I'm currently working on an update adding
settlements. Settlements are extremely simple in their design. They are just a lot of villagers that are detected by the plugin. If the plugin detects enough villagers in one place, it will treat it as a settlement. A settlement has its own territory, residents and, of course, a
name. The name is generated by the AI and is used in the generation of quests and unique items. This makes the plugin even more immersive, because the villagers know where they live. When working on this feature, I am inspired by games like
Dwarf Fortress and
Terraria, as well as the old
Millénaire mod (oldies remember). Each of these games has the ability to develop a settlement (or colony, if you prefer), and I felt that Minecraft was sorely lacking something like that. Of course, we already have villages in our game, but they are static and the same, didn't you want something more? I plan to take the best mechanics from these games and add them to my plugin: managing the settlement, creating demands from villagers (for example, villagers will be saddened by the fact that they don't have a bed, or they have nothing to eat), and if the village is thriving — new villagers will come to it. I'm already actively working on these features and on the screenshot you can notice that the villager mentions “
Smoldering Mire” — the settlement they live in. Names for settlements, by the way, are generated depending on the biomes in which they are located.