ZombieApocalypse [8 Zombie Types! - 1.21 Support] icon

ZombieApocalypse [8 Zombie Types! - 1.21 Support] -----

A plugin inspired by Dream’s ‘Minecraft, But It’s a Zombie Apocalypse’

Version: 1.4.11
Plugin that promised but was left with some errors such as the generation of zombies that does not allow it to be limited, the world command /apocalypse setlimit has no effect on the launch of the apocalypses, poor support, I have not received a response yet
Author's response
Excuse me? You didn't receive a reply within 5 hours and immediately proceed to give a completely unjustified review, that does not represent the plugin in any way, shape or form. Believe it or not, but I have other things in life that Spigot, so I am obviously not able to respond to inquiries for a FREE plugin immediately. Of course the plugin functions as described, as can be seen by the over 100 thousand users who use it without issue.

Now I will be kind to you and offer to give you support. But I won't do it if I am treated like this. If you remove this review and actually give me a fair chance to reply to your questions, I will attempt to do so.

To anyone else reading this: Entitled behaviour like this is precisely what demotivates me to work on high-quality free Spigot content. Unless this changes, I am not at all motivated to work on this project at all.

Version: 1.4.11
very good useful plugin to create zombie apocalypses

As a suggestion, if the developer could add, he would mention

- start an apocalypse in specific world guard regions

- more variety of zombies

- that at the end of the apocalypse there is an option that allows the final horde to persist (at the end of the apocalypse almost 90% of zombies disappear)

- option that the zombies have the possibility that if they touch you they infect you with the effect of the wither so that there is no cure

- option to spawn zombies at a certain distance (currently they usually appear from the player's position up to about 20 or 30 blocks but
sometimes they appear next to one)

- add sound like the ghast's scream when it dies or is hit to give it a little scare

- add a zombie boss I think they could be useful to improve the plugin even more if they are implemented but it is up to the dev to decide.

[I didn't see a suggestions section on github to comment on, maybe more detailed ideas]

5 stars.

Version: 1.4.11
Great plugin, but we need enderman to spawn and some other monsters please.. .....

Version: 1.4.11
Great plugin, if you can let the plugin set in a certain period of time or how long after the last zombie event to start again, you can refer to the mechanism of BloodMoon plugin, of course, if you can do a linkage with BloodMoon is the best
Author's response
With a combination of plugins, this is already possible! Please see the discussion section, where I have explained this in-depth multiple times.

Version: 1.4.11
{First} :D this is gunnar1997 Thank you again ! This is the best zombie plugin on the site !
Author's response
Thank you for the kind review!:)

Version: 1.4.10
Good, but it would be sooo much better if zombies could break and build to get to people who have the most minimal defenses
Author's response
Sigh... This is completely impossible. It would be really nice if people read the discussion thread before reviewing, where I've explained this in depth multiple times.

Version: 1.4.10
Mi piace come plugin, lo userò come evento nel server dove sono staffer, continua così ... btw spero che la gente smetta di farti la stessa domanda nelle review nonostante ci sia scritto di usare il forum e soprattutto perche c'è gia la risposta xd
Author's response
Thank for you the 5 stars. I do not speak Spanish, so if you have any questions, please ask them in English in the discussion thread.

Version: 1.4.10
Nice Plugin bruh, but can you please set automation time ?
like every "day" its turn off, and every night its turn on
Author's response
Please see the discussion thread. This question has been asked before quite a lot, and I've explained in depth how to automate the apocalypses uses command scheduling plugins.

Version: 1.4.10
Please add a function to let apocalypse only happen at night automatically and stop when it becomes day. Or let us choose the exact time stamp
Author's response
Sigh. This is not a review, this is a feature suggestion. If you read the plugin description, you would see that this is absolutely the worst possible place to ask those. I cannot address feature suggestions posed as a "review". What you are asking for is already easily possible. Please remove this "review", and I will copy/link the answer to this question once again...

Version: 1.4.10
How to set the plugin to automatically start the apocalypse every x days in game instead of having to use a manual command
Author's response
Thank you for the review. Please see the discussion thread. Reviews are no place for questions/interactions, they don't allow any responses for example. In the discussion thread this question has been answered numerous times, please check it out!

Version: 1.4.10
Plugin works good, the different zombies make this plugin unique! How to add rewards when killing monsters?
Author's response
Thank for you review! Please see previous replies in the discussion thread about this exact topic:) Reviews do not allow for any form of support, so if you have any more questions, ask them in the discussion thread please.

Version: 1.4.10
Plugin works good, the different zombies make this plugin unique! I recommend the plugin for zombie survival projects :)
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review!

Version: 1.4.9
Hermoso plugin !! pero podrias añadir que tenga soporte a PlaceHolderAPI ?? para monitorear el evento y duracion del mismo ?? me gustaria que hubiera la posibilidad de hacer eso.

Author's response
Thank you for the review. If you have questions, reviews are the worst place to ask them, they allow for zero interaction whatsoever. Also I obviously do not speak Spanish, please ask your question in English in the discussion chat and I'd be happy to answer

Version: 1.4.8
compatible with mythicmobs, this will improve the effect of custom monsters :) .
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 1.4.7
plugin great but spawning doesn't work .......................................................

Version: 1.4.7
Not bad!, Wish there was a way for it to do the apocalypses automatically and randomly instead of me doing it

Version: 1.4.7
nice plugin but make the zombie headst visible in crossplay server so that bedrock/java players enjoy can enjoy the Zombie Apocolypse
Author's response
Thank you for the review! I would like to do that, but unfortunately there is little I can do. My plugin makes proper custom heads, but Geyser might not be able to parse those/any custom heads. If the zombie heads work for Vanilla players, only the Geyser team will be able to help you, you can ask them why custom skulls on entities aren't visible for example

Version: 1.4.7
Everything works as it should. Using it on SMP, otherwize vanilla but occasional apocalypses. I configured it so that 40min apocalypse, 20min resting time. It is the most fun me and my friends have had with a plugin. I highly recommend it. The chaos, laughter and panic it causes is just amazing. Keep up the amazing work. Also works with 1.20
Author's response
Thank you for your kind review!

Version: 1.4.6
Awesome plugin but the eggs dont disapear after you use them, you can spam them forever. Wish I would have known this. My whole server has these eggs now
Author's response
Just to re-iterate, reviews are the absolute worst place for interactions/suggestion, since they are such a limited format in terms of responding etc. I therefore usually ignore any suggestions posted here.

Nonetheless, I implemented a feature to deplete zombie eggs in survival regardless as an exception/gesture. I do urge you to update your review accordingly:)

Version: 1.4.6
Hopefully compatible with mythicmobs, this will improve the effect of custom monsters

Version: 1.4.6
Amazing! The plugin works very well and the support for the plugin is fast. It works perfectly on 1.19.3

Version: 1.4.6
Very cool plugin. Would be awesome if there was an option so that mobs only spawned on the surface to avoid the pointless mobs underground.
Author's response
Responded to you privately as reviews are no place for interaction:)

Version: 1.4.6
Amazing Plugin! But it should be nice too if you could add some "Round", much the Round is higher, much it is difficult! 5 stars

Version: 1.4.5
Nice plugin, hoping to get some PLACEHOLDERAPI Soon! very interesting for killing, counting top players for killing mobs
Author's response
Good suggestion! Which placeholders do you think make sense? Just so you know, reviews are the absolute worst place for questions since you can't respond, so please tag me in the discussion thread:)

Version: 1.4.4
So im using multiverse and 1 of my worlds is is a hardmode world with zombie apocalypse set to infinite. Also i have daylight locked to midnight muhahahaha. So fun lol
great plugin
Author's response
Glad to hear you like the plugin! And those players won't stand a chance haha:)

Version: 1.4.4
Greate plugin. But It cause a massive lag issuse with my server beacause it summon the same amount of zombie for every loaded chunk.
Author's response
Please elaborate more on your server configuration/software in the discussion thread. If configured correctly, my plugin will only spawn the exact same amount of entities as Minecraft does, meaning there should absolutely not be any extra lag.

Version: 1.4.4
Muy muy muy pero muy bueno,lo recomiendo es muy entretenido, lo disfruté mucho y facil de configurar

Very very very but very good, I recommend it is very entertaining, I enjoyed it a lot and easy to configure

Version: 1.4.4
Very fun plugin that can add a bit of spice to your nights. with a daylight detector and a command block you can do very interesting stuff to initiate apocalypses. Definitely worth giving it a go
Author's response
Thank you for this review:)

Version: 1.4.3
Great plugin, excellent support, a long time ago there was a great plugin called "Zombie v Player" (MC 1.8) this plugin "Zombie Apocalypse" is the most fun since then. Keep up the good work, Thanks!

Version: 1.4.3
Fantastic resource, my worst problem is there should be a thing where when something this fun comes out im auto informed, excellent work and super easy to get on with.
Author's response
Thank you so much for your kind words, they mean a lot to me!

Version: 1.4.2
Very good plugin, but too much spawning, i'm litterally ending up with 4K entites and the setlimit won't do anything =(
Author's response
I have kindly moved your issue to the discussion page, as I cannot properly help you here:).

Version: 1.4.2
Amazing Plugin!! This must have taken so long time. I understand a bit as I am a developer myself. Keep up the amazing work!!

Version: 1.3.2
Please update us as for example:

-Set an hour for the apocalypse to start and end, as a ritual (example: being able to activate all night and disable during the day. Or vice versa)

-Set a goal:
After killing a certain amount of zombies, or apocalypse is disabled. (I find this very interesting)

Of course it can be married to another plugin, but it can be suitable for a legal type of mobcoin
Author's response
I responded to your questions in the discussion, as that allows me to respond much more in-depth:)

Version: 1.3.2
we are gona use it in events
very good plugin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author's response
Thank you very much! If you are going to use the API, I trust it has everything you will need.

Version: 1.3.1
Wow, this plugin is very well put together. It can get really intense. The 8 different types are all very cool. I played with my friends and had a lot of fun.
Author's response
Thank you for this kind review :) !

Version: 1.3.1
cool plugin, look for more and different type of zombies! I also like the custom config part, instructions help a lot when I try to edit the config
Author's response
Thank you for your review. Is there anything you think that could be improved? (As to why you rated it 4 stars). If so, I would appreciate it if you let me know.

Version: 1.3
Great plugin, works well and has room for customization! The different zombie types are really cool, and you are actually able to tweak individual settings for each type, which is awesome. Setting up Command blocks with a button that triggers the apocalypse is also extremely simple. Easy 5 stars.
Author's response
Thank you very much for your kind review and previous suggestions!

Version: 1.3
Very good and interesting invasion of the dead, hopefully with an AI that actively destroys the player's placed block.

Version: 1.2.2
Works great on Paper 1.16.5. Also plays nice with Elite Mobs, so that makes some interesting adventures for players!
If you're looking for a fun event to get your Survival server players working together to live... you've found it with this plugin.
Author's response
Thank you for the kind review!

Version: 1.2.2
Great plugin! Can you do a video on how to remove a different kind of zombies because im having trouble removing the Boomer one!
Author's response
Please don’t use the review section for asking help, as stated directly above. You have not given me any chance of helping you before giving a review, by asking the proper way: through a PM, the discussion forum, a github message etc.

If you want me to help you, please remove this as it isn’t a review. I don’t have the time to make a youtube video, but if you attach your config (which isn’t possible here, that is why reviews are no place for support) I can gladly adjust it for you so it removes a certain kind of zombie.

Version: 1.2.2
Great plugin, nicely written and bug-free. Impressed by the creativity of the different zombies as well as the balanced mechanics. Overall, excellent and I'm excited for any future developments.
Author's response
Thank you so much for your kind review, happy to hear you like this plugin!

Version: 1.2.2
Pluign very nice. Can u add all mod for apocalypse? .
Author's response
Please ask questions in the discussion tab, reviews don’t support enough interaction.

Version: 1.2.2
this plugin is op but is there a way to give zombies a slight speed boost and damage boost and remove default zombie?
Author's response
Reviews don't allow me to properly respond. So I answered all your questions in the discussion tab.

Version: 1.2.2
This Plugin is Great me and my Friends have fun so much thank you for guiding me yeah :D 5 Star if have 10 why not :D
Author's response
Thank you for the kind review!

Version: 1.2.1
Great plugin, if we can control the maximum number of mob spawn it would be even better. The spawn rate of zombie is extremely high sometimes, if I leave it open the whole night, my server may drop to 10 TPS or something. Other than that, everything works perfectly fine and very interesting.
Author's response
I changed the configuration paragraph in the description to explain it. Since version 1.2.2, it is possible to configure this.

Version: 1.2.1
lots of fun. my tps drops to 15 sometimes though. lol. would love a setting to control the ammount of zombies that spawn at a time
Author's response
Yeah I have thought about this before. The strange thing though is that my plugin replaces the normal monsters with custom ones, so it shouldn't be more difficult for the server. Btw see the discussions tab, I answered a similar question there (and gave a more in depth explanation). If you have follow-up questions, you can also ask those there :)

Version: 1.1
Hi, I really like your plugin, I find it excellent and it is very interesting too, but I would like you to respond to my proposal since I sent you a message

Version: 1.1
A really good plugins, just in the features, I didn't test it
I really love this plugins features, if author can support 1.12 then I will use it :D

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 167,873
First Release: Jul 29, 2020
Last Update: Oct 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
47 ratings
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