Update version: 2.1
Update Type: Release
Description: In this version I added the possibility of disabling a specific mob based on a specific spawn reason, it can also be combined with disabling a mob based on a world. This was a feature requested by Achaius in the discussion tab (and Ralivan also asked a long time ago about the possibility of disabling mobs based on spawn reasons (also in the discussion tab)).
+ Added the possibility of disabling a mob based on a specific spawn reason.
+ Fixed a bug that it was possible that the living entity 'player' was shown in the disable mob tab-completion.
+ Fixed a bug that when a player didn't have the permission to use the command 'smd disabledmob', that the the tab-completion wouldn't show 'Permission Denied!'.
+ Fixed a spelling mistake.
- Versions before 2.1 could be installed on CraftBukkit servers, but since this version that isn't possible anymore as spigot exclusive api has been used.
| The update checkers works a bit different now.
| Syntax change in plugin messages.
| Syntax addition in config (this DOESN't break older configs). In the mobs disabled section you add a disabled mob (arguments between : '()' are optional and the char before the '<>' has to be added in case you use this
optional argument) : 'mob(*<optionalworld>)(^<optionalspawnreason>)'. For example:
Additional notes:
(1) Because bukkit doesn't cache the spawn reasons of already spawned entities, the spawn reasons of the living entities are only known for the living entities that spawned after that this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1). This plugin does that job though, but only after this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1).This means that in case you have disabled a living entity based on a spawn reason and there are living entities in the world that have been spawned before this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to 2.1), that that entities will be untracked entities (they will be handled the same as force summoned mobs) and so won't be de-spawned by the plugin like normally with the ForcedRemoveMode set to true. This doesn't apply to mobs that have been spawned after this plugin has been installed (or has been updated to version 2.1).
(2) The spawn reasons can be found here: 'https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.html'. Some spawn reasons might not be available if you are using an older minecraft version than the latest minecraft release.