This is the one and only plugin you will ever need to troll / punish your users or friends! You have 50+ commands, a Troll-GUI, statistics for your troll-behaviour and you can even change the language ingame! There are some unique commands you may have never seen before, so what are you waiting for? Go hit the download button and have some fun with it! This plugin can also be found on dev bukkit with this
Check out the new plugin by clicking
here or on the banner above.
- Many commands
- Permissions for every troll-command
- Troll-GUI, to easily troll users
- 2 languages! German & English, and you can even change the language with a command ingame!
- commands with a delay where you can decide at your own how long something should happen
- bypass permission
- lightweight plugin
- troll statistics! check how many times you used every single command
- server friendly! Everything in the world affected by the plugin will be restored
- /troll
- /troll help [page]
- /troll statistics
- /trollop [true | false]
- /trolltutorial
- /burn [player]
- /freeze [player]
- /bolt [player]
- /special [1 | 2]
- /fakeop [player]
- /fakedeop [player]
- /launch [player]
- /spam [player]
- /trollkick [player]
- /badapple [player]
- /boom [player]
- /push [player]
- /gokill [player] [delay]
- /switch [player] [player]
- /denymove [player] [time]
- /potatotroll [player]
- /trap [player] [time]
- /tptroll [player]
- /infect [player] [time]
- /herobrine [player]
- /fakerestart
- /turn [player]
- /starve [player] [amount]
- /hurt [player] [amount]
- /void [player]
- /pumpkinhead [player]
- /bury [player] [time]
- /nomine [player] [time]
- /randomtp [player] [amount]
- /crash [player]
- /freefall [player] [height]
- /webtrap [player] [time]
- /spank [player]
- /trample [player] [amount]
- /stfu [player]
- /popup [player]
- /sky [player] [time]
- /abduct [player]
- /popular [player]
- /creeper [player]
- /sparta [player]
- /trollbows
- /squidrain [player]
- /drug [player]
- /dropinv [player]
- /garbage [player] [on | off]
- /anvil [player]
- /invtext [player]
- /runforrest [player] [time]
- /border [player]
- /noob [player]
- /randomtroll [player]
- /shlong [player]
- troll.* | permission for all commands
- troll.troll | permission for /troll
- troll.bypass | to bypass any troll
- troll.trollhelp | permission for /troll [help] [1-5]
- troll.trollopsettings | for /trollop [true | false]
- troll.statistics | for /troll statistics
- troll.tutorial | for /trolltutorial
- troll.burn | for /burn
- troll.freeze | for /freeze
- troll.bolt | for /bolt
- troll.special | for /special
- troll.ak47 | to use the special 1 from /special
- troll.blockshooter | to use the special 2 from /special
- troll.fakeop | for /fakeop
- troll.fakedeop | for /fakedeop
- troll.launch | for /launch
- troll.spam | for /spam
- troll.trollkick | for /trollkick
- troll.badapple | for /badapple
- troll.badapple.bypass | to not die when eating the badapple
- troll.boom | for /boom
- troll.push | for /push
- troll.gokill | for /gokill
- troll.switch | for /switch
- troll.denymove | for /denymove
- troll.potatotroll | for /potatotroll
- troll.trap | for /trap
- troll.tptroll | for /tptroll
- troll.infect | for /infect
- troll.herobrine | for /herobrine
- troll.fakerestart | for /fakerestart
- troll.turn | for /turn
- troll.starve | for /starve
- troll.hurt | for /hurt
- troll.void | for /void
- troll.pumpkinhead | for /pumpkinhead
- troll.bury | for /bury
- troll.nomine | for /nomine
- troll.randomtp | for /randomtp
- troll.crash | for /crash
- troll.freefall | for /freefall
- troll.webtrap | for /webtrap
- troll.spank | for /spank
- troll.trample | for /trample
- troll.stfu| for /stfu
- troll.popup | for /popup
- | for /sky
- troll.abduct | for /abduct
- troll.popular | for /popular
- troll.creeper | for /creeper
- troll.sparta | for /sparta
- troll.trollbows | for /trollbows
- troll.squidrain | for /squidrain
- troll.drug | for /drug
- troll.dropinv | for /dropinv
- troll.garbage | for /garbage
- troll.anvil | for /anvil
- troll.invtext | for /invtext
- troll.runforrest | for /runforrest
- troll.border | for /border
- troll.noob | for /noob
- troll.randomtroll | for /randomtroll
- troll.shlong | for /shlong
Review by SoulStriker
Simply drag and drop the .jar file in your plugins folder and restart/reload/start your server.
This plugin contains an auto-update feature, which checks if there is a new version of the plugin, and if positive it downloads it and places it in your plugins folder. If you don't want the plugin to automatically download the newest version, you can disable this feature in a config file, which is located in the TrollBoss folder. The TrollBoss folder is in your plugins folder.
More Features
If you have ideas for new trolls feel free to leave a comment, I will try my best to add them if possible.