UnstripLog [1.13.X- 1.20.X] icon

UnstripLog [1.13.X- 1.20.X] -----

Unstrip accidentally stripped log/grass_path

Changelog v1.11.1:

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.11.2.

You will only need Java 17 or higher to run this version.

Best regards
----------, May 30, 2024

Changelog v1.11.0:

#Fixed: plugin was broken when using PaperMC.

Best regards,
----------, May 29, 2024

Changelog v1.10.0:

#Added: official support for MC 1.20.6.

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.11.1.

You will need to run the plugin with Java 21 or higher.

Best regards
----------, May 28, 2024

Changelog v1.9.0:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.20.2 and below.

#Changed: warning message about the lack of a valid implementation to make it more clear that the plugin is trying to use the last valid/updated implementation in this case.

I want to stress out the fact that in many cases the plugin does not need to be updated specifically in order to work properly on future versions - especially if the API did not change drastically (which is usually the case). However new block types (like bamboo) that got added in such updates will of course not work then. In this case, feel free to contact me directly via PM.

Best regards
----------, Sep 25, 2023

Changelog v1.8.0:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.19.3.
#Added: the plugin will now inform you if the latest implementation is used and if so, for what version it was last tested.

#Changed: the warning messages about the lack of a valid implementation was more or less replaced by the above info message.

The plugin already tried to use the default implementation if no valid implementation was found. Therefore I think these changes give some clarity over what is actually happening. In addition future versions will now not be "unvalid" so to speak but rather untested (hence the new info message informing you of the last tested version) because the later versions will very likely work except for new block types for example.

I hope this gives more transparency. Furthermore the plugin is now open source.

Best regards
----------, Jan 3, 2023

Changelog v1.7.0:

#Added: official support for MC 1.18.2.
#Added: official support for MC 1.19.
#Added: update checker by mfnalex along with some config options.
#Added: permission unstriplog.updatechecker to get notified on login of a new version if existent.

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.10.2. In particular this updates bstats integration.

#Fixed: v1.16+: CRIMSON_HYPHAE and WARPED_HYPHAE could not be unstripped.

IMPORTANT: This update requires editing of the current config. Please add the following to the bottom of the file:
Code (YAML):
# Options regarding the updateChecker (by mfnalex (https://github.com/JEFF-Media-GbR/Spigot-UpdateChecker))
: true
: true

You can always compare your config with the default one available on the plugin's main page.

Best regards
----------, Jun 26, 2022

Changelog v1.6.0:

#Added: permission unstriplog.*, unstriplog.wood, unstriplog.path (default: true) to give/deny players the permission to unstrip
#Added: unstripped blocks will now transformed to the block type before the stripping (i.e. DIRT_PATH will not only convert to GRASS_BLOCK)

#Fixed: must_sneak_strip did not work for timeframe equal to -1
#Fixed: MC1.17+: unstripping of DIRT_PATH was not possible if anything other than GRASS_BLOCK was stripped beforehand.

I would highly appreciate some more/new ratings. Thanks in advance!

Best regards

PS: @erkutay007 There you go.
----------, Feb 21, 2022

Changelog v1.5.2:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.18.

#Changed: updated java version to 11.
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.9.0.

IMPORTANT: The plugin requires now at least Java 11 to run!

Best regards
----------, Dec 4, 2021

Changelog v1.5.1:

#Added: official support for MC 1.17.

#Changed: updated commons code to v1.8.2.

#Fixed: the plugin probably did not work for MC 1.13.2.

I would highly appreciate some more/new ratings. Thanks in advance!

Best regards
----------, Jun 22, 2021

Changelog v1.5.0:

#Added: option to only allow stripping while sneaking. (disabled by default)

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the current config. Please rename must_sneak to must_sneak_unstrip and add the following at the bottom of the file:

Code (YAML):
# Set to true if stripping should only be possible while sneaking.
: false

I would highly appreciate some more ratings!

Best regards
----------, May 27, 2021

Changelog v1.4.0:

#Added: option to only allow unstripping while sneaking.

IMPORTANT: This update needs an addition to the current config. Please add the following code at the bottom of the config.yml

Code (YAML):
# Set to true if unstripping should only be possible while sneaking
: true

Please note that unstripping is now only possible while sneaking by default.

Best regards
----------, May 19, 2021

Changelog v1.3.0:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.16.4.

#Fixed: v1.16.X: warped_stem and crimson_stem were not considered.
#Fixed: compatibility issues with some of my other plugins.

Best regards
----------, Nov 4, 2020

Changelog v1.2.3:

#Fixed: v1.16.X: Netherite tools were not considered.

Best regards

PS: Special thanks to @koolkobra76 for pointing that out.
----------, Sep 21, 2020

Changelog v1.2.2:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.16.X.

#Changed: native Minecraft version to 1.16.X.

Best regards
----------, Aug 27, 2020

Changelog v1.2.1:

#Added: official support for MC version 1.15.X.

#Changed: native Minecraft version to 1.15.
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.7.1. This slightly improves performance of console messages and might change their appearance a bit.
#Changed: package structure to fit common java conventions.

Best regards
----------, Jan 2, 2020

Changelog v1.2.0:

#Changed: console messages.
#Changed: Native Minecraft version to 1.14
#Changed: plugin is now using maven.
#Changed: shared code between different plugins is now imported with maven.

#Fixed: timeframe was shortened by unstripping within the first timeframe.

With this update I refactored the whole plugin in order to use maven. This sets the foundation for mutli-version support.

I would highly appreciate some more ratings.

Best regards
----------, Jul 6, 2019

Changelog v1.1.0:

#Added: unstripping of grass_path blocks.
#Added: separate options for both timeframes in config.
#Added: option to disable one of the block types. (set value to 0)
#Added: console info messages which display information of what got enabled.

#Changed: values for timeframe_log and timeframe_path can now be 0 in order to disable those block types.

IMPORTANT: This update needs a config reset. So please move the file out of the plugin's folder in order to get recreated (or just delete it).

I would highly appreciate some first ratings.

Best regards

PS: @IdiotWithTNT sorry for the long waiting.
----------, Apr 22, 2019

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,011
First Release: Nov 26, 2018
Last Update: May 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings