ZombieApocalypse [8 Zombie Types! - 1.21 Support] icon

ZombieApocalypse [8 Zombie Types! - 1.21 Support] -----

A plugin inspired by Dream’s ‘Minecraft, But It’s a Zombie Apocalypse’

What's new?
  • The custom zombie skulls now work again on the latest version of Minecraft! Thank you to multiple users of this plugin for making me aware of this issue through the proper channels (GitHub or the discussion section).
  • A new configuration option is now available, to define the minimum height for apocalypse zombies to spawn, which can be used to prevent them from spawning underground. By default this is disabled (set to -64). Keep in mind that truly modifying Minecraft spawn mechanics in the proper way is not really possible for a plugin, meaning this setting might slightly impact performance.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated, the new setting will be added to your configuration file automatically!
----------, Oct 24, 2024

What's new?
  • A new configuration option is now available, to determine which spawn reasons are excluded when monsters are converted to special zombies during an apocalypse. Normally almost all monsters will be replaced, but you can for example exclude zombies spawned during a raid, or through a mob spawner.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated, the new setting will be added to your configuration file automatically!
----------, Feb 2, 2024

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • A new configuration option is now available, to determine if zombies should drop their skulls. They could never drop their skulls in previous versions, and this is still disabled by default.
  • Due to a change in how Spigot treats custom skulls, a warning message was sometimes shown. While this had no real effect, the plugin will now create custom skulls that again abide by Spigot's recent changes.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated, the new setting will be added to your configuration file automatically!
----------, Dec 31, 2023

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • This update fixes a single issue where a newer (transitive) dependency caused issues when parsing texture skulls. This has now been resolved, so that the plugin works better on the newest version of the game!

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Oct 4, 2023

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • The plugin is now compatible with plugins like WorldGuard, GriefDefender or other plugins that block entity spawning in certain regions!
  • If you use a zombie egg in survival the item will now correctly be depleted to match vanilla behaviour.
  • Monsters that spawn as part of a raid will no longer be transformed to zombies, so that you can trigger a raid whilst an apocalypse is ongoing!

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Jun 6, 2023

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know, or you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • Each zombie type can now have a custom name, optionally with color codes! Simply change the name name setting under the respective zombie's type.
  • Added ApocalypseStartEvent to the API
  • Added ApocalypseEndEvent!
  • Added ZombieApocalypseReloadEvent which fires when the plugin's configuration is reloaded.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated, the new settings will be added to your configuration file automatically!
----------, Sep 19, 2022

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know, or you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • This plugin will now collect anonymous data using the bStats framework, to help me better serve the audience of this plugin. This is optional and can be disabled either in the global bStats configuration or for my plugin specifically.
  • My plugin will now not remove zombies that have either a custom name or an item in their hand when an apocalypse ends, to better match vanilla behaviour.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking a custom zombie with a custom egg would spawn a vanilla baby zombie.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Jul 18, 2022

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • Resolved an issue where the boss bar wasn't removed if players left the server and only rejoined after the apocalypse has ended.
  • Added the setting bossbar-fog back to the default configuration, to control if the bossbar should also have the associated fog effect. This might not work on older Minecraft versions.
  • Codebase refactoring/improvements.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Mar 18, 2022

As always, if you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
This update fixes a single issue caused by the Spigot API (and therefore PaperMC's API) relocating entity spawn methods in 1.17+ only. This version of the plugin should still work for older Minecraft versions.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Oct 23, 2021

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
While my plugin already functioned on 1.17, this update makes sure it runs as smooth as possible on the new Spigot version.
  • Fixed a bug where an unloaded version of SilkSpawners could crash my plugin.
  • Prevented custom spawners from spawning way too many zombies on Spigot (bug didn't exist on Paper).
  • Made sure the item names of the custom spawners have the correct color in 1.17.
How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Jun 13, 2021

This update fixes a crash in the previous update, make sure to update immediately. Thanks to @MSWS for finding this issue!

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Jun 8, 2021

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
  • Custom zombie spawners! You can now use the command /zombie spawner <zombie_type> to get a zombie spawner for that specific type of zombie. This spawner will work regardless of whether there is an apocalypse ongoing.
  • Added SilkSpawners integration! If you use SilkSpawners, you can now mine the custom spawners created by this plugin and when placed again, they will keep spawning custom zombies.
  • Added the new setting remove-zombies-after-apocalypse to control if zombies will be removed when the apocalypse ends.
  • Drowneds! When a custom zombie is spawned in water, they will become a drowned of the same custom type.
  • A lot of API improvements. It is now possible to make my plugin ignore your entities and some bugs are now fixed. For more info, see the GitHub page.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones.
----------, Jun 6, 2021

As always, if you like this plugin, don't forget to leave a review to let me know!
What's new?
In this update I have fixed an issue where my plugin incorrectly interpreted some forks of Spigot as running PaperMC, causing it to break. For most users by far this update won't change anything.

How to install

Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, May 18, 2021

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).
What's new?
  • Added the setting allow-sleep to control if players can sleep while an apocalypse is ongoing. There also is a new configurable message that is sent when a player tries to sleep and isn't allowed to.
  • You can now choose whether my plugin will spawn zombified Piglin/Pigmen or 'Overworld' zombies in the Nether.
  • Fixed a rare bug where my plugin crashed if the world name contained non-alphanumerical characters. Using these special characters in the name of a world is still not a good idea though.
  • Small changes and code cleanup/reorganization.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones.
----------, Apr 25, 2021

I spend a lot of hours adding as many user suggestion as possible, so If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?
Developer API
I have gotten a lot of cool suggestions for more specific versions of apocalypses, which I was never able to make as they would break the plugin for some users. In order to solve this I have made a Developer API, allowing me and others to make plugins that utilize this to make add-ons! See the GitHub for more information.

Zombie configurability!
You can now modify the attributes of the zombies, like their movement speed, health or damage. Preventing some zombies from spawning is also made more explicit. For a detailed explanation, check out the wiki.

Update checker

The plugin can now automatically and non-intrusively check for updates on launch. Don't want this? You can disable it too in the configuration, use check-for-updates

Improved the BossBar!
Noticed the boss bar on top of the screen while you are in an apocalypse? For a timed apocalypse, it will now actually go down to somewhat indicate the time left. If you restart your server it will reset to full and count down the remaining time (your actual apocalypse end time does get passed on properly). Reloading the plugin through /apo reload now also reloads the BossBar settings.

More settings
You can now choose if the bossbar appears at all, whether zombies without a custom head burn during the day (if they have a custom head they will never) or if the explosion of a boomer zombie can destroy blocks.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones. Important: if you previously removed zombies from the configuration, they will be added back again only this update. This is because I made the setting more explicit. In order to remove them again, check out the wiki.
----------, Mar 15, 2021

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).

What's new?

  • Configure the amount of zombies that spawn! Using the new command /apo setlimit <world-name> <amount> you set the maximum amount of zombies that can spawn per chunk in that world (also known as the mob cap) during a ZombieApocalypse. By default this is 70. This can be set per world, so it is possible to make one ZombieApocalypse harder than another.
  • PaperMC compatibility! Even though this is a Spigot plugin, I noticed a lot of users were experiencing Paper-specific bugs with the amount of zombies spawning, which are now fixed.
  • It is now possible to reload the plugin's configuration without reloading/restarting the whole server, using the new /apo reload command.
  • All apocalypse commands can now be executed from console.
  • Added message configurations for the new commands.
  • Performance improvements.
How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones.
----------, Dec 6, 2020

I noticed there was a mistake in the previous version which could break the persistency of the /apo end command in some cases, which is now fixed.

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Nov 4, 2020

If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating :).
What's new?

As this plugin suddenly became my most downloaded by far, I have decided to give it the update it needed! This version implements a lot of feature requests and adds extra configurations. All of these are optional and using the plugin like before is still fully possible!
  • You can now specify a duration in minutes for the apocalypse when starting. After this time limit, the apocalypse will end automatically. Use /apo start <world-name> <duration-in-minutes>. Not providing a duration means the apocalypse will go on until explicitly ended.
  • Added a fully automatic configuration updater which adds missing options and comments, whilst keeping all previous settings.
  • Zombie management! You can disable certain types of zombie in the configuration by simply removing them from the list.
  • Custom zombie appearance! Inside of the configuration you can specify a texture for a skin, which will be put as a custom head for the zombie. My plugin will set up some default textures to get you started, but you can also of course disable them to make all zombies look identical. See the comment above this section of the configuration for a more detailed explanation.
  • Added extra chat placeholders for some messages.
  • Added an option to disable apocalypse zombies from spawning as babies.
  • bugfixes and other small improvements.
How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones.
----------, Oct 31, 2020

What's new
This update adds two new types of zombies:
  • Jumper: Can jump five times as high as a regular zombie
  • Pillar: Spawns a pillar of 2 to 5 zombies stacked on top of each other!

How to install
Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart/reload your server and everything has been updated!
----------, Aug 12, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 167,873
First Release: Jul 29, 2020
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
47 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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