This version can contains errors if you found please report on discord
This update contains big changes only for users that use database. For all that move from 2.3.1 -> 2.4.0: 1. Ranks is now in subfolder named ranks/ default file example.yml is not read by plugin. 2. Changed a little format in messages, old will be moved to folder /unused you can just copy from this manually.
✨ CHANGE: Now ranks is in folder /ranks. You can create unlimited files with ranks in this folder (for example, to sort)
✨ ADD: If you add in join/quit message or command at first place `@random` then will be select one from list random. Example:
Code (YAML):
Messages_Join: - '@random'
- '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 1' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 2' - '<
#D5BC0E>[Vip] {player} <#911A3E>join on the server! 3'
✨ ADD: New parametr per rank `Selectable`
Code (YAML):
Selectable: true
✨ ADD: New command /rankjoin menu - Opens a menu for the player that contains all ranks with Selectable: true set. If the player has permission for a given rank, they can select it in the menu. Once selected, join/leave messages and commands will be executed based on the selected rank for the player (similar to tag selection).
There are 4 diffrent scenarios: 1. When player join, have selected rank and has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the selected rank from file 2. When player join, have selected rank but doesn't have custom join message = get selected rank messages/commands from file 3. When player join, doesn't have selected rank but has custom join message = send custom message from cache and execute commands from the available highest priority rank 4. When player join, doesn't have selected rank and doesn't have custom join message = available highest priority rank messages/commands from file
✨ ADD: In menu player can use `Random choose` to select random rank from available for him (to use this button player need access at last 2 ranks)
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions come on discord: Your feedback is invaluable! If you're enjoying this plugin, I'd be truly appreciative of a positive review. Thank you for your support!