If you love this resource, be sure to leave a review to let me know! If you want to support the feature development of this plugin, you could consider donating. What'snew?
Added the setting allow-sleep to control if players can sleep while an apocalypse is ongoing. There also is a new configurable message that is sent when a player tries to sleep and isn't allowed to.
You can now choose whether my plugin will spawn zombified Piglin/Pigmen or 'Overworld' zombies in the Nether.
Fixed a rare bug where my plugin crashed if the world name contained non-alphanumerical characters. Using these special characters in the name of a world is still not a good idea though.
Small changes and code cleanup/reorganization.
How to install Download the new jar file from this page. Put it into your plugins folder and remove the old jar file. Restart your server and everything has been updated! My plugin will automatically update your old configuration file and add the missing settings, whilst keeping the old ones.