Hello there, by the time this update was released, 191 more people downloaded this resource, and I thank you very much for your patience. You give me motivation to continue developing this plugin, and so I will do. Okay, let's skip the emmotional part and jump right into business.
Version Beta - 1.9:
+ Customisable GUI, as I promised, it is fairly customisable, in the next update, the item's lore will be customisable too.
+ Added chat-based advertising, cool thing to have.
+ Updater, thanks to @
EncryptDev who shared his method with me.
+ Large code improvements
+ Titles for some error messages, like no permission, they aren't cusomisable, but in the next update (In the next days) they will be
* Advertising format modified to be more customisable
* Added some placeholders
* Code clean-up
* Smart broadcast, if the broadcast message is under 42 characters, it will use titles, if it is over that, it will use the chat, will be customisable in the next update.
- /date command and permission
- /adb was replaced by /broadcast
- /news command and permission
- Chat format support
- Private messaging
To-Do in the next update:
+ Finally allow everything to be customisable (I rushed this update a bit to let you guys know I was still doing something)
+ Admin panel, as I said
+ Advertising points, I still want to decide whether I include these in the plugin, or make a sepparate one.
+ Title customisation (Stay, fade-in, fade-out)
Thank you again for your patience and I'll be back with the full 1.9 version in a couple of days.