fixed major bug in the '/trolltutorial' command, which prevented to start the tutorial for more than 1 person at a time. This bug affected both english and the german version.
fixed a bug that prevented the usage of picking a player after using '/troll', when the troll-tutorial had been started before
added '/trolltutorial stop' command to stop the tutorial while it's running
changed the color of some messages in the '/trolltutorial' command
fixed '/trample' command showing a creeper spawn egg instead of a cow spawn egg in the Troll-Gui
fixed '/dropinv' command acting weird, should work properly now
fixed some grammar mistakes in the '/trolltutorial' command (english / german)
fixed sentence not being translated into german when using '/dropinv [player]' and the players inventory is empty
fixed '/garbage' having the wrong item in the Troll-Gui when using the german language setting, which made the command not work when running it from the Troll-Gui
fixed a bow-event spaming errors in the console
added command '/randomtroll [player]' --> this command picks a random troll of the plugin for the target
added command '/shlong [player]' --> with this command.. well, just try it
added permission 'troll.randomtroll'
added permission 'troll.shlong'
added both new commands to the Troll-Statistics which can be seen with '/troll statistics'
added both new commands to the Troll-Help Menu which can be seen with '/troll help (1-6)
added command '/shlong [player]' to the Troll-Gui which can be used with '/troll' or '/troll [player]'
added 5th Troll-Bow to the Troll-Bows GUI --> With this bow you can get all 4 other bows at once, so you don't have to run the command 4 times
edited the '/abduct [player]' command in an awesome way! The target is actually being abducted now! --> when being abducted the target gets slowly teleported to the sky into an UFO which has spawned! After 15 seconds the target gets teleported back to his original location (where he was before the command started). Also the UFO disappears. --> Can only be used on one player at a time.
edited the '/garbage' command in the Troll-Gui --> it now checks whether the garbage mode is already activated for the target or not, according to this check it activates / deactivates the garbage-messages mode
Notes Commands
'/teleporttroll' and
'/trollbows' are not included
in the new
'/randomtroll' command
fixed console spamming fixed 17 commands not working at all since the last update fixed plugin files not creating fixed some events behaving in the wrong way or not triggering at all fixed logical error where the garbage message file only contained the messages in the first language the plugin was used with --> now uses messages of both languages and uses them based on the language setting
fixed "/runforrest" command acting for the command executor, not for the target. Also changed the minimum (seconds) from 0 -> 3 and the maximum from 120 -> 60 fixed "/anvil" command not working at all or acting weird fixed "/stfu" command in the Troll-Gui
added possibility to the "/badapple" command: operators can eat it now too and die from it if the "/trollop" setting is set to true
added command "/dropinv [player]" || drops all of the [player]'s items on the ground and he won't be able to pick them up for 15 seconds
added command "/garbage [player] [on | off]" (english) ||| "/garbage [player] [an | aus] || every chat message of [player] will be some strange stuff, you can add messages in the GarbageMessages.yml
added command "/anvil [player]" || drops an anvil on the player which will kill him
Added permissions
troll.dropinv || for /dropinv
troll.garbage || for /garbage
troll.anvil|| for /anvil
Added "/dropinv", "/garbage" & "/anvil" command to the Troll-GUI
Added statistics for the 3 new commands
Added GarbageMessages.yml file || define messages the player will say when "/garbage" has been used on him
Fixed error message appearing in console when a creeper explodes
Reworked "/launch all" command
Changed item of "/trample" command in the Troll-Gui from an anvil to a cow spawnegg (because "/anvil" uses the anvil now)