SpecificMobDisable icon

SpecificMobDisable -----

Disables and removes specific mobs (and not living entities)

When booting the plugin on this new version, the plugin will automatically update the config.yml to the newest version.

From version 2.1.5 the new DTB (DAYTONTHEBUILDER) PLUGIN LICENSE v1.1 is used and can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As6QS6kAjBW9m9VIOG4RaQY7zGJBTQ?e=zlUfgc The essence of the license has remained the same.

Update version: 2.1.5
Update type: Release
Description: bStats updating through config, License change, Permission implementation change and more.

+ The possibility has been added to disable bstats through the config.yml file.
| The way permissions are implemented in the plugin changed. It has now been done through the permissions.yml file (which is in the jar of the plugin) instead of in the code self. This does not change the behaviour of the permissions.
+ Some minor code improvements have been made.
+ Rewrote the sub command indexing in the boot of the plugin. The output of that index is used in tab completion when '/smd ' has been typed.
+ Fixed that the specificmobdisable disablemob command wouldn't return a complete error when not enough arguments were given.
- Since everyone has upgraded to 2.0 or higher, the possibility to upgrade from version 1.4 to 2.0 has been removed. This has been done so that the old force summon manager (which had already been replaced for a new one) could be removed.
+ The license of this plugin is now added to the jar file.
+ From version 2.1.5 the new DTB (DAYTONTHEBUILDER) PLUGIN LICENSE v1.1 is used and can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As6QS6kAjBW9m9VIOG4RaQY7zGJBTQ?e=zlUfgc The essence of the license has remained the same.
----------, Aug 19, 2024

Update version: 2.1.4
Update Type: Release
Description: Typo fix and issue fix.

+ The main goal of this update was to fix the issue described by DerpDerpington. He was not able to disable evoker_fangs. The reason evoker_fangs couldn't get disabled was, because Minecraft doesn't categorise evoker_fangs using the type Living Entity.
What that means is that in result Bukkit doesn't recognise it as a creature which results in that this plugin also doesn't recognise it. I fixed this by adding a new feature to this plugin, namely the possibility to disable not living entities like for example iron swords or evoker_fangs of course.
There are also two important notes about this added feature / fixed bug.
+ Fixed a typo.
+ Fixed an error which could occur when trying to force summon a not existing living entity.

Important note:
(1) This note is about the added feature to disable all kind of entities (so not only living entities). You cannot disable an not living entity with a spawn reason as there are no SpawnReason's available through the EntitySpawnEvent (but you can
still disable living entities using spawn reasons).
(2) This note is about the added feature to disable all kind of entities (so not only living entities). You cannot force summon not living entities that you've disabled. This is currently unavailable for not living entities (but it is still available for living entities)
due to a problem where I have not found a solution to yet.
----------, Jun 28, 2023

Update version: 2.1.3
Update Type: Release
Description: Some bugs have been fixed.

+ Fixed a bug that could occur when loading the plugin on a minecraft server on a non windows os, there would occur an error about failing to upgrade a config file (while there wasn't a need to upgrade the config file at all).
For more information: ' https://github.com/DaytonTheBuilder/SpecificMobDisable/issues/2'. Thanks to DerpDerpingtonIsHere for reporting the bug on github.
+ Fixed a weird bug where the plugin would create and use a directory named: 'Specificmobdisable' instead of the regular directory named: 'SpecificMobDisable'. I assume that this bug first appeared in the 2.0 update.
In case when you've updated to this version, make sure that you're configuration is still correct by using the command: '/smd disabledmobs'. In case it isn't correct, then the correct configuration file will be in the 'Specificmobdisable' directory.
Then you should copy the configuration from their to the 'SpecificMobDisable' directory and override the old config in the 'SpecificMobDisable' directory. Then delete the 'Specificmobdisable' directory.

Important note:
This note is about the second bug that is fixed in this update.
In case when you've updated to this version, make sure that you're configuration is still correct by using the command: '/smd disabledmobs'. In case it isn't correct, then the correct configuration file will be in the 'Specificmobdisable' directory.
Then you should copy the configuration from there to the 'SpecificMobDisable' directory and override the old config in the 'SpecificMobDisable' directory. Then delete the 'Specificmobdisable' directory.
----------, Feb 10, 2023

Update version: 2.1.2
Update Type: Release
Description: A bug has been fixed.

+ When a mob with an underscore got disabled (for example: WANDERING_TRADER) without giving a spawn reason and or a world, it wouldn't get disabled. Thanks to DerpDerpington for reporting this bug.
----------, Jan 14, 2023

Update version: 2.1.1
Update Type: Release
Description: Some bugs have been fixed and there's now also more async code.
+ Fixed a bug that even if force remove move was disabled it was partially enabled. When you disable a mob with the disable mob command SecificMobDisable always applies an extra interval (if
ForcedRemoveMode is set to true), so when you disabled a mob with the disable mob command, all
mobs that your disable mob action includes would be removed, despite the fact that ForcedRemoveMode would be set to false.
+ Fixed a bug which could result in a wrong action by the plugin which would result in a wrong error message from the plugin when giving a non-existing world and spawn reason in the '/specificmobdisable enablemob <mob> <optional mob or optional spawn reason>' command.
+ More async code.
----------, Aug 22, 2022

Update version: 2.1
Update Type: Release
Description: In this version I added the possibility of disabling a specific mob based on a specific spawn reason, it can also be combined with disabling a mob based on a world. This was a feature requested by Achaius in the discussion tab (and Ralivan also asked a long time ago about the possibility of disabling mobs based on spawn reasons (also in the discussion tab)).
+ Added the possibility of disabling a mob based on a specific spawn reason.
+ Fixed a bug that it was possible that the living entity 'player' was shown in the disable mob tab-completion.
+ Fixed a bug that when a player didn't have the permission to use the command 'smd disabledmob', that the the tab-completion wouldn't show 'Permission Denied!'.
+ Fixed a spelling mistake.
- Versions before 2.1 could be installed on CraftBukkit servers, but since this version that isn't possible anymore as spigot exclusive api has been used.
| The update checkers works a bit different now.
| Syntax change in plugin messages.
| Syntax addition in config (this DOESN't break older configs). In the mobs disabled section you add a disabled mob (arguments between : '()' are optional and the char before the '<>' has to be added in case you use this
optional argument) : 'mob(*<optionalworld>)(^<optionalspawnreason>)'. For example:

Additional notes:
(1) Because bukkit doesn't cache the spawn reasons of already spawned entities, the spawn reasons of the living entities are only known for the living entities that spawned after that this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1). This plugin does that job though, but only after this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1).This means that in case you have disabled a living entity based on a spawn reason and there are living entities in the world that have been spawned before this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to 2.1), that that entities will be untracked entities (they will be handled the same as force summoned mobs) and so won't be de-spawned by the plugin like normally with the ForcedRemoveMode set to true. This doesn't apply to mobs that have been spawned after this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1).

(2) The spawn reasons can be found here: 'https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html'. Some spawn reasons might not be available if you are using an older minecraft version than the latest minecraft release.

----------, Aug 18, 2022

  • Fixed a bug that prevented professional villagers from being removed if they were disabled (thanks to axin0452 for reporting the bug).
----------, Jun 19, 2022

  • Official support for 1.19 has been added.
  • Enabled the update checker.
----------, Jun 11, 2022

- Temporary removed the update checker
----------, Mar 1, 2022

Update Version: 2.0
Update Type: Release
Description: In this version I recoded the plugin. Upgrading from version 1.4 to 2.0 is safe, files won't be corrupted after the upgrade. Don't upgrade to this version if you want disable chickenjockeys.
+ Recoded plugin.
+ Added tab-completion.
+ Added support for Minecraft 1.8.
+ Added an update checker.
| Changed the way how force summon works (the command is still the same).
| Changed the message colors.
| Changed the way how the config file updater works.
- Removed the command: 'smd disablemob chickenjockeys'. If you use this command the chickenjockeys won't be removed, also if you already used this command (or manually added: 'chickenjockeys' to the config file) in previous versions, it will be ignored.
----------, Mar 1, 2022

  • Official support for MC 1.18
----------, Dec 1, 2021

  • Multi-world support has been added. Now you can disable a mob in a specific world with the command: '/smd disablemob <mobtodisable> <specificworld>'. If you want to do it manually in the config file you can do it like the following way: 'MOBTODISABLE*world', the worldname is case sensitive. If you want to enable a mob you can type the command: '/smd enablemob <mobtoenable> <specificworld>'.
  • The commands have been moved to different classes (this wasn't possible before, because this plugin uses subcommands like 'smd <subcommand>'. First I had to create an alternative command system). This results in a higher efficiency and it is easier to read for me.
----------, Sep 9, 2021

  • Disable all types of chicken jockeys with the command: '/smd disablemob chickenjockeys' (Perms are the same as the normal /smd disablemob command).
  • Plugin is now looking in the plugin.yml for getting his version.
----------, Aug 19, 2021

  • Fixed a bug that the plugin was throwing an error on load when using MC Server 1.16.5
----------, Aug 14, 2021

  • Bug fix: The command: '/smd reload' was given errors from version 1.2.
  • Bug fix: When you used the command: '/smd reload', the plugin was going to hang at the first server reload or server stop.
----------, Aug 12, 2021

  • The command: '/smd forcesummon <mob>' has been added. This is for spawning a mob that is disabled (even if ForcedRemoveMode is enabled). Perm: smd.forcesummon/smd.admin or just be OP
  • Added BStats
----------, Aug 12, 2021

  • The command: '/smd disabledmobs' has been added. The perm for this command is: 'smd.disabledmobs' or you can use the perm: 'smd.admin', or you can just be op
  • An automatic config upater has been added (this is for upcomming updates). If your config file misses a default subject, for instance: 'AllMobsDisabled', then this subject(s) will be added automatically with the default value(s). Also a backup will then be created of your config file (in that case the plugin will tell you the path of the config file in the console).
----------, Aug 2, 2021

A small change in the default config file.
----------, Jul 28, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,280
First Release: Jul 28, 2021
Last Update: Aug 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings