Revive Plugin icon

Revive Plugin -----

Get knocked out first before dying and be revived by someone with a specific item.

  • When the option Mob Damage is disabled, monsters do not target knocked players anymore
  • Also you now need a permission to use the /revive settings command that can be customized in the settings.yml at "permission"
----------, Jun 10, 2024

  • You can now decide whether a knocked player should get the Blindness effect or not

  • The second new setting is that you can now also decide whether knocked players can use commands

  • There are also two new messages in the messages.yml but the comments are missing. If you need them, either add them yourself (with #) or delete the messages.yml and copy your already customized messages over. Only with a new messages.yml my comments will be copied over

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them in the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 9, 2024

  • You can now decide whether a knocked player should get the Blindness effect or not

  • The second new setting is that you can now also decide whether knocked players can use commands

  • Knocked players now can't be teleported anymore. This is no setting
  • There is also two new messages in the messages.yml but the comments are missing. If you need them, either add them yourself (with #) or delete the messages.yml and copy your already customized messages over. Only with a new messages.yml my comments will be copied over

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them in the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 9, 2024

  • Fix for version error
----------, Jun 5, 2024

  • Complete Config rework. The config is now split into 2 different configs. The first one being the settings.yml that you will not have to touch because you can use /revive settings and the second one being the messages.yml in which you can adjust any plugin-sent message. I hava removed the messages menu and replaced and with a nice and clear config that is filled with comments about when each message appears

  • Deaths and Knocks now can have multiple different messages. When a player dies or gets knocked always a random message will appear. You can also only have one message to always show the same message. For adding multiple messages you just follow the pattern by adding another line to the following (or removing): [​IMG]

  • I have changed some of the settings item types and descriptions

  • There is 2 brand new revive settings
  • The first new setting is that you can now decide whether an item is needed to revive a knocked player. When no item is needed, right clicking on a knocked player will be enough to revive him without needing and losing an item
  • With the second new setting you can decide whether stealing from a knocked players inventory is allowed. If allowed, you can steal by sneaking and right clicking at the knocked player

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them in the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 5, 2024

  • Complete Config rework. The config is now split into 2 different configs. The first one being the settings.yml that you will not have to touch because you can use /revive settings and the second one being the messages.yml in which you can adjust any plugin-sent message. I hava removed the messages menu and replaced and with a nice and clear config that is filled with comments about when each message appears

  • Deaths and Knocks now can have multiple different messages. When a player dies or gets knocked always a random message will appear. You can also only have one message to always show the same message. For adding multiple messages you just follow the pattern by adding another line to the following (or removing): [​IMG]

  • I have changed some of the settings item types and descriptions

  • There is 2 brand new revive settings
  • The first new setting is that you can now decide whether an item is needed to revive a knocked player. When no item is needed, right clicking on a knocked player will be enough to revive him without needing and losing an item
  • With the second new setting you can decide whether stealing from a knocked players inventory is allowed. If allowed, you can steal by sneaking and right clicking at the knocked player

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them in the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 4, 2024

  • Updating the plugin to 1.20.6 only caused problems. Therefore it is built with 1.20.4 again until I find a fix for the 1.20.6 problem. All the new features with the v3.0 update stay!
----------, Jun 4, 2024

  • Updated to 1.20.6

  • Complete Config rework. The config is now split into 2 different configs. The first one being the settings.yml that you will not have to touch because you can use /revive settings and the second one being the messages.yml in which you can adjust any plugin-sent message. I hava removed the messages menu and replaced and with a nice and clear config that is filled with comments about when each message appears

  • Deaths and Knocks now can have multiple different messages. When a player dies or gets knocked always a random message will appear. You can also only have one message to always show the same message. For adding multiple messages you just follow the pattern by adding another line to the following (or removing): upload_2024-6-4_14-34-16.png

  • I have changed some of the settings item types and descriptions

  • There is 2 brand new revive settings
  • The first new setting is that you can now decide whether an item is needed to revive a knocked player. When no item is needed, right clicking on a knocked player will be enough to revive him without needing and losing an item
  • With the second new setting you can decide whether stealing from a knocked players inventory is allowed. If allowed, you can steal by sneaking and right clicking at the knocked player

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 4, 2024

  • you can now select whether you want the totem to be used first when dying or just get knocked instead (and keep the totem)
  • for that use /revive settings and adjust the totem setting
  • when being knocked and having a totem in your hand, you will use the totem in every case after getting finished or bleeding out
----------, Feb 11, 2024

  • updated to 1.20.2
  • added "knocked down" message. Adjust it in either the config.yml or with the command /revive message
  • tombstones will now spawn after player deaths if enabled in the settings. Adjust the setting with /revive settings
----------, Dec 6, 2023

  • reload the plugin with the /revive reload command. It will "unknock" all currently knocked players. Permission "revive.admin" needed.
Let me know about bugs/errors or cool update ideas in the Resource Discussion. Consider leaving a like and review if you like this plugin!
----------, Sep 6, 2023

  • this plugin is now built with the 1.20 API
Let me know about bugs/errors or cool update ideas in the Resource Discussion. Consider leaving a like and review if you like this plugin!
----------, Jul 18, 2023

  • you will now not get knocked anymore while holding a Totem of Undying in either off- or mainhand
Let me know about bugs/errors or cool update ideas in the Resource Discussion. Consider leaving a like and review if you like this plugin!
----------, Jun 3, 2023

  • this plugin is now built with the 1.19.4 API
Let me know about bugs/errors or cool update ideas in the Resource Discussion. Consider leaving a like and review if you like this plugin!
----------, May 31, 2023

  • fixed a small spelling mistake
If you have any update ideas / suggestions, please let me know about them in the Resource Disucussion since I ran out of ideas for this project.​
----------, Apr 9, 2023

  • (Fixed bug) Every death cause now leads the player into the knocked status again
  • You can now customize the following messages with the command /revive message:

1. The player death/bled out message:


2. The player nearby message:


3. The player not nearby message:


Still found any bugs or got any cool update ideas?
Let me know about them in the Resource Discussion!
----------, Jan 8, 2023

This update add 2 new features to the settings. Because I found no other workaround for now, deaths like fall damage, lava or fire will now kill a player instantly instead of knocking him. It also happens that the bled out message pops out multiple times. I will try to find a fix for both of these problems in the future. If that really annoys you, use downloads of earlier versions for now.


  • the first new setting allows you to toggle whether a knocked player can be finished/killed by a mob


  • the second setting allows you to set the detection range. This is the range around a knocked player in which a player is being recognized as 'nearby'. You can higher and lower this range by 5 blocks


----------, Nov 27, 2022

-fixed "player nearby" bug
-> nearby players are now being detected correctly
-chat shows a custom message that a player has bled out (will be customizable in a future update)
----------, Nov 18, 2022

  • this update allows any knocked player to die instantly after pressing Sneak in case there is no player nearby
  • whether a player is nearby will be shown in a bossbar: upload_2022-11-10_17-15-35.png upload_2022-11-10_17-15-19.png
  • (the next update will feature the following: both Bossbar messages and the range in which a player is recognized as nearby to a knocked player will be customizable. If you have any more ideas that could be implemented, tell me in the Resource Discussion)
----------, Nov 10, 2022

Customize messages with /revive message:
  • message above the knocked down player
  • title and subtitle the player sees after getting knocked down
  • actionbar message the player sees while being knocked
  • message after a player uses the /revive message command incorrectly
  • message when a player sets a new revive item in the settings
Supports Color Codes with &
----------, Sep 30, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,113
First Release: Sep 18, 2022
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings