This version can contains errors if you found please report on discord
This update contains big changes only for users that use database. For all that move from 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0: 1. Ranks is now in subfolder named ranks/ default file example.yml is not read by plugin. 2. Changed a little format in messages, old will be moved to folder /unused you can just copy from this manually.
✨ CHANGE: Now ranks is in folder /ranks. You can create unlimited files with ranks in this folder (for example, to sort)
✨ ADD: If you add in join/quit message or command at first place `@random` then will be select one from list random. Example:
Code (YAML):
Messages_Join: - '@random'
- '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 1' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 2' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 3'
✨ ADD: New parametr per rank `Selectable`
Code (YAML):
Selectable: true
✨ ADD: New command /rankjoin menu - Opens a menu for the player that contains all ranks with Selectable: true set. If the player has permission for a given rank, they can select it in the menu. Once selected, join/leave messages and commands will be executed based on the selected rank for the player (similar to tag selection).
There are 4 diffrent scenarios: 1. When player join, have selected rank and has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the selected rank from file 2. When player join, have selected rank but doesn't have custom join message = get selected rank messages/commands from file 3. When player join, doesn't have selected rank but has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the available highest priority rank 4. When player join, doesn't have selected rank and doesn't have custom join message = available highest priority rank messages/commands from file
✨ ADD: In menu player can use `Random choose` to select random rank from available for him (to use this button player need access at last 2 ranks)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
This version can contains errors if you found please report on discord
This update contains big changes only for users that use database. For all that move from 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0: 1. Ranks is now in subfolder named ranks/ default file example.yml is not read by plugin. 2. Changed a little format in messages, old will be moved to folder /unused you can just copy from this manually.
✨ CHANGE: Now ranks is in folder /ranks. You can create unlimited files with ranks in this folder (for example, to sort)
✨ ADD: If you add in join/quit message or command at first place `@random` then will be select one from list random. Example:
Code (YAML):
Messages_Join: - '@random'
- '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 1' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 2' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 3'
✨ ADD: New parametr per rank `Selectable`
Code (YAML):
Selectable: true
✨ ADD: New command /rankjoin menu - Opens a menu for the player that contains all ranks with Selectable: true set. If the player has permission for a given rank, they can select it in the menu. Once selected, join/leave messages and commands will be executed based on the selected rank for the player (similar to tag selection).
There are 4 diffrent scenarios: 1. When player join, have selected rank and has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the selected rank from file 2. When player join, have selected rank but doesn't have custom join message = get selected rank messages/commands from file 3. When player join, doesn't have selected rank but has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the available highest priority rank 4. When player join, doesn't have selected rank and doesn't have custom join message = available highest priority rank messages/commands from file
✨ ADD: In menu player can use `Random choose` to select random rank from available for him (to use this button player need access at last 2 ranks)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ ADD: Console message about available update is now configurable via language file.
✨ FIX: Fixed parsing aliases for main command. Previously there were strange symbols between aliases.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ FIX: Fixed the rare execution of operations in the database when two actions were performed simultaneously load or save outside the main thread a `Connection close` error could occur.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ FIX: When changing Vanish, a message about an available update was displayed.
✨ FIX: Double PlayerJoinEvent call when integrating with CMI.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Only dependency update.
If you are not experiencing any problems you do not need to update.
✨ ADD: Support 1.21.3
✨ UPDATE: Update dependency
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ ADD: New file commands.yml In this file you can manage commands like (toggle commands, aliases, description, permission)
✨ CHANGE: Moved `Command_Aliases` from settings.yml to commands.yml
✨ CHANGE: Moved `Messages.Main_Help` from language file to commands.yml
✨ CHANGE: In language file `Messages.Help` you can add prefix `<database>` to message then given line will be only show when database is active.
✨ UPDATE: Update dependency
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ FIX: Sending toast message (advancement message) in newest versions
✨ ADD: New option `Sound` in ranks (you need mannually add this to file)
✨ UPDATE: Update dependency
@Mapacheeeedou for find error and suggest a new option
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ REMOVE: Annoying information in console "Could not close connection" when database is active.
✨ UPDATE: Update dependency
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ ADD: Now admin commands start without admin argument just /rankjoin reload ETC.
✨ ADD: Command that show available commands /rankjoin help
✨ ADD: Command to show information about specific rank in chat /rankjoin preview <rank> [join/quit]
✨ UPDATE: Update dependency
✨ CHANGED: Changed permissions:
rankjoin.admin.join -> rankjoin.join
rankjoin.admin.quit -> rankjoin.quit
rankjoin.admin.remove -> rankjoin.remove
rankjoin.admin.check -> rankjoin.check
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ IMPROVE: Prevent send toast message on chat in older versions.
✨ ADD: Addition arguments in message type <toast>. All arguments is optional and not required.
Format: <toast:material:style> Available style: TASK, GOAL, CHALLENGE
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ Fix: Plugin reload doesn't reload changes in ranks.yml
✨ Fix: Error message with <toast>
✨ Fix: After reloading, when the bossbar was displayed, it was freeze
✨ Fix: Cutting messages on bossbar
✨ Removed unused option BossBar_Time from config.yml
✨ New: You can now provide in title and bossbar message additions parameters example <title:time:fadeIn:fadeOut> | <bossbar:time>
IMPORTANT CHANGE Previous format message was for example <chat>Message now is <chat>Message</chat> and similar for others. You have to change this manually All formats is include on main page plugin in FILES section
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ Fix jar size. Was too big because i shade unnecessary libraries into plugin
✨ Plugin can now be run on java 8+
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨Added in localization option to change text sended to player about available update.
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨Added option `Check_updated_on_join` in config.yml to send information about available update to player on join if has permission `rankjoin.update` (File will be automatically updated)
✨Now if you put permission to empty then we treat it as if it didn't require permission at all. Example:
Code (YAML):
Enabled: true
Permission: ""
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨In every sended message you can now use multiple formats. Example: "<chat>&6[VIP] {player} &2join the game <actionbar>Message in actionbar" If you want send on title and subtitle use "|" as separator like "<title>Title message|subtitle message"
✨Update dependencies to latest version
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨FOLIA SUPPORT: Now plugin can be running on Folia.
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Fix: Previous when player doesn't was permission to set custom join/quit message (rankjoin.admin.join or rankjoin.admin.quit) then can't use other admin commands. Now this is fixed.
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Fix: Wrong jar compile. Messages sent to player was not showing
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
✨ Dependencies Update: Updated to the latest version.
✨ Database Improvement: Reworked for better performance and added support for H2, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
✨ New Command: `/rankjoin info` displays basic information about hooks.
✨ File Changes: Renamed `mysql.yml` to `database.yml` and moved ranks from `config.yml` to a new `ranks.yml`.
✨ Rank Features: Ability to disable a specific rank without removal and added `Switch_ExecuteCommand` option.
✨ Commands: New ability to send on join or quit as either player or console.
✨ Default Database Status: The database is now disabled by default.
✨ File Comments: Enhanced for better clarity.
New files:
Code (YAML):
# If set to true, messages won't be displayed for players in vanish mode (supports most vanish plugins). Support_Vanish: true
# Should the default join message sent by Bukkit be hidden? Hide_Join_Message: true
# Should the default quit message sent by Bukkit be hidden? Hide_Quit_Message: true
# Duration for which the boss bar message will be displayed (in seconds). BossBar_Time: 5
# Disable the entire `Message_Join` section. Disable_Join_Section: false
# Disable the entire `Message_Quit` section. Disable_Quit_Section: false
# Notify in the console when a new version of the plugin is available. Check_updates: true
# Supported vanish plugins. If a specific plugin is enabled and a player goes into vanish/unvanish mode, # this plugin will send join and quit messages. VanishTypeSupport:
PremiumVanish: false
SuperVanish: false
Essentials: false
CMI: false
Code (YAML):
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! # Configuration to connect with database # This file is not reloading so after change any value here you need restart server # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
# !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! # Available type: MYSQL, POSTGRESQL, MONGODB, SQLITE, H2 # Or if you don't want use any database set to `NONE` # Can be provided in lowercase or uppercase # !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! DatabaseType: NONE
# Used for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Database:
Username: username
Host: localhost
Port: 3306
Database: database
Password: password
SQLite: # Used for SQLite and H2 # You can also put here "Default" Patch: "database.db"
Code (YAML):
# ========================= Messages ========================= # Specify the message type if you want the message displayed somewhere other than chat. # Available message types: <actionbar>, <toast>, <title>, <bossbar>, <center>. # If not specified, the default is chat. # ========================= Messages =========================
# ========================= Permission ========================= # Players require a specific permission to access this rank. # If a player has permissions for multiple ranks, see 'Priority' below. # ========================= Permission =========================
# ========================= Priority ========================= # If a player has permissions for multiple ranks, only the rank with the highest priority will be selected. # The priority system starts at 0. For example, 0 has higher priority than 1, 1 is higher than 2, and so on. # ========================= Priority =========================
# ========================= Switch_Execute_Command ========================= # If set to false, commands execute only once when the player joins or leaves. # If set to true, commands execute every time a player changes their vanish status. # ========================= Switch_Execute_Command =========================
# ========================= Commands ========================= # `Commands` are executed by the console. # `PCommands` are executed by the player. # To disable commands, set them to []. # ========================= Commands ========================= vip:
Enabled: true
Priority: 0
Messages_Join: - '&6
} &2join the game'
- '<bossbar> &6
} &2join the game'
Messages_Quit: - '&6
} &2quit the game'
Switch_Execute_Command: false
Commands_Join: -
"" PCommands_Join: [] Commands_Quit: -
"" PCommands_Quit: [] default:
Enabled: true
Permission: join.default
Priority: 1
Messages_Join: - ' &b
} &2join the game'
Messages_Quit: - '&b
} &cleft the game'
Switch_Execute_Command: false
Commands_Join: -
"" PCommands_Join: [] Commands_Quit: -
"" PCommands_Quit: []
Should you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please don't hesitate to send me a private message or share your thoughts in the Discussion section. Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!
Added: TabComplete in admin commands [check, remove]
Added: New options in config
Code (YAML):
# Plugin supported. If a specific plugin is enabled, then when the player will be coming on vanish or unVanish, then the plugin will be sending a message join and quit. VanishTypeSupport:
PremiumVanish: false
SuperVanish: false
Essentials: false
CMI: false
Changed: All previous message type:[CHAT], [ACTIONBAR], [SUBTITLE], [BOSSBAR] is now changed to <actionbar>, <title>, <bossbar>. If you just want use chat then put normal message. Added a new type <toast> and <center>
Changed: You need manually add to every ranks under Permission option Priority: <number>. When a player has permissions to several groups, only the one with the highest priority will be selected. Highest is 0
Added: In file mysql.yml you can put `none` in DatabaseType to completly disable database integration.
Added:2 new commands remove and check
Added: You can use colored message example:
Code (YAML):
Gradient text: <GRADIENT:2C08BA>Cool string with a gradient</GRADIENT:028A97
> Solid text: <SOLID:FF0080>Cool RGB SUPPORT
Hexa text: #D7A11CHere is hexa message
Fixed: Minor other noticed issues
New option in configuration:
Code (YAML):
# Completely disable using here section `Message_Join` Disable_Join_Section: false
# Completely disable using here section `Message_Quit` Disable_Quit_Section: false
Priority: 1
Priority: 2
If you found any problem or have a suggestion send me private message or post on Discussion. If you like this plugin i will be grateful for a review!
This update contains big changes! Recommended is reconfigure. Before update save your config.yml
Added: Databse type: mysql, hikari, sqlite.
Added: For now you can set custom join message for specific player. Command/rankjoin admin setJoin and /rankjoin admin setQuit. If player has set custom message then we don't display for him message from config.yml. To disable for player custom message just set on null. Variable {player} in message return player name.
Added: Update checker
Added: bstats
Changed: Command from /rankjoinmessage to /rankjoin
New file:
Code (YAML):
# Available: mysql | hikari | sqlite DatabaseType: sqlite
# Data to connected with MySQL MySQL:
Username: username
Host: host
Port: 3306
Database: database
Password: password
Table: table
AutoReconnect: true
# We should delete players data if they is inactive at given time? # It only checks this once when the server starts AutoPurge:
Enabled: true
# Time given in days Time: 30
Code (YAML):
NO_PERMISSION: "&cYou don't have permission to this command" PLAYER_NO_EXIST: "&cThis player no exist in database" PROVIDE_MESSAGE: "&cProvide message!" MISSING_PLAYER: "&cMissing player name" WRONG_ARGUMENT: "&cGiven argument doesn't exist" Usage:
JOIN: "&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setJoin <player> <message>" QUIT: "&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setQuit <player> <message>" Information:
SUCCESS_SET_JOIN: "&7Message join for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}" SUCCESS_SET_QUIT: "&7Message quit for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}" Reload:
STARTED: "&7Reloading plugin's data, please wait.." SUCCESS: "&6{plugin_name} {plugin_version} &ahas been reloaded." FAILED_SYNTAX: "&4Oups, &cthere was a problem loading files from your disk! See the console for more information. {plugin_name} has not been reloaded." ERROR: "&4Oups, &creloading failed! See the console for more information. Error: {error}" Help: -
" &3&lRank&b&lJoin&3&lMessage &7&lHelp" -
" " -
"&6- &7/rankjoin admin setJoin <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7>" -
"&6- &7/rankjoin admin setQuit <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7>" -
" " # Internal version number. Do not change! Version: 1
If you found any problem or have a suggestion send me private message or post on Discussion. If you like this plugin i will be grateful for a review!
Added option to hide default join/quit message from engine
From now if player have * in permission or operator then we don't show all message from all group but only one. This reads ranks from top to down in config.yml So if player has permission from rank on the very top then we show messages from this rank and stop showing message from other ranks below.
You can now set time the bossbar should be displayed
Reworked message system to support send message on CHAT, ACTIONBAR, SUBTITLE, BOSSBAR. You can now send messages in different places. But remember message on BOSSBAR, ACTIONBAR and SUBTITLE can be only one at the same time.
New config:
Code (YAML):
Settings: # If true, then message won't be show if player have vanish ( support most vanish plugin ) Support_Vanish: true
Ranks: # If you want disable join or quit message just leave empty, example: #rank: # Permission: join.rank # Message_Join: '' # Message_Quit: ''