Added placeholderAPI placeholder for usertags '%powerranks_usertag%'
Added placeholderAPI for the player's current world '%powerranks_world%'
Added placeholderAPI for the player's playtime '%powerranks_playtime%'
Added placeholderAPI parsing to the chat and tablist format
Fixed color codes '&i' and '&j' not working when a different color code was right after it
Changed '/pr setrank' permission check ('powerranks.cmd.set': set all ranks | 'powerranks.cmd.set.*': set all ranks | 'powerranks.cmd.set.<rankName>': set specific rank)
Fixed version checking between two digit and three digit versions
Fixed commandblock commands
Fixed wildcard support for other plugins
Fixed bug where player still has a permission after is was removed Fixed automatic config update bug
Added addon loader
Added new functions to the API 'getSubranks(Player player)', 'addSubrank(Player player, String rank)', 'removeSubrank(Player player, String rank)', 'getPlayerSubrankPrefixes(Player player)', 'getPlayerSubrankSuffixes(Player player)'
Added multi-world support for subranks
Renamed command '/pr set' to '/pr setrank'
Renamed command '/pr setown' to '/pr setownrank'
Changed '/pr help' to use pages instead of displaying all commands at once to navigate use either the '[<] [>]' or '/pr help [page_number]'
Fixed tab autocomplete for commands, rank names, playernames and permission nodes
Fixed leading space when no prefix is set
'/pr setprefix' and '/pr setsuffix' can now be executed without a prefix or suffix to remove it
Added '/pr rankup' to signs
Added internal permission 'powerranks.cmd.*' to get all PowerRanks permissions
Added update checking **optional**
Added automatic update download **optional**
Added automatic config update **optional**
Added command '/pr addbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr delbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to no longer make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr setcost <rankname> <cost>' to set the buy cost of '<rankname>'
Changed working of buyable ranks in 'Ranks.yml' 'economy.buyable' is no longer a boolean but a list of ranks
Added 'addBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)', 'delBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)' and 'setRankBuyCost(String rank, int cost)' to the PowerRanks API
Changed Signs permissions from 'powerranks.cmd.<perm>' to 'powerranks.signs.<perm>'
Changed working of the 'rankup' sign command, when a rankname is given on the thirth line it wil directly buy that rank instead of opening the GUI, optionally, a cost can be added on the fourth line
Fixed tab autocomplete for commands, rank names, playernames and permission nodes
Fixed leading space when no prefix is set
'/pr setprefix' and '/pr setsuffix' can now be executed without a prefix or suffix to remove it
Added '/pr rankup' to signs
Added internal permission 'powerranks.cmd.*' to get all PowerRanks permissions
Added update checking **optional**
Added automatic update download **optional**
Added automatic config update **optional**
Added command '/pr addbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr delbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to no longer make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr setcost <rankname> <cost>' to set the buy cost of '<rankname>'
Changed working of buyable ranks in 'Ranks.yml' 'economy.buyable' is no longer a boolean but a list of ranks
Added 'addBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)', 'delBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)' and 'setRankBuyCost(String rank, int cost)' to the PowerRanks API
Changed Signs permissions from 'powerranks.cmd.<perm>' to 'powerranks.signs.<perm>'
Changed working of the 'rankup' sign command, when a rankname is given on the thirth line it wil directly buy that rank instead of opening the GUI, optionally, a cost can be added on the fourth line