CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue amongst paper-spigot users that would cause the plugin to not load correctly on 1.20+ due to an issue with the NBTEditor library. The older version was being cached in the maven project and was not being imported properly.
This was causing startup errors amongst some users. This has been resolved.
The next update will contain support for ExecutableItems
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue amongst paper-spigot users that would cause the plugin to not load correctly on versions 1.16-1.18 due to the RecipeBookCategory class not existing between these versions.
CHANGE LOG: ADDED blast furnace recipe converter (MC >= 1.14)
ADDED smoker recipe converter (MC >= 1.14)
ADDED anvil recipe converter
ADDED support for custom 'ItemsAdder' and 'MythicMobs' items as recipe ingredients & results (i.e itemsadder:bedrockpickaxe).
ADDED ExactChoice for MC versions >= 1.14
Ingredients will require a precise match. Anvil renaming will not work. If identifier is set on the ingredient, ExactChoice will use that recipeSimilar to how it is setup now
ADDED vanilla recipe book support (MC >= 1.14)
If the player lacks crafting perms, they will not discover/will undiscover the recipe.Auto-Discover option when joining server
ADDED vanilla cooking book support (MC >= 1.14)
Same stipulations as the above recipe book.
ADDED command to undiscover/discover recipes manually (see /edititem) (MC >= 1.14)
ADDED corresponding features to the public API
ADDED support for different potion types for potion recipes
FIXED an issue with ItemsAdder items not being registered as recipe results.
FIXED an issue with AmountDeduction failures on some recipes, which was a result of an incorrect variable usage from switching over to an API.
FIXED an issue with the furnace converter recipes.
# Should this recipe use precise ItemStacks and show up in the vanilla recipe book?
# Does not work on versions < 1.14
Exact-Choice: true
# Defines whether the recipe will show in the vanilla recipe book upon joining the server
# If set to false, it will be discoverable once crafted
# If the player lacks permission, it will not show
Auto-Discover-Recipe: true
# CookingBookCategory (BLOCKS, FOOD, MISC)
# Category recipe is to be shown in the recipe book
Book-Category: 'MISC'
Visit the wiki
here for more information. Please report any issues on our discord and let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you!
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDa /cr reload issue that occurred in minecraft versions 1.12-1.15. The issue stemmed from NamespacedKey#fromString not existing between those versions, and the recipe API was throwing an error.
FIXEDan issue discovered in 1.21.3 that stemmed from the NBTEditor library being outdated. This has been updated and the start-up error has been fixed.
ADDED an option to have spawners as recipe results, or ingredient identifiers. To set the spawner type you will utilize 'Custom-Tags' in the recipe file. Make sure you set the recipe type to SPAWNER. See below
Code (Text):
- path:
- SpawnerID
value: Zombie
These issues did not affect versions 1.8-1.21.2. Thank you for reporting
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue that was causing players to not be able to join their server after installing CustomRecipes. It would give them a DecoderException error. This was observed on Purpur 1.21.1, but it may have affected different versions and APIs as well.
The issue was based on the client only supporting enchants up to level 255; however, the generated recipe files attempted enchants at level 300. I have updated the default recipe files to have enchants of 255 to fix this issue.
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue related to removing the 'Name' section in a recipe file. Although the recipe was crafting and functioning properly, there was some errors being dumped to console.
CHANGE LOG: ADDED support for
ItemsAdder for the recipe result.
ADDED crafting cooldown for recipes
ADDED an entire recipe API for developers. Recoded CR to utilize the API rather than the configuration. The API can be found
here. ADDED ability to add custom item nbt tags. Allows for custom colors of leather armor, attribute modifiers in older versions such as attackDamage or attackSpeed, etc.
ADDED 'disable-all-vanilla' to the blacklisted.yml for disabling all recipes
FIXEDissue with EcoEnchants not applying to item. To apply custom enchants, just put the corresponding enchant plugin as an argument (i.e: ecoenchants:snipe:1 or excellentenchants).
FIXEDissue with console errors when attacking other entities
FIXEDissue with vanilla recipes not working as intended.
FIXED issue with placeholder parsing
FIXED issue with the yml files not parsing on first load, causing console errors.
& a few other minor fixes.
The update has been tested. I have made minimal changes to the GUI and you can expect it to be released in the next update. I have a ton of more features planned and you can find more info on our discord channel.
If you encounter any issues please let me know.
Thank you!
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue related to the NBTEditor util in the EffectsManager and BlockManager classes that prevented these features from working properly
An error would throw if attacking an entity with the custom item equipped. ORGANIZEDclasses into packages for better organization
OtherDrops has implemented NameSpacedKeys, which now allows CR items to be used as entity and block drops! Download the beta here.
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDthe recipe amount variable to default to 1 if the string is not found in the recipe.yml. With the new update, HavenBag.yml was throwing an error because it was missing the "Amount: 1" string.
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDsupport for
HavenBags by Valorless
In collaboration with Valorless, we have made CustomRecipes & HavenBags support each other!
Wiki information can be found here, it explains how to create bags using CR.
With this integrated support, you can customize your recipe to make a haven-bag. Supports all the usual stuff (cmd, amount requirements, etc).
The template is generated by default by the plugin. It can also be found in the wiki.
Tested in 1.17+
ADDEDthe xEnchantment utility to perform cross-checks across enchantment enums and running server version.
FIXED an issue with the shift-click listener that was causing incorrect amount deductions (only affected
1.8 as far as I know).
No configuration changes required ** Includes fixes for 1.8 **
CHANGE LOG: CHANGEDthe mechanism of recipe removals. This should allow support for other plugins and stop any conflicts from occurring.
ADDED an exception catch incase duplicate keys are found
FIXED an issue that was occurring while using the pufferfish API
FIXED an issue with the recipes folder not generating correctly.
It is recommended that you update to this version ** Includes fixes for paper 1.20 **
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDeco enchants support (
here) (untested)
FIXEDan issue occurring in version 1.20.4
CHANGEDspigot API version built against.
UPDATEDNBT arguments for CR book that was causing issues
CR has been converted to a maven project to allow better flexibility when supporting other plugins and using utilities.
(changes tested in spigot/paper 1.8.8, 1.12, 1.20, and 1.21, but still supports all versions after 1.7)
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue that prevented CR from running properly on 1.19 & 1.20 with an error displayed in console (#
FIXEDa duplication glitch with amount requirement deductions (
#55 and
UPDATED the debug code throughout to make it easier to decipher UPDATED a mechanism to boost performance a bit.
There is a known issue with the 1.19 & 1.20 API that is causing issues with the amount requirement feature. For the time being, item flags (i.e HideEnchants) are to be avoided if your recipe requires more than 1 ingredient amount ** Update - Issue has been resolved
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue with furnace recipes not correctly reading the configuration, causing some errors. I also updated it so that when an issue is found within, it skips to the next recipe rather than halting.
Thank you for reporting your issues and for using CustomRecipes!
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue in older versions of MC, like 1.8, that would prevent custom recipes from crafting. Find the issue
here. FIXED an issue occurring in 1.20 that was a result of an outdated API. Find the issue
here. ADDED the ability to create furnace and stonecutter recipes. You must specify the converter type in your recipe file; the file should only have one ingredient for it to work. See below.
Changes tested in 1.8 and 1.20. It is assumed to work in versions in between. As always, if you encounter any issues please open a ticket
I have been extremely busy lately, but I will attend to any game-breaking bugs. I have a ton of stuff on my to-do list that I will be getting to shortly after finals. Thank you for your patience!
Thank you Poikilos for the new recipe features. NOTE: Reupload due to configuration issue.
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue in older versions of MC, like 1.8, that would prevent custom recipes from crafting. Find the issue
here. FIXED an issue occurring in 1.20 that was a result of an outdated API. Find the issue
here. ADDED the ability to create furnace and stonecutter recipes. You must specify the converter type in your recipe file; the file should only have one ingredient for it to work. See below.
Changes tested in 1.8 and 1.20. It is assumed to work in versions in between. As always, if you encounter any issues please open a ticket
I have been extremely busy lately, but I will attend to any game-breaking bugs. I have a ton of stuff on my to-do list that I will be getting to shortly after finals. Thank you for your patience!
Thank you Poikilos for the new recipe features. NOTE: Reupload due to configuration issue.
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue in older versions of MC, like 1.8, that would prevent custom recipes from crafting. Find the issue
here. FIXED an issue occurring in 1.20 that was a result of an outdated API. Find the issue
here. ADDED the ability to create furnace and stonecutter recipes. You must specify the converter type in your recipe file; the file should only have one ingredient for it to work. See below.
Changes tested in 1.8 and 1.20. It is assumed to work in versions in between. As always, if you encounter any issues please open a ticket
I have been extremely busy lately, but I will attend to any game-breaking bugs. I have a ton of stuff on my to-do list that I will be getting to shortly after finals. Thank you for your patience!
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDsupport for the use of custom enchantments on custom items. Currently, support is for the AdvancedEnchantments plugin. If you would like to see integrated support for other custom enchantment plugins please submit a feature request here. FIXED an issue with recipes not listening to ingredient requirements or amount requirements that occurred amongst a couple of users.
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDthe ability to have a recipe be disabled in specific worlds! After downloading this update you will find a new section labeled "Disabled-Worlds" in each of your recipe files. The suggestion can be found here.
This is not case sensitive and you can add as many worlds as you would like.
The message and action are configurable and can be found in the blacklisted.yml file under the section - "recipe-disabled-message:"
ENHANCED the recipe booklet so that you can now view how to craft custom ingredients within the custom recipes! Simply click on the custom ingredient inside of the custom item to view how to craft it. ENHANCED the recipe booklet so that it now saves the last menu you had open! For example, clicking the back button in a recipe viewing will return you back to the page you were at before you opened it instead of defaulting to page 1. FIXEDan issue with only one result being set while crafting two very similar recipes. The issue can be found here. FIXEDan issue with an entityDamage error related to trident throwing in newer versions.
Recipe booklet category organizations.
CustomRecipes GUI integration
Rankup plugin requirement addons.
Support for other types of recipes (i.e furnace, smelting, etc)
Thank you for using CustomRecipes! This new feature(s) will be added to the wiki soon. If you have any questions, suggestions, or issues you can open a ticket here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
CHANGE LOG: FIXED an issue with the incorrect item result being displayed while crafting as a result of the previous update.
FIXED the order in which items get added to the server in order to stop the custom items from overriding vanilla recipes.
FIXED an issue with custom recipes with the same results not appearing on the recipe list or recipe booklet.
Any issues please let me know and thank you for reporting this! Refer
here for more information on this issue.
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDan issue with the placeable checks still allowing placement of blocks with stacked items (
Issue 16).
ADDED support for PlaceholderAPI in the lore of your custom items. The placeholders are parsed upon completing a valid crafting matrix in the crafting table. I have implemented it into the recipe booklet as well. This is just the beginning 'beta' version as I plan on expanding this to something more. ADDED custom placeholders via PlaceholderAPI to be used in holograms and other locations. More will be added soon.
If you have any suggestions as far as placeholders go, please let me know.
Other placeholders are found
here. Current placeholders: (recipeName is replaced with the name of your recipe (likely the file name)) (slot is replaced with the slot (1-9) in the crafting table)
Returns the material of the ingredient in the specified slot: - %customrecipes_recipeName_ingredient_slot% Returns the name of the ingredient in the specified slot: - %customrecipes_recipeName_ingredient_name_slot% Returns the required amount of the ingredient in the specified slot: - %customrecipes_recipeName_ingredient_amount_slot% Returns the identifier of the ingredient in the specified slot: - %customrecipes_recipeName_ingredient_identifier_slot%
CHANGE LOG: ADDED'Placeable:' string into recipes files. Set to false if you would like this block to not be able to be placed down. Can be useful for "quest items" or similar things (Refer Here). ADDED 'No-Perm-Place' string into config file to set a configurable message to a player when they place a block that shouldn't be placed. Set to none or remove if you do not want a message. ADDED console message that displays the number of recipes that were successfully loaded. There is one that is printed by the server (shows incorrect #) that I cannot remove, so this should clear some confusion (Issue #13). FIXED a bug in 1.8 that was causing console errors when damaging other players. (Issue #15).
Coming this week:
PlaceholderAPI support that will allow placeholders in item NBT and will add new placeholders that can be used in other portions of your server.
CHANGE LOG: ADDED'Placeable:' string into recipes files. Set to false if you would like this block to not be able to be placed down. Can be useful for "quest items" or similar things (Refer Here). ADDED console message that displays the number of recipes that were successfully loaded. There is one that is printed by the server that I cannot remove, so this should clear some confusion (Issue #13). FIXED a bug in 1.8 that was causing console errors when damaging other players. (Issue #15).
Coming this week:
PlaceholderAPI support that will allow placeholders in item NBT and will add new placeholders that can be used in other portions of your server.
CHANGE LOG: FIXED an issue that was brought to my attention regarding amount deductions with recipes utilizing identifiers in the ingredients. It was bugging and deducting the incorrect amount while crafting.
Issue #9 by MummieSenpai has been resolved. Issue #10 by MummieSenpai has been resolved.
This issue has been resolved in this update. If any new problems become apparent, or if you have any issues or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. I apologize for any inconvenience!
CHANGE LOG: FIXED color codes not being supported for the item ingredients in the recipe book GUI.
FIXEDthe recipe book GUI ignoring the ingredient identifiers.
Both issues have been fixed and tested. The recipe booklet should be working as expected now. Refer to
this issue in regard to this update. Thank you for reporting this issue!
Let me know if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues!
CHANGE LOG: FIXED color codes not being supported for the item ingredients in the recipe book GUI.
FIXEDthe recipe book GUI ignoring the ingredient identifiers.
Both issues have been fixed and tested. The recipe booklet should be working as expected now. Refer to
this issue in regard to this update. Thank you for reporting this issue!
Let me know if you have any suggestions or encounter any issues!
CHANGE LOG: ADDED'override-recipes' option in the blacklisted.yml. This will work even if blacklist-recipes is set to false. This works by disabling a vanilla recipe completely in case you decide you want to modify how it is crafted. This won't send a disabled-recipe message and completely removes the recipe mapping from the server so you can make your own.
Blacklisting a recipe listens for the result while crafting, triggering any response or messages to the player, while overriding a recipe completely removes the recipe key from the server which allows you to "change" how a vanilla recipe is crafted.
The override recipes option utilizes material ENUMS. It will attempt to locate the crafting table recipe based on the result you have provided, if one can not be found, it will let you know in the console. It is a list, so you can add as many as you want.
Code (Text):
-> in the blacklisted.yml file
override-recipes: # add vanilla material here if you plan on changing how you craft it
ADDED trident throwing effects. If you are holding a trident in your off-hand and you also have a custom item in your main hand that has an effect, the trident will apply the effect to the entity it hits. FIXEDshields not blocking item effects.
No manual configuration changes are needed, all changes are handled internally. You will see the override-recipes option in the blacklisted.yml upon restart.
Any questions about this update, issues, or future suggestions please let me know, thank you!
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDsupport for the new material enums that have been released with the MC 1.20.x release.
The suggestions given will be added tomorrow. I appreciate your patience and thank you for using CR. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions feel free to contact me!
CHANGE LOG: ADDED/crecipe book ( This will show a GUI of all of the recipes the player has permission to craft, including how to craft these recipes. Basically a little guide so it is easier to remember how to craft these custom recipes.
ADDED item-flag into the recipe files. A list of item-flags can be found
here. This will allow you to hide attributes and more on any custom item you desire.
FIXED effects not working when the custom item was altered. Has been tested and resolved. Thank you for reporting this issue!
NO manual changes are needed. You will see the item-flag section appear in your recipe file upon restart. I have provided the link above for your convenience. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please let me know!
CHANGE LOG: FIXEDa small issue with shapeless recipes that had display names not working while crafting. Accidentally overlooked a small portion of code. I apologize for this.
FIXEDan issue with effects not working in newer updates.
Both issues have been resolved and tested. If you encounter any issues please bring it to my attention using one of the ways on the main page and it will be looked into.
If you are enjoying Custom-Recipes, please consider leaving a review! Thank you!
CHANGE LOG: ADDEDsupport for spigot/paper 1.20 to custom recipes. Previously, the plugin would load; however, none of the metadata was being applied to the custom recipes. This fix is backward compatible, meaning it doesn't break previous spigot/paper versions. Refer
FIXED an issue with shapeless recipes that were causing the result to be set to a similar shapeless recipe that had the same ingredient(s).
Both issues have been tested and confirmed to work. I apologize for the wait on this fix. If you encounter any issues or bugs, please report them using one of the ways explained on the main page.
Minecraft 1.20 is here and CR is FULLY functional on old/new versions. There are no breakages that have occurred.
CHANGE LOG: ADDED a message to be sent when someone does /cr list and there are no valid recipes.
ADDEDconsole messages for when there is an issue related to adding a recipe.
FIXEDthe server having an issue when the 'Item-Damage' section was removed in one of the recipe files. This was intended to be removable and now it is.
CHANGED a portion of code to allow continuation of adding in recipes even when one encounters an error. It previously didn't do this and broke all of the other recipes when one had an issue.
No configuration changes are needed, all are internal. This is just a small patch to minimize support inquiries related to the same issue. Thank you for using CustomRecipes
As always, if you have any issues feel free to reach out to me for resolution!
CHANGE LOG: FIXED an issue that happened periodically (can't replicate and find the cause) that would spit an error into the console and sometimes(?) cause custom items to disappear from your inventory.
ADDED debug code that specifies the specific recipe file and material that is having trouble parsing/grabbing materials from. This will hopefully help clear up any confusion related to why a recipe won't load.
PM me with any issues or suggestions. PM me your server IP to get added to the front page. Please consider leaving a review if you enjoy this free resource!
CHANGE LOG: ADDED the ability to run the custom recipe commands from console (i.e /cr reload). This was previously prohibited from console. FIXED an issue with the recipe blacklist check that was causing issues with crafting and spitting an error into the console.
Thank you to Valorless for reporting this discovery!
Please consider leaving a review if you like using CR!
PM me your server IP to get added to the main page
CHANGE LOG: ADDED'Ignore-Model-Data' boolean into recipe files in case you decide you want to consider model data, but ignore all other aspects of meta data.
ADDEDthe option to choose whether or not buckets get consumed or emptied, and this applies to all buckets. Add the argument 'Consume-Bucket: false' if you would like it to empty instead of consume.
ADDEDtab completion for eligible versions
FIXEDdupe glitch that was discovered while crafting items. It is highly recommended that you update so that this exploit is not discovered and used.
FIXEDan issue with /cr debug not updating the configuration.
CHANGED the identifiers back to how they were before. This is mainly internal, but it did fix some mismatch issues. Now, if you set an ingredient to have an 'Identifier' based off of any other custom items, it will directly compare the item stack.
(!) You DO NOT need to make any manual changes. (!)
Code (Text):
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered as a requirement for crafting
Ignore-Model-Data: false # Whether or not you want model data to be considered even if ignore-data is set to true
Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :).
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Replace with [] if none wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, replace with [] if not wanted. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Replace with [] if not wanted.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
E: # E is the letter I picked for emerald
Material: EMERALD # Material ENUM
Identifier: none # Set to custom recipe 'identifier' to use a custom item as an ingredient
Amount: 1 # Amount required in one slot to craft
Name: 'Emerald Essence' # Supports color codes
Material: IRON_INGOT
Identifier: none
Amount: 1
Name: 'Iron Essence'
Attribute: []
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Custom-Model-Data: none
# Custom model data for texture packs. Only on MC 1.14+!
In this update, I have completely restructured and recoded the logic to make it easier to manage and keep up with future updates. I have done extensive testing to allow for the best possible experience. This update is a pretty large update, so read it carefully, thank you!
HUGETHANKS to Valorless for assisting with this update and testing/reporting issues
CHANGE LOG: ADDED version checks for attribute modifiers and custom model data so it no longer throws errors ADDED the ability to set and require ingredient amounts. I have implemented checks that detect whether or not the amounts of your ingredients match what is set in your recipe. Works for both shift and non-shift clicks. ADDEDan identifier string as an option for ingredients. This overrides the material and display name field. This will pull the exact itemstack of a different custom item if you choose to utilize this. The identifier should match the 'Identifier' string of the recipe you would like to use as a required ingredient. Example shown below. ADDED pages to /cr list for organization. This will display in alphabetical order and will show 6 recipes per page. Pages are dependent on how many recipes are active. SEPARATED the recipes that are originally stored in the config.yml into their own files located in a 'recipes' folder. CHANGEDthe formatting for the recipes. MOVED the messages.yml into the config.yml
(!) You DO NOTneed to make any manual changes. I have implemented a mechanism to convert the recipes into their own files and to convert the formatting for you. (!)
Code (Text):
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered as a requirement for crafting
Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :).
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Replace with [] if none wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, replace with [] if not wanted. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Replace with [] if not wanted.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
E: # E is the letter I picked for emerald
Material: EMERALD # Material ENUM
Identifier: none # Set to custom recipe 'identifier' to use a custom item as an ingredient
Amount: 1 # Amount required in one slot to craft
Name: 'Emerald Essence' # Supports color codes
Material: IRON_INGOT
Identifier: none
Amount: 1
Name: 'Iron Essence'
Attribute: []
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Custom-Model-Data: none
# Custom model data for texture packs. Only on MC 1.14+!
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.7 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# For MC 1.14+ add 'Custom-Model-Data: INT' to your recipe for utilization #
# For MC 1.12+ you can use attribute modifiers #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# Attributes: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
firstLoad: true # internally managed do not remove
Debug: false
Update-Check: true
Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename> [amount])'
Invalid-Perms: '&cYou are not allowed to use this command!'
Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
Reloading: '&cReloading.. please wait'
Reload: '&aSuccessfully reloaded Custom Recipes!'
enabled: true
message: '&4You are not allowed to craft this item!'
enabled: true
close-inventory: true
message: '&cYou must be a donor to craft this recipe!'
Add-Recipe: '&cPlease type the display name of the recipe you would like to add!'
Recipe-Capture: '&cCaptured desired new recipe name! Opening menu..'
Title: '&e%recipe% (ADDING RECIPE)'
Open-Sound: CLICK
Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager - Page %page%'
All necessary changes will be handled internally, so no action is needed on your end. Please enjoy the new features and let me know if you encounter any issues or bugs. Thank you!
ADDED a boolean in the config.yml that allows you to configure whether or not you want your recipe to ignore meta-data in ingredients.
ADDED a boolean in the config.yml that allows you to configure whether or not you want your recipe to be custom-tagged with NBT data (prevents anvil renaming)
Both of the new strings are as follows:
Code (Text):
Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered
Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.5.9 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# For MC 1.14+ add 'Custom-Model-Data: INT' to your recipe for utilization #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# Attributes: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered
Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :). Remove if not needed. Tags item with NBT tag.
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Replace with [] if none wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, replace with [] if not wanted. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Replace with [] if not wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:EMERALD:1:Emerald Essence' # E Stands for emerald.
- 'I:IRON_INGOT:1:Iron Essence' # I Stands for iron ingot.
# Attribute:
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Enabled: true
Item-Damage: 'none'
Amount: 1
Shapeless: true
Identifier: 'CURSED_SWORD'
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedsword'
Name: '&eCursed Sword'
- '&fThe Cursed Sword'
- 'POISON:20:2'
Hide-Enchants: true
- 'DDD'
- 'XPX'
- 'XPX'
- 'D:DIAMOND:1:Diamond Shrine'
- 'P:OAK_PLANKS:1:Wooden Board'
NOTE: Keeping 'Custom-Tagged' turned on does add an NBT tag to your recipe, which may result in this item not being able to stack with regular vanilla items. Turn to false to resolve this issue.
ADDED equipment slot argument to the attribute modifier in the config.
FIXED the NBT tag that stopped vanilla recipe results from stacking.
Remove the 'identifier' section in the configuration to resolve this. Set 'Custom-Tagged' to false.
FIXED the way the configuration sections were checked. Most strings can be completely removed now in the config, except for string lists.
I will be fully implementing ingredient amounts soon as well as finishing the GUI. This will likely cause a need for a restructure of my code, which will be done as well. Please be patient as I am pretty busy as of now.
Thank you and let me know what you guys think.
Code (Text):
# Attribute:
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.5.8 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# For MC 1.14+ add 'Custom-Model-Data: INT' to your recipe for utilization #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# Attributes: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :). Remove if not needed. Tags item with NBT tag.
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Replace with [] if none wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, replace with [] if not wanted. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Replace with [] if not wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:EMERALD:1:Emerald Essence' # E Stands for emerald.
- 'I:IRON_INGOT:1:Iron Essence' # I Stands for iron ingot.
# Attribute:
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Enabled: true
Item-Damage: 'none'
Amount: 1
Shapeless: true
Identifier: 'CURSED_SWORD'
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedsword'
Name: '&eCursed Sword'
- '&fThe Cursed Sword'
- 'POISON:20:2'
Hide-Enchants: true
- 'DDD'
- 'XPX'
- 'XPX'
- 'D:DIAMOND:1:Diamond Shrine'
- 'P:OAK_PLANKS:1:Wooden Board'
ADDEDthe option to add attribute modifiers to your custom items. This feature does not come by default and must be added into your item manually per the config. Details are found below. You must do research on how to do this, but it should allow you to add specific attack damage, generic armor, etc.
I have not tested this feature and I think I have implemented it correctly. If you have any issues with it, please PM me and let me know. I will be more than happy to assist.
ADDEDan API to CustomRecipes as a feature for a plugin that I should be releasing soon to utilize custom items in other plugins. API details upon request.
Thank you. Any problems or questions should be mentioned via PM or the discussion tab. I also appreciate reviews!
Add the field below to your custom recipe to utilize the attribute feature:
Code (Text):
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.5.7 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# For MC 1.14+ add 'Custom-Model-Data: INT' to your recipe for utilization #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# Attributes: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :)
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Remove section if no lore wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, remove section if not needed. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:EMERALD:1:Emerald Essence' # E Stands for emerald.
- 'I:IRON_INGOT:1:Iron Essence' # I Stands for iron ingot.
# Custom-Model-Data: '1010'
Enabled: true
Item-Damage: 'none'
Amount: 1
Shapeless: true
Identifier: 'CURSED_SWORD'
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedsword'
Name: '&eCursed Sword'
- '&fThe Cursed Sword'
- 'POISON:20:2'
Hide-Enchants: true
- 'DDD'
- 'XPX'
- 'XPX'
- 'D:DIAMOND:1:Diamond Shrine'
- 'P:OAK_PLANKS:1:Wooden Board'
FIXED item effects not working if the item name didn't match the recipe name. ADDED bStats statistics util to view plugin-related statistics. Toggle this setting in the bStats folder. ADDED the ability to set custom model data to your recipe results.
This is NOT generated in the config.yml automatically and is only available for MC 1.14 and NEWER!
To take advantage of this feature you MUST add the following to your recipe in your config.yml Custom-Model-Data: 'INT' (where INT is replaced with your model data).
FIXED an issue when attempting to reload the plugin in-game and added a configurable message to messages.yml which can be found below.
FIXED an issue when making changes to the recipe name followed by a reload. It was duplicating the list of active recipes when using /crecipe list.
Add the line below to your messages.yml inside the 'Messages:' section
ADDED shapeless recipes. In the config, change your recipe to be shapeless! You are able to craft your recipe in any given order to create a result
ADDED enhancements for checking item materials. This allows the implementation of previous version materials to still work on newer versions. If anything is wrong, it will print to the console.
ADDED custom NBT tags to stop players from simply renaming materials in an anvil! This is also an option labeled "Identifier" in the config!
ADDED the command /edititem key [key] to add the nbt tag to your item in hand for testing purposes (in case you wanted to test it using an anvil yourself)
ADDED an optional chat and action bar message that is triggered when someone attempts to craft an item for which they do not have the required permission.
FIXED the update checker still printing notifications even if it was disabled in the config.
SEPARATED the message configurations from being stored with the recipes
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.5 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
CursedPick: # This must match the item name minus "&" or spaces. Without doing so, your item effects will NOT work!
Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :)
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Remove section if no lore wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, remove section if not needed. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
- 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:EMERALD:1:Emerald Essence' # E Stands for emerald.
- 'I:IRON_INGOT:1:Iron Essence' # I Stands for iron ingot.
Enabled: true
Item-Damage: 'none'
Amount: 1
Shapeless: true
Identifier: 'CURSED_SWORD'
Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedsword'
Name: '&eCursed Sword'
- '&fThe Cursed Sword'
- 'POISON:20:2'
Hide-Enchants: true
- 'DDD'
- 'XPX'
- 'XPX'
- 'D:DIAMOND:1:Diamond Shrine'
- 'P:OAK_PLANKS:1:Wooden Board'
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Debug: false
Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename> [amount])'
Invalid-Perms: '&cYou are not allowed to use this command!'
Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
Reload: '&aSuccessfully reloaded Custom Recipes!'
Update-Check: true
enabled: 'true'
message: '&4You are not allowed to craft this item!'
enabled: 'true'
message: '&cYou must be a donor to craft this recipe!'
Add-Recipe: '&cPlease type the display name of the recipe you would like to add!'
Recipe-Capture: '&cCaptured desired new recipe name! Opening menu..'
Title: '&e%recipe% (ADDING RECIPE)'
Open-Sound: CLICK
Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager - Page %page%'
I am sorry for the wait on this fix. I had to recode some sections, add version checks, add NameSpacedKeys to newer versions, and implement checks for different things. This update has been tested in both paper and regular spigot. Versions 1.8.x to 1.19.x. If you have any issues with anything at all please please please feel free to PM me with your issues or concerns as I keep this up to date.
ADDED debug mode to help diagnose issues within the plugin (/crecipe debug)
ADDED official support for paper spigot
ADDED material checks and null checks that will log into the console if issues are found with material IDs.
ADDED help page (/crecipe)
ADDED update checker for custom recipes. This notification upon joining (only for OPs) can be toggled in the config.
ADDED namedspacekey identifier for your recipes in the config for spigot 1.12+. This is NOT an NBT and is simply an identifier for your recipes.
ADDED recipe list (/crecipe list) which shows all custom recipes currently active
FIXED errors within the code for newer versions
FIXED display name check and fixed spaghetti code =-)
permissions are as follows:
Custom Recipes was built using spigot 1.8. You are required to update your material in one of the configs for the plugin to function properly for newer versions. If this is needed, you will see the following message in console:
FIXED a small bug within the code that was disabling the plugin.
REMINDER on newer MC versions you MUST update your item ID using either ENUMS or updated IDs as well as the SOUNDS.
Thank you for using customrecipes. Should you encounter any issues please PM me or use the discussion tab.
ADDED the ability to disable vanilla recipes. Upon updating the plugin, a new config will appear called "blacklisted". Here you can add vanilla recipes (USE ITEM ENUM) to disable. You can also define specific permissions instead of just simply disabling that recipe for everyone on the server. Remove the entire permission section if it is not needed. You may define messages either in chat or via the action bar to send them a notice if they can not craft the disabled recipe.
ADDED invalid-perms section in the config
REPLACED permission crecipe.admin with crecipe.reload (/crecipe reload) and crecipe.give (/crecipe give)
FIXED a bug that disabled every vanilla recipe upon using /crecipe reload
FIXED a duplicate invalid permissions message
REMINDER: You must make sure the sounds defined in the config correspond with your server version or you WILL get errors and the plugin will NOT work correctly.
Code (Text):
# #
# #
blacklist-recipes: true
enabled: 'true'
message: '&4You are not allowed to craft this item!'
enabled: 'true'
message: '&cYou must be a donor to craft this recipe!'
# item ID for soup
# permission will then be crecipe.soup in order to craft this vanilla recipe. remove section if not needed.
permission: 'soup'
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.4 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename>)'
Invalid-Perms: '&cYou are not allowed to use this command!'
Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
Reload: '&aSuccessfully reloaded Custom Recipes!'
enabled: 'true'
message: '&4You are not allowed to craft this item!'
enabled: 'true'
message: '&cYou must be a donor to craft this recipe!'
Open-Sound: CLICK
Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager'
Add-Recipe: '&cPlease type the display name of the recipe you would like to add!'
Recipe-Capture: '&cCaptured desired new recipe name! Opening menu..'
Menu-Title: '&e%recipe% (ADDING RECIPE)'
# This must match the item name minus "&" or spaces. Without doing so, your item effects will NOT work!
Item: 278
# Item ID
Permission: 'customrecipe.recipe.cursedpick'
# Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Item-Damage: 'none'
# Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1
# When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick'
# Name of the Item, you can use Color Codes!
# Remove section if no custom name wanted.
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe'
# The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines.
# Remove section if no lore wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2'
# This is for potion effects, remove section if not needed.
# The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true
# All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want
# Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:388:1:Emerald Essence'
# E Stands for Emerald because 388 is the ItemID for emerald.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
- 'I:265:1:Iron Essence'
# I Stands for Iron because 265 is the ItemID for iron ingot.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
Enhanced GUI for both adding/removing/editing custom recipes in the works. The GUI for disabling normal vanilla recipes is also in the works. Please be patient. If you have any issues with these resource updates or have ideas for new features PLEASE feel free to reach out to me via PM or the discussion tab.
NBT tags are also in the works.
Updated to allow support for paper spigot versions. I have tested this and all seems to work perfectly. The method I have used is deprecated, so there may be a notice in the console. Disregard.
Fixed errors in the console
NOTE (only for paper spigot): In your configuration, use ENUMS instead of the ITEM ID!!! EXAMPLE: DIAMOND_PICKAXE instead of 278.
Code (Text):
# This must match the item name minus "&" or spaces. Without doing so, your item effects will NOT work!
# Item ID
Permission: 'customrecipe.recipe.cursedpick'
# Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Item-Damage: 'none'
# Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1
# When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick'
# Name of the Item, you can use Color Codes!
# Remove section if no custom name wanted.
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe'
# The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines.
# Remove section if no lore wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2'
# This is for potion effects, remove section if not needed.
# The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true
# All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want
# Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
# E Stands for Emerald because 388 is the ItemID for emerald.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
# I Stands for Iron because 265 is the ItemID for iron ingot.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
Fixed some bug issues. As always, if you have any issues feel free to PM me with a full error and your configuration so I can assist you in the best possible way.
Added the ability to add potion effects within the config such as poison, hunger, or any other potion effect you would like to add. I have supplied the effect IDs in the config, be sure to use the correct IDs for the correct version you are running the plugin on or you WILL get errors! I have tested these features and have had no problem so if you come across a problem, please PM me before leaving a review.
Added a command to reload the configuration. Plugman is no longer needed to do the dirty work. Command is as follows: '/crecipe reload'. The permission for this is 'crecipe.reload'.
Added the ability to hide enchantments on your custom recipe. Update your config or you will not get this feature. 'Hide-Enchants: true/false'
Removed the /crecipe command that opened the GUI. The reason for this is that I have been getting PMs about errors regarding this because I have not finished this feature. It will take a bit of work on my end to get all the features added to the menu so please give me some time to work on this huge feature!
Thank you guys for the wait on these features, as always, if you have any suggestions on features or problems with Custom Recipes, please do not hesitate to shoot me a message.
New Configuration: Reminder: If you have custom recipes already you do not have to delete your current configuration. Just add in the new sections to your current one. Don't forget to match the custom recipe identifier with the item display name (see above).
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.3 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# Effects: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename>)'
Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
Reload: '&aSuccessfully reloaded Custom Recipes!'
Open-Sound: CLICK
Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager'
Add-Displayname: '&aAdd Recipe'
# This must match the item name minus "&" or spaces. Without doing so, your item effects will NOT work!
Item: 278
# Item ID
Permission: 'customrecipe.recipe.cursedpick'
# Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
Item-Damage: 'none'
# Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1
# When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick'
# Name of the Item, you can use Color Codes!
# Remove section if no custom name wanted.
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe'
# The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines.
# Remove section if no lore wanted.
- 'POISON:20:2'
# This is for potion effects, remove section if not needed.
# The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
Hide-Enchants: true
# All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want
# Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
- 'E:388:1:Emerald Essence'
# E Stands for Emerald because 388 is the ItemID for emerald.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
- 'I:265:1:Iron Essence'
# I Stands for Iron because 265 is the ItemID for iron ingot.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
FIXED - User reported duplicated crafting recipes which prohibited him from being able to enjoy using more than one recipe. This bug has been found, fixed, and tested. It seems to have been fixed.
ADDED - I have added a new portion into the config. This feature includes an option to set the amount of a certain item needed. This feature is not fully implemented yet and is not recommended for extreme use just yet...
NOTE: You should still update your config to avoid errors!
Let me know if any other bugs have been found and I will look into it as soon as possible Thank you!!
Code (Text):
- 'E:388:1:Emerald Essence'
Implemented per-recipe permissions. This means that you can add a permission in the config that will be required to have in order to craft the specific recipe. Remove the 'permission' section to remove any permission needed.
Thank you for the suggestions! Don't forget to contact me for new suggestions or if you have come across any bugs.
new config:
Code (Text):
[code]# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss #
# Version v1.1.0 #
# #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :) #
# #
# Enchant Strings: #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Invalid-Args: '&cInvalid args! (use: /crecipe give <player> <recipename>)'
Player-Not-Found: '&cERROR: player not found!'
Recipe-Not-Found: '&cERROR: recipe not found!'
Inventory-Full: '&cERROR: target''s inventory is full!'
Give-Recipe: '&aSuccessfully given player item!'
Open-Sound: CLICK
Open-Message: '&aOpening menu..'
Displayname: '&cRecipe Manager'
Add-Displayname: '&aAdd Recipe'
Item: 278
# Item ID
Permission: 'customrecipe.recipe.cursedpick'
# Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Removed section if no permission wanted.
Item-Damage: 'none'
# Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
Amount: 1
# When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
Name: '&4&lCursed Pick'
# Name of the Item, you can use Color Codes!
# Remove section if no custom name wanted.
- '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe'
# The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines.
# Remove section if no lore wanted.
# All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want
# Remove section if no enchant wanted.
# X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
- 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
- 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
- 'E:388:Emerald Essence'
# E Stands for Emerald because 388 is the ItemID for emerald.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
- 'I:265:Iron Essence'
# I Stands for Iron because 265 is the ItemID for iron ingot.
# Format: LETTER:ITEMID:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
Added ability to remove "Name:" from the recipe in the config completely and have it be the default vanilla minecraft material name, this may allow for stacking of items the same type.
Added section called "Item-Damage" in the config. This is the item stack data. For example, if you wanted a specific slab and the item ID would be 29:84848 you can now add "84848" in as the damage and it will make it that specific item. If there is no ":", leave "none" in the damage section.
Fixed a major bug implemented in the last updates to where the display name was not working, and players could still craft the item no matter the displayname.
This plugin is now fully functional! If you find any bugs please contact me via PM. I have done some testing to verify it now works, but very little testing has been done.
This plugin is no longer abandoned. I have decided to continue this plugin and to make updates and bug fixes as needed!!
Code redone: better compactness and "orderly fashion"
If you have a custom item (ex: 9 wool in a square named cloth). If you have 8 of the squares wool named cloth and the other square normal wool, you can still craft the custom item. Currently working on a fix.
PROGRESS ON BUG FIX: 100% - updated at 3:13 PM on 2/24/2019.
Added 'amount' to the config. When you goto craft the item and put it in the crafting table, your outcome of the recipe together will be a [configured] amount.
Made it so you can remove the enchants and lore section if you don't want any on it.
You can now remove the ': DISPLAYNAME' if you don't want one required. You should do this if you are using regular MC items without a custom displayname. If you won't, you can't craft the item.