Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience icon

Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience -----

Up the difficulty level of boring vanilla Minecraft!

New Features
  • 1.21 - 1.21.4 support
  • Custom armor textures now appear in 1.21.4 and above using the resource pack alone without needing Optifine
Bug Fixes
  • Fix NPE when breaking fire
  • Fix ender queen's crown not damaging the player when they were standing in rain
  • Fix issue with upgrading diamonds tools to netherite
  • Fix bug where equipping armor would override the stats of existing equipped armor
  • Fix issue with crafting flamed, iced, and lightning dragonbone weapons
  • Fix incompatibility with Better Structures
  • Fix bug when a custom item breaks
----------, Jan 6, 2025

New Features
  • 1.20.4 - 1.20.6 support
Bug Fixes
  • Added support for bamboo and cherry wood types (Note: requires manually resetting No Tree Punching config for all changes to take effect)
  • Fix flamed, iced, and lightning dragonbone weapon recipes
  • Partially disabled sea serpent mining fatigue effect
  • Fix endermen being able to be attacked by throwable weapons
  • Throwable weapons will now aggravate hit entities
  • Fix NPE when using a throwable weapon with no durability left
  • Fix NPE when attacking with dragonsteel armor
  • Knives and daggers now lose durability when breaking grass and similar blocks
  • Fix NPE with Citizens plugin
  • Fix graphical issue with dragonbone bow animation
  • Dragon weapon effects now apply in all instances when using their corresponding bows and longbows
  • Tools no longer lose durability when used in creative mode
  • Brewing stand view no longer displays visual errors
  • Tilling, flattening, and wood stripping sounds now play when using a mattock
  • Ceramic lava buckets will now burn when picking up lava
  • Thermometer no longer throws NPE
----------, May 10, 2024

New Features
  • 1.20.2 support
----------, Nov 21, 2023

The resources/baubles/playerdata.yml config file MUST be deleted and allowed to regenerate. Other config files can be left alone.

New Features

  • 1.20.1 support
  • Bauble configuration file stores bauble bag inventories more efficiently
  • Sweep attacks can be configured for each Spartan weapon now
  • Polearm weapons, blunt weapons, and the rapier no longer have sweep attacks (configurable)
  • Stone of the sea bauble prevents player from contracting parasites (configurable)
  • Vanilla plank, stick, campfire, flower pot, and brick recipes have been removed (configurable). They were not craftable previously when No Tree Punching was enabled but this change now also removes them from the recipe book to avoid confusion.

Bug Fixes
  • Fix NPE error related to enderman allies
  • Fix NPE error caused by updating the main config file
  • Fix NPE error with Spartan Weaponry module
  • Fixes Ctrl + Q glitch with bauble bag (Issue #31)
  • Fix deserialization error with bauble bag upon upgrading or downgrading server versions
  • Fix chorus fruit juice teleporting player into blocks
  • Fixed fire starter
----------, Jun 23, 2023

NOTE: All plugin configuration files must be deleted due to the internal changes that have taken place. Please backup accordingly.

New Features

  • 1.19.4 and 1.20 compatibility
  • Plugin now supports PlaceholderAPI and Realistic Seasons, config options are available in integrations.yml, placeholders are listed below
  • Target selectors (@a, @p) can be used in various plugin commands. Note that nbt target limiters for the @e target selector do not work.
  • Commands can also be executed inside command blocks and command block minecarts (configurable)
  • Commands now take relative arguments into account, this can be specified using a tilde ~
  • Thirst system is much more responsive and takes into account the effects of hyperthermia
  • Thirst will slowly increase even if the player does not perform any actions (configurable)
  • The configuration options for dragons, sea serpent, and sirens have been greatly expanded
  • Improved user input validation in enabling modules in the config.yml
  • rsv_tan_temp_numeric_<internal,celsius,fahrenheit,kelvin>_<# of decimal places, min value is 0> The numerical value of player's temperature
  • rsv_tan_temp_bar The player's current temperature bar
  • rsv_tan_temp_vignette The player's current vignette (screen tinting caused by hypothermia or hyperthermia)
  • rsv_tan_thirst_numeric_<# of decimal places, min value is 0> The numerical value of player's thirst
  • rsv_tan_thirst_bar The player's current thirst bar
  • rsv_tan_thirst_vignette The player's current vignette (screen tinting)
  • rsv_tan_hud The player's temperature and thirst bar
Bug Fixes
  • Fix multiple dupe issues concerning the bauble bag
  • Fixes dupe issue with glowing powder
  • Temperature now changes appropriately when certain block changes occur, such as a campfire being extinguished
  • Fixes NPE errors with task methods
  • Fixed bug where temperature and thirst wouldn’t change for non-opped players
  • Fixed bug where players could drink rain in biomes where it can’t rain or it snows (ex: desert)
  • Fixed bug where custom items would not be repaired correctly through the crafting table and anvil
  • Fixed issue where the thirst bar would display incorrectly if a player was submerged in water while having the water breathing effect
  • Refactored permissions to include more wildcards and be more logically structured
  • Fixes texture error with lightning dragonsteel katana
  • Custom items can now be repaired in an anvil using their proper repair materials
----------, Jun 11, 2023

New Features
- Config files will now auto-update when a newer version of the plugin is installed; a backup of the original config file will also be created when this is performed (can be configured through the "AutoUpdateConfig" setting in "config.yml")
- Improved per-world behavior; config.yml will now update appropriately when worlds are created and deleted
- The status of worlds automatically added to the "Worlds" entry list can now be customized through the "AutomaticallyEnableWorlds" setting in "config.yml"

Bug Fixes
- Fixes per-world support not working correctly
- Fixes a bug where the plugin would not enable on 1.18.2 ( Issue #17)
----------, Dec 11, 2022

tl;dr: Plugin is a lot more feature complete. Many complaints have been addressed (throwable weapons not working, dragons not being added, etc).

NOTE: For users updating from 1.2.2 or a very old developer-build (before September 2022), your custom items are irrecoverable. You will have to cheat in items manually using the /rsv give command.

New Features

- Added reach to certain Spartan weapons
- Throwable weapons now work
- Expanded no tree punching module
- 1.16 support (BETA, hasn't been rigorously tested and may not work properly in edge cases)
- Temperature and thirst are independent; you can enable and disable each one separately
- Fully revamped thirst system that drains similarly to the hunger bar
- You can now specify the characters used to create the temperature and thirst bars in toughasnails.yml
- Outdated config files will now be renamed and an updated config file will be created in its place
- Every item and recipe can be enabled and disabled individually
- Mattocks have been added; they can mine any block at the same speed as their respective axe, pickaxe, shovel etc
- The thirst drop textures will now change to a lime green when a player contracts parasites (configurable)
- Parasites will no longer affect the player with poison (configurable)
- Lore presets can now be customized in the lorepresets.yml config file
- Updated resource pack
- More accurate damage calculation for throwable weapons
- Hammers and clubs now inflict nausea for 7.5 seconds instead of 5.0 seconds (configurable)
- Baubles can only activate now if equipped in the bauble bag item; you can view its recipe in the vanilla recipe book; right-click on air to open it
- Recall potion now works; it is unobtainable currently
- Baubles must be put in their respective slots in the bauble bag
- Death messages for hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, and parasites
- Saws can be used now to craft logs into planks and planks into sticks
- Clay tool can now be used to create clay bricks and clay flower pots to smelt into bricks and flower pots, respectively
- Custom durability (can be specified in items.yml with rsvdurability and rsvmaxdurability nbt tags)
- Spectral silt and most baubles are now obtainable
- All baubles are now functioning except the ring of the fairies and ring of the dwarves
- Wormhole and magic mirrors now work
- New command: /rsv updateitem - It autoupdates most aspects of an item, requires permission: realisticsurvival.command.updateitem
- Players will now sweat if too hot and breathe visible particles if too cold (configurable)
- Lightable blocks will only affect temperature if lit (configurable). This means blocks like the Campfires and soul campfires will only affect temperature if they're on.
- Levelled blocks like water, lava, and cauldrons can only affect temperature if they have a certain level (configurable)
- Players with fire resistance no longer are affected by hyperthermia (configurable)
- New canteen item; it allows user to carry multiple water bottles or juices in one item
- So much more, I probably forgot some features since so many were added

Bug Fixes
- Logging out no longer resets temperature and thirst
- Dragonbone and dragonsteel crossbows now have the proper texture when loaded with fireworks
- Fixes flint knives not decreasing in durability when mining grass
- Fixes rapiers and sabers not decreasing in durability when player is hit
- Hammer now checks if a mob is wearing a helmet when applying nausea
- Fixes flint knapping sound not playing
- Fixes broken textures
- Fixes screen not tinting if player gets too hot
- Fixes two handed task throwing errors
- Fixes two handed debuff not activating when player leaves and rejoins server
- Fixes diamond gear not being converted correctly into its netherite variant
- Lore for broken heart bauble now changes
- Broken heart durability now replenishes if you go to sleep
- So much more, I probably forgot some bug fixes since there were so many
----------, Dec 8, 2022

Here's an update to start your New Year's off! This update fixes a few bugs and revamps commands and permissions to make life easier for server owners.

You might be wondering what's with the plugin name change. Well, Shivaxi, the creator of the official RLCraft modpack, has notified me that I cannot use the "RLCraft" name as the plugin title, so this plugin's name has been permanently changed to Realistic Survival.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed null pointer exception with command
- Fixed armor not regulating player's temperature
- Fixed modules not disabling properly when configured off

New and Improved Features
- Refactored plugin name, commands, and permissions to use the new Realistic Survival name as per Shivaxi's request
- The bStats page has changed: Survival/13786
- New resource pack link (if you're downloading Realistic Survival for the first time, don't worry about this):
- Added temperature and thirst resistant permissions
- Prevents player from getting cold
- Prevents player from taking damage from hypothermia
- Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hypothermia
- Prevents player from getting hot
- Prevents player from taking damage from hyperthermia
- Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hyperthermia
- Prevents player from getting thirsty
- Prevents player from taking damage from dehydration
- Added new commands and their respective permissions
/realisticsurvival summonitem item x y z world
- Summons an item at the specified location
/realisticsurvival help
- Prints the help page
/realisticsurvival version
- Prints the plugin version
- Allows the player to use the summonitem command
- Allows the player to use the help command
- Allows the player to use the version command
- New command alias /rsv
- Give command now takes an optional integer as an input
- Players without the correct permission no longer see command tab completers
- Opped players cannot be affected by temperature or thirst
Added per world support
Being on fire now increases a player's temperature
Teleporting from drinking chorus fruit juice now emits a sound
The recipe for flint axe now requires plant string instead of ordinary string
----------, Jan 1, 2022

Happy holidays! Here's an update that fixes some major bugs from update 1.2.0, and adds some more Tough As Nails content.


Bug Fixes
- Fixed broken heart bauble displaying an invalid texture
- Fixed thirst not being replenished from drinking from a water source, rain, and water bottle
- Fixed "DiscoverRecipes" in config.yml not properly functioning
- Fixed custom Optifine textures not displaying with renamed armor
- Fixed flint knife not taking damage
- Fixed plant fibers not being dropped

New and Improved Features
- Revamped temperature system now factors in gameplay mechanics like armor, weather, and daylight cycles
- Improved update checker to now discern between small updates like 1.2.1 and 1.2
- Resource pack is now automatically enabled, making installation easier
- Added the following water bottles, which can replenish thirst by a far greater amount than normal water bottles
- Purified
- Apple
- Beetroot
- Cactus
- Carrot
- Chorus
- Melon
- Glistering Melon
- Golden Apple
- Golden Carrot
- Pumpkin
- Added numerous recipes related to the Tough As Nails mod
- Added wool and gelled-slime armor, which warm and cool the player respectively
- Ice cubes can be mined from ice blocks, meaning gelled slime armor is now craftable
- Magma shards now replace magma blocks as drops (unless mined with a silk-touch pickaxe)
- Drop calculations now factor in looting, unbreaking, and fortune
----------, Dec 25, 2021

- Plugin essentially recoded from scratch
- A functioning temperature and thirst HUD has been added (no bossbars or scoreboard, changes your HUD)
- New recipes and custom items for Spartan's Weaponry
- Many bug fixes
- 1.18+ support (Do not use 1.17 or previous versions, update Java to version 17)
----------, Dec 3, 2021

Fixed defense and melee stats displaying a zero in the decimal instead of truncating it
ex: 1.0 instead of 1
Added sound to ice dragon bone and ice dragonsteel ability
Added customizable velocity to dragon bone ranged weapons
Fixed resource pack bug
Fixed command and event exceptions
Renamed command from /msmp to /rlcraft
Added update checker

This update requires a new config. Delete the old one to reset it.
----------, Jul 2, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,630
First Release: Jul 1, 2021
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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