Servers using the Bungeecord-feature may have experienced the following rare occasion: A player makes a ticket on server 1, a staff member closes it on server 2, a server that set player never joined before. In that case, the server would have no knowledge of the player that made the ticket and an error would occur while trying to reach them on the original server. This issue is now resolved.
Typing /ticket history <playername> would print errors in console if you have a ticket created by the Console. This issue is now resolved.
The language files still had the placeholder <plugin link on spigot> instead of the proper link. This is now properly replaced if you regenerate the files. Since this is no big change at all, you can easily edit this manually. To do so: - Open the language file. - Find the 'version_outdated' message on line 13. - Replace <plugin link to spigot> with the actual link, which is: