I know you have been waiting for an update for some while, but I've been into a vacation, so I launched this one so I don't have to make you wait so long. In this update I made the following changes:
- The ability to make the plugin's own logs by turning the "logging" option in the config true or false.
- New command, because why not? The command is /date, and it displays the actual date and time. I've made this because I wanted to use it in the logs file and I wanted to make a command too. It also has a new permission: simplead.datecheck.
- And some typos solved
- Tease:
- Yes, BungeeCord support is coming soon, I just have to figure out how exactly how to implement it into the plugin. Maybe this month it will be ready
- New Chat plugin coming soon, based on this one, supporting symbols, PermissionsEx prefixes and some more, it will be pretty basic at first.
- Stay tuned for more plugins or updates!
- For any questions contact me on Skype!