UnstripLog tries to prevent frustration about accidentally stripped log and/or grass blocks. Therefore it allows players to undo stripping for recently stripped blocks (time frame configurable) by just re-right clicking the block while sneaking.
Features: - Lightweight / easy to use
- Configure a time frame in which stripped log can be unstripped
- Configure a time frame in which grass_paths can be unstripped
- Disable the need to sneak for unstripping
- Enable/Disable the need to sneak for stripping
- Maintains block orientation
Important Information: - Java 17 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.11.1.
- Java 11 or higher is required to run the plugin since v1.5.2.
- This plugin uses bstats
Installation: Just put the jar file into your server's plugins folder. After restarting your server you can make adjustments in the config. (Do not forget to restart/reload afterwards)
Permissions: -
unstriplog.*: Grants all permissions.
unstriplog.wood: Allows to unstrip wood blocks. (default: true)
unstriplog.path: Allows to unstrip path blocks. (default: true)
unstriplog.updatechecker: Get notified on login if a new update of the plugin exists. (default: false)
Configuration File:
Code (YAML):
# UnstripLog by Alex_qp # This plugin provides the ability to unstrip stripped log or undo pathing of grass blocks. # Please leave a review after a while to help me improve my plugins!
# Time in which stripped log / grass_path blocks can be unstripped in ticks. (Set to 0 to disable or -1 to make it always possible) timeframe_wood: 100
timeframe_path: 100
# Set to true if unstripping should only be possible while sneaking. must_sneak_unstrip: true
# Set to true if stripping should only be possible while sneaking. must_sneak_strip: false