SimpleAdvertising | Let your players sell their stuff icon

SimpleAdvertising | Let your players sell their stuff -----

Advertising in game, for everything you'd like. Lightweight, Points, GUI, Titles, Sounds and more.

Updated spigot API to 1.21.1 + few tweaks
----------, Oct 30, 2024

Hello there!

This update adds a new permission: simplead.color. This permission allows the sender to add its color formatting to the ad. If the player doesn't have this permission, the ad will stick to the formatting set in the config.

Also, set the api-version to 1.16 so you don't need to every time. Don't know why I did it in the first place :)
----------, Sep 10, 2024

Hello there,

This update makes SimpleAdvertising use 1.21 natively, even though it should have worked without this. There is no need to update if you're using older versions of Minecraft, as this version now requires Java 21 to run (to comply with Spigot).
----------, Jul 21, 2024

Fixed a bug that could cause a server to crash due to a bad player IP.
----------, Feb 28, 2022

Added {cooldown} placeholder in the cooldown-message string and added the ability to change pitch in advertising settings.

Also, revamped the API for the developers who would wish to do something with it.

Your config should look like this:
Code (Text):

##  SimpleAdvertising, 25.2.22 Made by Moshu
## WIKI:

  welcomers: true
  logging: true
  sounds: true
  updater: true

  economy: "money"
  cooldown: 10
  #Cooldown is in seconds
  price: 100
  stay: 0
  #Stay or how much an ad stays live (in seconds)
  #Set to "permanent" to be active until another person sends an ad.
  #This value should be greater or equal to the one used in repeat.
  repeat: 0
  #If the ad should repeat if stay is more than 0
  #at what interval should it be sent (in seconds)
  volume: 1
  #The volume at which the sound above is played. 1 is maximum volume.
  pitch: 1
  #The pitch at which the sound above is played.
#Vaild economy types: money, points.

  default-balance: 1
    usage-give: "&fUsage: /points give (Player) (Points)"
    usage-take: "&fUsage: /points take (Player) (Points)"
    usage-set: "&fUsage: /points set (Player) (Points)"
    negative-int: "&fYou cannot use negative numbers or 0"
    insufficient-points: "This player doesn't have that much money"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You've set &c{player}&f's points to &c{points}"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You gave &c{points} &fpoints to &c{player}"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You received &c{points} &fpoints from &c{player}"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You've given everyone &c{points} &fpoints"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You took &c{points} &fpoints from &c{player}"
      title: "{prefix}"
      subtitle: "You have &c{points} points&f."
        title: "{prefix}"
        subtitle: "You sent &ceveryone {points} &fpoints"
        title: "{prefix}"
        subtitle: "&cEveryone &frecieved &c{points} points&f."

  inventory-name: "Advertising Menu"
  item: "PAPER"
  item-name: "&cAdvertise"
    - "&7&oSend a public ad"
    - "&7&oFor everyone to see"
    - "&7&oPrice: &a$&f{price}"

  fade-in: 30
  stay: 50
  fade-out: 30
#20 ticks = 1 second

  chat: true
  titles: true
  minimum-players-online: 1
  chat-interval: 60
  titles-interval: 65
    - "{prefix}We've just got the best plugin in the world, SimpleAdvertising"
    - "{prefix}For just {price}&a$&f, you can sell your items, house, or life in moments"
    - "{prefix}You just have to love it"
    - "{prefix}"
    - "Everything"
    - "Woah! So cool"
    - "&cIs way better now"

  enabled: true
  enable-titles: true
  title: "&c&lBroadcast"
  subtitle: "{message}"
    - "&8&m---&l&f(&cBroadcast&f&l)&8&m---"
    - ""
    - "{message}"
    - ""

  prefix: "&8(#80C7FDAdvertising&8)&f "
    - " "
    - " {prefix}&oNow even better"
    - " &7{message}"
    - " &7&omade by &f&o{player}&7 | Make your own ad now (/ad)"
    - " "
  succes: "&7Your ad was placed for &f{price}&a$"
  succes-points: "&7Your ad was placed for &f{price} points"
  balance: "&oYou have &c{points} &f&opoints"
  no-money: "You don't have enough money"
  no-points: "You don't have enough points"
  cooldown-message: "You have to wait {cooldown} before posting another advertisment"
  active-ad: "There is an ad already up for display. Wait your turn"
  transaction-cancelled: "&oTransaction cancelled, thank you for your time"
  dialog: "&oType in chat your desired ad, or type &ccancel &f&oto cancel the transaction"
  already-in-dialogue: "&cFinish your initial ad first"
  empty-message: "&fHey! You forgot the message"
  join: "&a(&2Join&a) {player}"
  quit: "&c(&4Quit&c) {player}"
    title: "&c&l✖"
    subtitle: "&fNo permission"
    title: "&c&l✖"
    subtitle: "&fTarget is not online"
----------, Feb 25, 2022

Added option to configure played sounds' volume.
Just add volume into the advertising section like so:

Code (Text):

  economy: "money"
  cooldown: 10
  price: 100
  stay: 0
  #Stay or how much an ad stays live (in seconds)
  #Set to "permanent" to be active until another person sends an ad.
  #This value should be greater or equal to the one used in repeat.
  repeat: 0
  #If the ad should repeat if stay is more than 0
  #at what interval should it be sent (in seconds)
  volume: 1
  #The volume at which the sound above is played. 1 is maximum volume.
#Vaild economy types: money, points.
And some code improvement and stability
----------, Feb 25, 2022

This is a major rewrite, the plugin is now much better from a coding standpoint.

Now you can make multi-line ads:
Code (Text):

  prefix: "&8(#80C7FDAdvertising&8)&f "
    - " "
    - " {prefix}&oNow even better"
    - " &7{message}"
    - " &7&omade by &f&o{player}&7 | Make your own ad now (/ad)"
    - " "
Also fixed some messages bugs
----------, Feb 16, 2022

This version just changes the minimum api-version to 1.16
If you run a server with a version below 1.16, you can try to change the API version to the version you're on.
----------, Feb 15, 2022

This update fixes a problem with cooldowns not expiring, the stay functionality and adds support for HEX color codes that can be used like this: #e60037Text everywhere in the plugin
----------, Feb 15, 2022

Accidentaly uploaded the wrong jar, sorry.
----------, Feb 15, 2022

Hey there.

I was really surprised today when I saw someone still uses this plugin, so I updated it to the latest version. It was in a terrible shape.

The plugin is now compiled based on latest spigot (1.18). It should be still backwards compatible with all the versions but, for any problems feel free to contact me

Make sure you update your config!

Change logs:
- Fixed countless small bugs.
- Fixed messages missing from config.yml
- Fixed menu spamming messages
- Now you can't click the button in the menu if you have a pending ad (if you click the button once and don't finalize the ad, it won't let you start another one until you finish the initial one)
- Modified the menu, now it has 3 rows and you can fill it with glass (configurable)
- Improved performance

----------, Feb 15, 2022

Apparently the plugin.yml wasn't included in the jar. Fixed that
----------, Apr 8, 2021

Fixed an issue with %simplead_currentad%.
----------, Apr 4, 2021

Fixed an issue where even if you had another economy handler than EssentialsX it would disable the plugin.

Fixed the /broadcast command (Apparently it wouldn't work)
Improved performance of the /broadcast command

Updated to latest spigot.
----------, Apr 3, 2021

Last update broke the plugin for users that didn't use EssentialsX but other economy handlers. This update should address that.
----------, Feb 23, 2021

This is just a simple, spigot update. The plugin is now compiled on spigot 1.16
If you're encountering an this error:

Code (Text):

org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Unsupported API version 1.16
Simply change the "API" version in plugin.yml from 1.16 to whatever version you are running!

Also, I've repaired the dependency checked because, apparently, it didn't work.
----------, Feb 22, 2021

Apparently I somehow broke 1.14 compatibility some time ago, so I tried to repair it. I haven't tested because I don't run 1.14 but this should have fixed it. If it still doesn't work please tell me.
----------, Apr 29, 2020

I was curious about how many people actually use the plugin on their server, and how many players there are, so I can improve things for server with more/less people. Because of that I added bStats metrics. They only use some basic info about your server, and you can disable them anytime from the bStats folder in your plugins folder.

You can skip this update if you don't want to use metrics right now.
----------, Apr 29, 2020

Heyo, I've got some updates for y'all:

+ Added Tab-Completer for /ad and /points
* Updated spigot dependency to latest
* Changed the default value of the sound from the config so
it's not outdated by default.
* Some things changed on the plugin's page.

If you have any issues or suggestions don't hesitate to give me a message
----------, Apr 28, 2020

This update addresses an error that occurs when you use the GUI to place an ad, and was caused by handling the economy transaction async. The problem should now be fixed. Please contact me if the problem persists or if a new one has appeared. Oh and also, thanks for over 1200 downloads, y'all are awesome :3
----------, Feb 6, 2020

Even if apparently there is no problem with 1.15 compatibility, I've updated the default version to 1.15.1.

Few problems you may run into if you're updating:
- Invalid sounds
- Invalid material names

Make sure you use the new names!
Any problems you run into, make sure to contact me!
----------, Jan 9, 2020

First of all, I want to thank you all for 1000 downloads, that's just awesome. Now I've received some suggestions and added them to the plugin, and did some optimizing as well, so let's see what's new:

For this update you need to remove your existing config.yml (Make sure you back it up first), or just copy the missing values from the plugin's page (stay and repeat to advertising section, and active-ad to messages)

- Updated PlaceholderAPI and EssentialsX versions to the latest.
- Updated the native version of Spigot to 1.14.4
- Did some new stuff:

Code (Text):

  stay: 0
  #Stay or how much an ad stays live (in seconds)
  #Set to "permanent" to be active until another person sends an ad.
  repeat: 0
  #If the ad should repeat if stay is more than 0
  #at what interval should it be sent (in seconds)
Now, ads can be kept up a lot more time (if you want to display them on a hologram or something), you can set for how long an ad should repeat and how fast should it repeat, or just set stay to "permanent" if you want the ad to stay until the next player sends an ad. Or, if you don't want this feature, just set stay and repeat to 0.

- Added placeholders to PlaceholderAPI. You have the following placeholders available:
- %simplead_price%, sends the config price
- %simplead_cooldown%, sends the cooldown time
- %simplead_currentad%, sends the current / latest ad.
- %simplead_currentplayer%, sends the current / latest player that
created an ad.
If you have any suggestions or if you find any bugs, don't hesitate to contact me, and we'll see what we can do.
----------, Oct 20, 2019

This update is only to support 1.14.1. This is only a code-update as some inventory related methods have been removed.

Oh, and as I've had a surprise with a lot of my plugins, you should take a look over the new item names:

The plugin should be backward compatible with all the versions that were compatible until this update,
if not, please tell me.
If you have any suggestions or any problems don't hesitate to reach out.
----------, May 26, 2019

Small update, to let you guys know I'm still pretty much alive.
Nothing to add, some things to fix.

- Apparently, some users still get an update notification after they've disabled the "updater" option in the config, fixed that I hope.
- Changed version logic. Now versions will be the Day/Month/Year the update is released.
- Updated the PlaceholderAPI version used.

On the way, will start working in the summer:
- /sell command, so you can sell/buy items automatically with a click from a JSON text.
- Code cleanup
- Maybeee, but just maybe, MySQL.

Also updated GitHub, check it out here.
If you have any problems, just PM me and we'll sort things out!
----------, Apr 9, 2019

Hello there,

I forgot to include a little "fix" for 1.13 sounds, that caused an error.

If you encounter any more problems in this version, especially in 1.13, please do /ad debug, and send me a PM with a screenshot of that an explaining what's up. 1.13 wasn't tested all the way through so there may be more bugs.
----------, Nov 8, 2018

Haven't seen you in a while, huh?

This magnificent update, brings you the one and only v1.9.4, which has the following changes:

1. /ad debug - Sends you info about your server and plugin. If you have a problem with the plugin, you should send me a screenshot of that to better understand your problem.
2. simplead.debug - Permission for the command above, it's given by default only to OP
3. Added a dependency checker at plugin enable.

1. /ad reload - The command didn't actually reload the plugin, now it does
2. Chat and Titles broadcast wouldn't stop being sent after a reload, so now they do.

This update doesn't require you to replace your config.yml!

Note: I'm having lots of work at school, that's why you haven't heard from me in a while, but if you encounter any problems or bugs, please let me know, and I'll try to fix them as fast as possible.
----------, Nov 7, 2018

Oopsie, this update only reffers to 2 problems:
- The first one deals with the Advertising GUI. If the economy type was set to "points", after posting an ad, the player couldn't chat normally until a server restart, or plugin reload.
- Second one, fixes 2 messages not being in the right place.

Now that's fixed. If you find any more bugs, please tell me to fix them..
----------, Aug 2, 2018

Finally, points have been added (If you're following my GitHub activity, you've seen it live there for some time, but now fully configurable). Oh yeah, and apparently, the plugin works on 1.13, if you have any issues regarding support for 1.13 contact me, the faster you tell me about it, the faster the fix will come.

You need to delete your old config, sorry :<

Also, I started being active on GitHub, and I made a little Wiki for you to read. It contains Configuration help, Installation, and an API.

Ok now, let's jump to version 1.9.3 changes':

+ Finally, points economy type is availible.
+ /points (Give/take/set) (Player) (Points), with the permission simplead.points (I'll add specific permissions like simplead.give next update). You can give everyone points by putting "*" instead of player name.
+ API for points
+ Re-re-written the config. Now everything is more professional
+ Broadcast wasn't configurable apparentily I forgot adding options in the config.
+ Target-null message (For points)

- Nothing I can remember, beside some useless code.

Next update:
+ Async titles and methods (Need to rewrite my code a little for this to work, I will focus on titles and the points methods since they are more prone to TPS drop).
+ JSON messages, like JSON ads and on auto-advertising. We'll have hover-events, command suggestion, and command execution. Need to figure out a method to eficiently doing this, but it's coming.
+ And maybe I'll finish the Admin GUI (Maybe, probably not.)

Se ya next time <3 :D
----------, Jul 30, 2018

Henlo fren

Version 1.9.2:

You need to delete your config (The plugin needs to generate the new one), and you will need to do this for the next 2-3 updates, untill I do the auto-generation :) ) i'm lazy, sorry :<

+ Added Auto-Messages in chat
+ Added Auto-Titles

These two have both:
- Configurable intervals (In seconds)
- PlaceholderAPI support (Not tested, should work)
- Can be toggleable in the config
- As always, full color code support
- Minimum players online, so it won't spam the server uselessly.

I added these because they were easy to do, next on the list: Points! Boo-ya
----------, Jul 23, 2018

Hello there, (General Kenobi).

Version 1.9.1: brings only small things, like more customisation, and because of that, you need to delete your old config file (Of course, save it somewhere first) because some changes have been made

+ No additions, just more strings to be modified in the config :) )
+ Item lore can be changed now, yay :3. Placeholder: {price}
+ No-Permission title can be changed too
+ You can now choose the sound you want the DJ to play :D . Here's a list of all valid sounds:
+ Title's fade-in, stay and fade-out are now customisable
+ Added {prefix} placeholder in the "format" string, if you don't want the prefix shown in the ad.

- Some typos

This was a small update, so I can sleep tonight ;) ), the points are next, maybe this week I'll put them in too.
----------, Jul 22, 2018

Hello there, by the time this update was released, 191 more people downloaded this resource, and I thank you very much for your patience. You give me motivation to continue developing this plugin, and so I will do. Okay, let's skip the emmotional part and jump right into business.

Version Beta - 1.9:

+ Customisable GUI, as I promised, it is fairly customisable, in the next update, the item's lore will be customisable too.
+ Added chat-based advertising, cool thing to have.
+ Updater, thanks to @ EncryptDev who shared his method with me.
+ Large code improvements
+ Titles for some error messages, like no permission, they aren't cusomisable, but in the next update (In the next days) they will be

* Advertising format modified to be more customisable
* Added some placeholders
* Code clean-up
* Smart broadcast, if the broadcast message is under 42 characters, it will use titles, if it is over that, it will use the chat, will be customisable in the next update.

- /date command and permission
- /adb was replaced by /broadcast
- /news command and permission
- Chat format support
- Private messaging

To-Do in the next update:
+ Finally allow everything to be customisable (I rushed this update a bit to let you guys know I was still doing something)
+ Admin panel, as I said
+ Advertising points, I still want to decide whether I include these in the plugin, or make a sepparate one.
+ Title customisation (Stay, fade-in, fade-out)

Thank you again for your patience and I'll be back with the full 1.9 version in a couple of days. :D
----------, Jul 21, 2018

Let's just say I forgot to put the permission into the plugin.yml.
You can put it yourself, or download this update.

Sorry ;)
----------, Jan 23, 2018

Hello there,

From the last update I recieved the most feedback from you guys, so I've been pretty motivated to do this next one pretty fast.
Before we go into it, I should tell you that MAYBE the last's version config will break (It will just spell out an error) somewhere in this version, mine did like this. I recommend backing up your old config.


+ Join / Quit messages (Of course, you can toggle them on/off.)
+ Message command (For talking with one of the advertisers)
+ Added notification sounds (Also toggleable)
+ Added a little chat feature (Like.. you know, chat formatting, also can be toggled off)
+ /news command, displays a line of text with whatever you want.

+ simplead.msg


* More code improvements and cleaning up useless code.
* Added more configuration that I forgot about in the last update
* Removed forgotten config parts
* Made the config truely beautiful. :) )
----------, Jan 23, 2018

I'm sorry for the waiting time, but I've been pretty busy this time and haven't had time to work on this.

Here's a list of changes
+ Added commands:
/ad help - Shows you a little customizable help page
/ad reload - Reload the plugin (Changed from /adreload)
/adb - Do a broadcast message on the chat (Comes with permission simplead.bc)

* Updated to 1.12.2
* Overall optimization over the whole plugin, rebuilt it from scratch, that's why the Jar is now called SimpleAdReloaded
* I've been working on another plugin of mine, waiting to be released.
* Soon coming Advertisments with PlayerPoints
* The option in the config with the Title Announcer is just a "Spoiler". Maybe I will finish that, but let's see if I can finish what I proposed until now.

Thank you for your patience and the 200 downloads, that's pretty cool for one of my first plugins :3. If you want any feature don't hesitate to PM me, or add me on Skype.
----------, Jan 18, 2018

I know you have been waiting for an update for some while, but I've been into a vacation, so I launched this one so I don't have to make you wait so long. In this update I made the following changes:

- The ability to make the plugin's own logs by turning the "logging" option in the config true or false.
- New command, because why not? The command is /date, and it displays the actual date and time. I've made this because I wanted to use it in the logs file and I wanted to make a command too. It also has a new permission: simplead.datecheck.
- And some typos solved

- Tease:

- Yes, BungeeCord support is coming soon, I just have to figure out how exactly how to implement it into the plugin. Maybe this month it will be ready

- New Chat plugin coming soon, based on this one, supporting symbols, PermissionsEx prefixes and some more, it will be pretty basic at first.

- Stay tuned for more plugins or updates!
- For any questions contact me on Skype!
----------, Jul 18, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,655
First Release: May 3, 2017
Last Update: Oct 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings