Fixed tab autocomplete for commands, rank names, playernames and permission nodes
Fixed leading space when no prefix is set
'/pr setprefix' and '/pr setsuffix' can now be executed without a prefix or suffix to remove it
Added '/pr rankup' to signs
Added internal permission 'powerranks.cmd.*' to get all PowerRanks permissions
Added update checking **optional**
Added automatic update download **optional**
Added automatic config update **optional**
Added command '/pr addbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr delbuyablerank <rankname> <buyablerankname>' to no longer make '<buyablerankname>' buyable in '/pr rankup'
Added command '/pr setcost <rankname> <cost>' to set the buy cost of '<rankname>'
Changed working of buyable ranks in 'Ranks.yml' 'economy.buyable' is no longer a boolean but a list of ranks
Added 'addBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)', 'delBuyableRank(String rank, String buyable_rank)' and 'setRankBuyCost(String rank, int cost)' to the PowerRanks API
Changed Signs permissions from 'powerranks.cmd.<perm>' to 'powerranks.signs.<perm>'
Changed working of the 'rankup' sign command, when a rankname is given on the thirth line it wil directly buy that rank instead of opening the GUI, optionally, a cost can be added on the fourth line