+ The main goal of this update was to fix the issue described by DerpDerpington. He was not able to disable evoker_fangs. The reason evoker_fangs couldn't get disabled was, because Minecraft doesn't categorise evoker_fangs using the type Living Entity.
What that means is that in result Bukkit doesn't recognise it as a creature which results in that this plugin also doesn't recognise it. I fixed this by adding a new feature to this plugin, namely the possibility to disable not living entities like for example iron swords or evoker_fangs of course.
There are also two important notes about this added feature / fixed bug.
+ Fixed a typo.
+ Fixed an error which could occur when trying to force summon a not existing living entity.
Important note:
(1) This note is about the added feature to disable all kind of entities (so not only living entities). You cannot disable an not living entity with a spawn reason as there are no SpawnReason's available through the EntitySpawnEvent (but you can
still disable living entities using spawn reasons).
(2) This note is about the added feature to disable all kind of entities (so not only living entities). You cannot force summon not living entities that you've disabled. This is currently unavailable for not living entities (but it is still available for living entities)
due to a problem where I have not found a solution to yet.