ShadowReports icon

ShadowReports -----

Fast and user-friendly ticket plugin that allows players to open support/report tickets.

  • Support for versions 1.21 has been added.
The upgrade is a simple drag&drop. No configuration changes.
----------, Jul 30, 2024

  • Due to the changes in the previous update, v3.1.0, an issue in loading the server data was introduced. This issue led to issues with opening tickets and teleporting to them.
    This issue is now resolved.

  • Cosmetic fix:The tabcomplete for the '/ticket deletecomment' and '/ticket deletenote' commands showed all comment/note ids, including the already deleted ones.
    This issue is now resolved.
Small reminder

RB Games has a support discord server where you can easily report issues, post feature suggestions and ask questions about the plugin like how to set it up the correct way.
In this support server, you can expect fast responses, bugfix updates, announcements about coming projects and much more!

Be sure to join using:
----------, Jun 24, 2023

  • Support for versions 1.20 & 1.20.1 had been added.

  • The clickable message sent to the creator of a ticket when their ticket was closed did not execute the correct command.
    This issue is now resolved.

Performance Improvement
  • Continuously synching the plugin with the stored data resulted in some issues in the long run.
    These issues are now resolved.
----------, Jun 15, 2023

  • Tickets reloading order was a bit mixed up after the latest update, resulting in the teleport command not correctly working anymore.
    This issue is now resolved.
----------, Jun 12, 2023

  • MySQL database connection timed out after a long time if the plugin was not interacted with.
    This issue is now resolved.

Performance Improvement
  • Loading the ticket data on start-up, synchronisation or reload of the plugin will now go smoother.

PS: Minecraft version 1.20 support will be added very soon! The plugin will very likely function correctly on the new version, but official support is on its way. :)
----------, Jun 11, 2023

This update exists of a major rework of the entire back-end of the plugin, bringing improvements in the data handling and structure, the interface functionality with the users and more.

Due to the scale of this update, there are a few small changes in the config- and language files. Be sure to copy your current files somewhere safe, let the plugin regenerate it’s new files and use the old ones to quickly configure the plugin again to your liking.

New Command

Since the data handling and structure was heavily changed. The structure of your current data will need to adapt as well. To make sure this transition goes as smooth as possible, I’ve added a new command ( /ticket upgrade) that will automatically alter your data file or MySQL DB to work with the new version. Although this feature has been tested multiple times, I strongly advice to make a fresh copy of the data before using this command in case something does go wrong. (Be sure to contact me through the RB Games Support Discord if you run into any issues)


The main reason for this major rework of the back-end of the plugin was to be able to add a powerful and intuitive API. This API gives developers access to the tickets and their data, functions to open, alter and close tickets without player interaction and lots of custom events to fully customize the use of the ticket system. Check out the new API section on the download page for more information on how it works.


To enhance the security of your data in the plugin, the commands ' /ticket upgrade' and ' /ticket cleardata' will now only be accessible from the console. Even if you are OP. The permission node ‘shadowreports.admin.cleardata’ was removed due to this change.

Additional bugfixes
  • Although the plugin worked fine for versions 1.18, 1.18.1, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, and above, version 1.19 had issues.
    These issues are now resolved.

  • When using the bungeecord feature, commands sent from the console did not send notifications to other servers.
    This issue is now resolved.
Other addition
  • Support for 1.17.
  • Option to let the plugin synchronise with the data periodically.
  • Command (/ticket synch) to instantly synchronise the plugin with the data. (permissionnode: 'shadowreports.admin.synch')
----------, May 29, 2023

  • Servers using the Bungeecord-feature may have experienced the following rare occasion: A player makes a ticket on server 1, a staff member closes it on server 2, a server that set player never joined before.
    In that case, the server would have no knowledge of the player that made the ticket and an error would occur while trying to reach them on the original server.
    This issue is now resolved.

  • Typing /ticket history <playername> would print errors in console if you have a ticket created by the Console.
    This issue is now resolved.
  • The language files still had the placeholder <plugin link on spigot> instead of the proper link. This is now properly replaced if you regenerate the files.
    Since this is no big change at all, you can easily edit this manually. To do so:
    - Open the language file.
    - Find the 'version_outdated' message on line 13.
    - Replace <plugin link to spigot> with the actual link, which is:
----------, Feb 25, 2023

  • Servers using the Bungeecord-feature may have experienced the following rare occasion: A player makes a ticket on server 1, a staff member closes it on server 2, a server that set player never joined before.
    In that case, the server would have no knowledge of the player that made the ticket and an error would occur while trying to reach them on the original server.
    This issue is now resolved.

  • Typing /ticket history <playername> would print errors in console if you have a ticket created by the Console.
    This issue is now resolved.
The language files still had the placeholder <plugin link on spigot> instead of the proper link. This is now properly replaced if you regenerate the files.
  • Since this is no big change at all, you can easily edit this manually. To do so:
    - Open the language file.
    - Find the 'version_outdated' message on line 13.
    - Replace <plugin link to spigot> with the actual link, which is:
----------, Feb 25, 2023

Addition of resource ID for update checker.
----------, Feb 19, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 319
First Release: Feb 19, 2023
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings