tl;dr: Plugin is a lot more feature complete. Many complaints have been addressed (throwable weapons not working, dragons not being added, etc).
NOTE: For users updating from 1.2.2 or a very old developer-build (before September 2022), your custom items are irrecoverable. You will have to cheat in items manually using the /rsv give command.
New Features - Added reach to certain Spartan weapons
- Throwable weapons now work
- Expanded no tree punching module
- 1.16 support (BETA, hasn't been rigorously tested and may not work properly in edge cases)
- Temperature and thirst are independent; you can enable and disable each one separately
- Fully revamped thirst system that drains similarly to the hunger bar
- You can now specify the characters used to create the temperature and thirst bars in toughasnails.yml
- Outdated config files will now be renamed and an updated config file will be created in its place
- Every item and recipe can be enabled and disabled individually
- Mattocks have been added; they can mine any block at the same speed as their respective axe, pickaxe, shovel etc
- The thirst drop textures will now change to a lime green when a player contracts parasites (configurable)
- Parasites will no longer affect the player with poison (configurable)
- Lore presets can now be customized in the lorepresets.yml config file
- Updated resource pack
- More accurate damage calculation for throwable weapons
- Hammers and clubs now inflict nausea for 7.5 seconds instead of 5.0 seconds (configurable)
- Baubles can only activate now if equipped in the bauble bag item; you can view its recipe in the vanilla recipe book; right-click on air to open it
- Recall potion now works; it is unobtainable currently
- Baubles must be put in their respective slots in the bauble bag
- Death messages for hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, and parasites
- Saws can be used now to craft logs into planks and planks into sticks
- Clay tool can now be used to create clay bricks and clay flower pots to smelt into bricks and flower pots, respectively
- Custom durability (can be specified in items.yml with rsvdurability and rsvmaxdurability nbt tags)
- Spectral silt and most baubles are now obtainable
- All baubles are now functioning except the ring of the fairies and ring of the dwarves
- Wormhole and magic mirrors now work
- New command: /rsv updateitem - It autoupdates most aspects of an item, requires permission: realisticsurvival.command.updateitem
- Players will now sweat if too hot and breathe visible particles if too cold (configurable)
- Lightable blocks will only affect temperature if lit (configurable). This means blocks like the Campfires and soul campfires will only affect temperature if they're on.
- Levelled blocks like water, lava, and cauldrons can only affect temperature if they have a certain level (configurable)
- Players with fire resistance no longer are affected by hyperthermia (configurable)
- New canteen item; it allows user to carry multiple water bottles or juices in one item
- So much more, I probably forgot some features since so many were added
Bug Fixes - Logging out no longer resets temperature and thirst
- Dragonbone and dragonsteel crossbows now have the proper texture when loaded with fireworks
- Fixes flint knives not decreasing in durability when mining grass
- Fixes rapiers and sabers not decreasing in durability when player is hit
- Hammer now checks if a mob is wearing a helmet when applying nausea
- Fixes flint knapping sound not playing
- Fixes broken textures
- Fixes screen not tinting if player gets too hot
- Fixes two handed task throwing errors
- Fixes two handed debuff not activating when player leaves and rejoins server
- Fixes diamond gear not being converted correctly into its netherite variant
- Lore for broken heart bauble now changes
- Broken heart durability now replenishes if you go to sleep
- So much more, I probably forgot some bug fixes since there were so many