Villager Spawn Fix: Villagers now properly load into their settlements after server startup.
No More Random Unique Items: AI-generated unique items will no longer appear out of nowhere for a completely no reason.
Villager Info GUI: Hunger levels and professions are now displayed correctly in the villager information interface.
Language File Loading: The language file now loads immediately when the plugin initializes, ensuring there are no NPE.
Improved Reload Command: The /q reload command now correctly reloads the language file.
Reputation System Added: Reputation now affects prices, relationships with villagers, and some game mechanics (some of which are yet to be implemented). Reputation is divided into two types: Respect and Fame.
Fame is a more global type of reputation. If the player performs good deeds, completes quests, trades with villagers, or kills monsters and Illagers, villagers will lower their prices and greet the player more warmly. On the other hand, if the player kills villagers or players (especially those with high Fame, particularly in villages), villagers will dislike (or even hate) the player, raising prices or outright refusing to trade. Discounts from high Fame also apply to villager services.
Respect is a local reputation, unique to each villager. Respect influences player-villager relationships just like Fame but on a local level for each village. A player may have a great reputation in one village but be completely unknown in another.
Improved Dialogues: Villagers now converse with the player based on their Fame.
If the player is famous, they will be greeted as a hero, with warm and detailed quest explanations.
If the player is neutral, villagers will treat them neutrally, as they would any ordinary traveler.
If the player is infamous, villagers will speak to them disrespectfully, making it clear they are unwelcome in the area. Now that's immersion, huh?
Quest Completion Dialogues: The phrases villagers use when the player completes a quest now also depend on the player's reputation.
New Interaction Responses: If the player’s reputation is REALLY low, villagers will outright refuse to interact or trade with them. Politely put, they’ll send the player packing. Heh.
New Command: /q fame set <player> <amount> allows modifying any player's Fame value.
Updated config.yml: The formula for calculating final prices with reputation modifiers can now be easily adjusted, giving you more control over balance.
Improved Text Display in Dialog Windows: Important words are now highlighted in configurable colors, making the AI-generated verbosity much more readable! Names and objectives are now immediately noticeable. Additionally, text color in dialog windows is finally customizable.
And, just usual.. Old configs.. yeah, delete them. xD