Revive Plugin icon

Revive Plugin -----

Get knocked out first before dying and be revived by someone with a specific item.

Big 3.0 Update
  • Complete Config rework. The config is now split into 2 different configs. The first one being the settings.yml that you will not have to touch because you can use /revive settings and the second one being the messages.yml in which you can adjust any plugin-sent message. I hava removed the messages menu and replaced and with a nice and clear config that is filled with comments about when each message appears

  • Deaths and Knocks now can have multiple different messages. When a player dies or gets knocked always a random message will appear. You can also only have one message to always show the same message. For adding multiple messages you just follow the pattern by adding another line to the following (or removing): [​IMG]

  • I have changed some of the settings item types and descriptions

  • There is 2 brand new revive settings
  • The first new setting is that you can now decide whether an item is needed to revive a knocked player. When no item is needed, right clicking on a knocked player will be enough to revive him without needing and losing an item
  • With the second new setting you can decide whether stealing from a knocked players inventory is allowed. If allowed, you can steal by sneaking and right clicking at the knocked player

If you find any errors or bugs let me know
about them in the Resource Discussion.
Also let me know about possible update ideas.
Consider leaving a like or review if you liked this plugin :)(y)
----------, Jun 5, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,117
First Release: Sep 18, 2022
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings