►► CustomRecipes (1.8.x-1.21.x) || Advanced Recipes Made Easy || ◄◄ icon

►► CustomRecipes (1.8.x-1.21.x) || Advanced Recipes Made Easy || ◄◄ -----

Create your own advanced custom recipe or item! Crafting, furnace, stonecutter, and more!

Ignore Meta Data (1.5.9)
ADDED a boolean in the config.yml that allows you to configure whether or not you want your recipe to ignore meta-data in ingredients.
ADDED a boolean in the config.yml that allows you to configure whether or not you want your recipe to be custom-tagged with NBT data (prevents anvil renaming)

Both of the new strings are as follows:
Code (Text):
    Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered
    Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
Code (Text):
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# CustomRecipe remastered by MehBoss                                                                #
# Version v1.5.9                                                                                    #
#                                                                                                   #
# If you find a bug, send me a PM and it will be fixed! :)                                          #
#                                                                                                   #
# For MC 1.14+ add 'Custom-Model-Data: INT' to your recipe for utilization                          #
#                                                                                                   #      
#    Enchant Strings:                                                                               #
# http://pastebin.com/AWtKQ5UH                                                                      #
#    Effects:                                                                                       #
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffect.html                      #
#    Attributes:                                                                                    #
# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/Attribute.html                      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    Enabled: true # Whether or not this recipe is enabled
    Item: 'DIAMOND_PICKAXE' # Item ID
    Ignore-Data: false # Whether or not metadata should be considered
    Custom-Tagged: true # Whether or not you want this item to be tagged with a custom item tag.
    Item-Damage: 'none' # Used for when you need a specific type of item with a "19/00" or "13:4". leave to none if non exists.
    Amount: 1 # When you craft this item, this is the amount you will get from it.
    Durability: '100' # 1-100. Remove section if not needed.
    Shapeless: false # Whether or not you want it to have specific order in crafting
    Identifier: 'CURSED_PICKAXE' # Give your new recipe an identifier :). Remove if not needed. Tags item with NBT tag.
    Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedpick' # Give a player this permission to allow them to craft this item. Remove section if no permission wanted.
    Name: '&4&lCursed Pick' # Name of the item, you can use color codes. Remove if not needed
     - '&c&lThe Cursed Pickaxe' # The lore of the item, it can be multiple lines. Replace with [] if none wanted.
     - 'POISON:20:2' # This is for potion effects, replace with [] if not wanted. The format for this should be "POTION EFFECT:DURATION:AMPLIFIER"
    Hide-Enchants: true # Show enchants on item?
     - 'DURABILITY:300' # All the Enchantments are listed at the Top. You can also add as many as you want. Replace with [] if not wanted.
      # X Stands for Air, do NOT include X in the 'ingredients' below.
     - 'EEE' #First row in the crafting table
     - 'XIX' #Second row in the crafting table
     - 'XIX' #Third row in the crafting table
      # Format: LETTER:ITEMID:AMOUNT:DISPLAYNAME (Color Codes Included)
     - 'E:EMERALD:1:Emerald Essence' # E Stands for emerald.
     - 'I:IRON_INGOT:1:Iron Essence' # I Stands for iron ingot.
#    Attribute:
# Adds a given amount of a specified attribute to the custom item.
    Enabled: true
    Item-Damage: 'none'
    Amount: 1
    Shapeless: true
    Identifier: 'CURSED_SWORD'
    Permission: 'crecipe.recipe.cursedsword'
    Name: '&eCursed Sword'
     - '&fThe Cursed Sword'
     - 'POISON:20:2'
    Hide-Enchants: true
     - 'DURABILITY:300'
     - 'DDD'
     - 'XPX'
     - 'XPX'
     - 'D:DIAMOND:1:Diamond Shrine'
     - 'P:OAK_PLANKS:1:Wooden Board'
NOTE: Keeping 'Custom-Tagged' turned on does add an NBT tag to your recipe, which may result in this item not being able to stack with regular vanilla items. Turn to false to resolve this issue.
----------, May 6, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 50,616
First Release: Feb 25, 2017
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:39 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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