added command "/dropinv [player]" || drops all of the [player]'s items on the ground and he won't be able to pick them up for 15 seconds
added command "/garbage [player] [on | off]" (english) ||| "/garbage [player] [an | aus] || every chat message of [player] will be some strange stuff, you can add messages in the GarbageMessages.yml
added command "/anvil [player]" || drops an anvil on the player which will kill him
Added permissions
troll.dropinv || for /dropinv
troll.garbage || for /garbage
troll.anvil|| for /anvil
Added "/dropinv", "/garbage" & "/anvil" command to the Troll-GUI
Added statistics for the 3 new commands
Added GarbageMessages.yml file || define messages the player will say when "/garbage" has been used on him
Fixed error message appearing in console when a creeper explodes
Reworked "/launch all" command
Changed item of "/trample" command in the Troll-Gui from an anvil to a cow spawnegg (because "/anvil" uses the anvil now)