking for. Happy to share 5 stars!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review!

Version: 1.20_R1
Спасибо, это именно то, что я искал столько времени. Плагин помогает многим игрокам избавиться от ненужного ожидания выпадения листвы.
Author's response
Hi there,

thank you for your kind review! :)
Enjoy using it!

Best regards,

Version: 1.20_R1
Exactly what I searched.
Works like a perfectly smooth!
Author's response
Yay! Nice to hear, that it works for you!
Thank you for your kind review! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.20_R1
muy buen plugin es de todo mi agrado, hace que todo se vea mas estetico .
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review! :)
Have fun!

Best regards,

Version: 1.20_R1
Very good plugin, very practical features, 100% recommended!!!
Author's response
Hi there,

thank you for your kind review! :)
Have a nice day!

Best regards,

Version: 1.19_R3
Very good plugin, dev is friendly, often update the plugin to fix issues or for compatibility, and improved performances by a lot
Author's response
Thank you again for you kind review! ^_^

Version: 1.19_R2
Well made, a good replacement for data packs
and has some nice additional customisability.
Author's response
Thank you very much for you review!

I have established myself with this plugin and I hope, that it will improve many servers out there! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.19_R2
Useful plugin, was searching for an up to date plugin because had some issue with the existing one on bukkit, working great without issues, a lot of options to configure gameplay
Dev optimised it a lot because it consumed some server tick on heavy usage, now it doesn't consume anything, perfect !
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review!

Nice to see that my tweaks helped you :)
I hope to keep you as a loyal user!

Best regards,

Version: 1.19_R1
Hi, a great little plugin, I don't like the leaves hanging in the air when you cut down a tree so it's great with this plugin, thank you!
Author's response
Thank you for you kind review.

I am happy to hear, that this plugin is making your server experience more valuable! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.19_R1
Good plugin! but.. how to set over two worlds?
my English is not good, sorry about that..
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review!

You can configure worlds with the "OnlyInWorlds" option in the config.yml
Just write them as a list (string list).

Hope that helped you!

Best regards,

Version: 1.18_R2
Does what it says on the tin. I use this because I can choose which worlds it works in.
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review and also thank you for using my plugin! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.18_R2
a great plugin to get rid of leaf's as tree's are cut down. works very well on 1.18.2 and I have no complaints what-so-ever! Thank You!
Author's response
Hi there,

thank you for your kind review! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.18_R2
Super Plugin. Sehr hilfreich.

Ich fände vielleicht noch als Feature eine Möglichkeit festzulegen welche Blöcke in der Nähe von Blättern sein dürften, damit dieses Blatt nicht entfernt wird.

Dann wäre das Plugin perfekt.

(Wir haben Custom Bäume mit Zäunen etc. da scheint das Plugin halbe Wälder zu entlauben, weil an diesen Stellen kein Holz ist)
Author's response

danke für Dein Review.
Leider kann ich Deiner Bitte nicht nachkommen.
Custom World Generators und andere Blöcke außer Logs werden vom Spiel nicht als Baum erkannt, deswegen zerfallen diese.

Tut mir sehr leid.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Version: 1.18_R2
This is just the best leaf decay plugin. Smooth animation complimented with sounds and particles makes the decaying process look natural and amazing! 11/10 recommended for those who are looking for a quick leaf decay plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for your very kind review!
I am so happy, that you enjoy it! ^^

Version: 1.18_R2
Perfect with this plugin you let your player to chop the wood and then the leaf's drops fast. Keep the good work and keep it UP TO DATE!
Author's response
Hey there,

thank you for your kind review! It makes me happy to see that users like my plugin! :)

Best regards,

Version: 1.18_R1
Works great! I've been using it on my swedish server (ip: limitlessminecraft.se) and will continue to do so. I highly recommend this plugin!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review! I am happy, that you and your playerbase are enjoying it!

Have a nice day and happy new year! ^_^/

Version: 1.17_R1
Einfach Super, funktioniert einwandfrei. Hoffe wird lange erhalten bleiben :) Gute Arbeit
Author's response
Vielen lieben Dank für Dein Review!

Es freut mich, dass es Dir gefällt. :)
Und natürlich werde ich das Plugin auch weiterhin supporten und Updaten.

Version: 1.17_R1
Ein sehr gutes Plugin.
Nutze es auf meinen SMP Server.
Die Spieler lieben es.

Ich nutze auch noch RHEasyCrops.
Author's response
Vielen lieben Dank für Dein Review!

Schön zu sehen, dass das Plugin gut ankommt. ^_^/

Version: 1.17_R1
My friend wanted a leaf decay plugin for the server and this one is simple and it works great so far. Running on Paper 1.17.1
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review! :)
I am happy to see, that it works out for your server.

Version: 1.17_R1
Does exactly what it says it does have no issues (yet) what so ever in 1.17.1 Paper great light plugin with easy config! :)
Author's response
Thank you for your kind 5-star review! ^_^/

Version: 1.17_R1
Simple plugin we use with friends for a long time already. Always worked like a charm. Happy to see it's getting updated!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review! :)
I am happy, that you like my plugin.

Have a nice day! ^_^/

Version: 1.1.1-1.16_R5
Gotta say, it works. I'm gonna delete my old rating as soon as you reply this one. Thanks to take the time to fix it.
Author's response
Thank you again for your kind review.

I am happy, that I could help :)
Also, thanks to you for noticing. That could've gone wrong, haha.

However I hope you will use this (and maybe my other plugins) in the future, and RHLeafDecay made your Minecraft server experience a little bit more comfortable.

Have a nice day, and stay safe! ^_^/

Version: 1.1.0-1.16_R4
Hello, I don't want to be that guy living a bad review for no reason.
I'm advasing you that the new version cannot run in Java 8, 11 or 13 Enviroment.
Don't worry, I would change this rating. Just check that out. Only runs in Java 15 and more.
Author's response
Thanks you for your review.

I've checked it and you were right. I am sorry, for making the mistake.
I've posted an update for the fix. It should work now; tested it on a separate machine just running Java 8 and Paper.

Here is the update: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/rhleafdecay-fast-and-smooth-leaf-decay-1-13-2-1-16-5.83581/update?update=403355

Have a nice day! :)

Version: 1.0.2-1.16_R3
RHLeafDecay is really really really really really really really really really really Good
Author's response
Thank you for your nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice review! :3

Version: 1.0.1-1.16.2
Works withour any issues on 16.3 too!
This plugin is really needed. Good work!
Author's response
Thank you for your kind words and rating! ^_^/

Version: 1.0.1-1.16.2
Very helpfull Plugin. It works perfectly on 1.16.2 (Paper) =)
Searching for this a long Time :)
Great Work !
Author's response
Danke für dein Lob und deine Bewertung! :)

Thank you for your praise and your rating! :)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 45,380
First Release: Sep 5, 2020
Last Update: Jun 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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