Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience icon

Realistic Survival [1.17+] | Hardcore Modded Experience -----

Up the difficulty level of boring vanilla Minecraft!

Hotfix and Minor Feature Update
Here's an update to start your New Year's off! This update fixes a few bugs and revamps commands and permissions to make life easier for server owners.

You might be wondering what's with the plugin name change. Well, Shivaxi, the creator of the official RLCraft modpack, has notified me that I cannot use the "RLCraft" name as the plugin title, so this plugin's name has been permanently changed to Realistic Survival.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed null pointer exception with command
- Fixed armor not regulating player's temperature
- Fixed modules not disabling properly when configured off

New and Improved Features
- Refactored plugin name, commands, and permissions to use the new Realistic Survival name as per Shivaxi's request
- The bStats page has changed: Survival/13786
- New resource pack link (if you're downloading Realistic Survival for the first time, don't worry about this):
- Added temperature and thirst resistant permissions
- Prevents player from getting cold
- Prevents player from taking damage from hypothermia
- Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hypothermia
- Prevents player from getting hot
- Prevents player from taking damage from hyperthermia
- Prevents player from receiving visual effects from hyperthermia
- Prevents player from getting thirsty
- Prevents player from taking damage from dehydration
- Added new commands and their respective permissions
/realisticsurvival summonitem item x y z world
- Summons an item at the specified location
/realisticsurvival help
- Prints the help page
/realisticsurvival version
- Prints the plugin version
- Allows the player to use the summonitem command
- Allows the player to use the help command
- Allows the player to use the version command
- New command alias /rsv
- Give command now takes an optional integer as an input
- Players without the correct permission no longer see command tab completers
- Opped players cannot be affected by temperature or thirst
Added per world support
Being on fire now increases a player's temperature
Teleporting from drinking chorus fruit juice now emits a sound
The recipe for flint axe now requires plant string instead of ordinary string
----------, Jan 1, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48,651
First Release: Jul 1, 2021
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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