Added database, per player message, bstats, update checker
UPDATE 2.0.0
This update contains big changes! Recommended is reconfigure. Before update save your config.yml
Added: Databse type: mysql, hikari, sqlite.
Added: For now you can set custom join message for specific player. Command/rankjoin admin setJoin and /rankjoin admin setQuit. If player has set custom message then we don't display for him message from config.yml. To disable for player custom message just set on null. Variable {player} in message return player name.
Added: Update checker
Added: bstats
Changed: Command from /rankjoinmessage to /rankjoin
New file:
Code (YAML):
# Available: mysql | hikari | sqlite DatabaseType: sqlite
# Data to connected with MySQL MySQL:
Username: username
Host: host
Port: 3306
Database: database
Password: password
Table: table
AutoReconnect: true
# We should delete players data if they is inactive at given time? # It only checks this once when the server starts AutoPurge:
Enabled: true
# Time given in days Time: 30
Code (YAML):
NO_PERMISSION: "&cYou don't have permission to this command" PLAYER_NO_EXIST: "&cThis player no exist in database" PROVIDE_MESSAGE: "&cProvide message!" MISSING_PLAYER: "&cMissing player name" WRONG_ARGUMENT: "&cGiven argument doesn't exist" Usage:
JOIN: "&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setJoin <player> <message>" QUIT: "&cUsage: /rankjoin admin setQuit <player> <message>" Information:
SUCCESS_SET_JOIN: "&7Message join for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}" SUCCESS_SET_QUIT: "&7Message quit for player &6{player} &7is set to {message}" Reload:
STARTED: "&7Reloading plugin's data, please wait.." SUCCESS: "&6{plugin_name} {plugin_version} &ahas been reloaded." FAILED_SYNTAX: "&4Oups, &cthere was a problem loading files from your disk! See the console for more information. {plugin_name} has not been reloaded." ERROR: "&4Oups, &creloading failed! See the console for more information. Error: {error}" Help: -
" &3&lRank&b&lJoin&3&lMessage &7&lHelp" -
" " -
"&6- &7/rankjoin admin setJoin <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7>" -
"&6- &7/rankjoin admin setQuit <&bplayer&7> <&6message&7>" -
" " # Internal version number. Do not change! Version: 1
If you found any problem or have a suggestion send me private message or post on Discussion. If you like this plugin i will be grateful for a review!