PowerRanks icon

PowerRanks -----

A rank based permissions plugin for Minecraft servers

Version: 1.10.10
To Be Exact, People who are giving bad reviews here are fuc**** a-holes. They dont know how to use plugins. They dont know how to configure. Never reload plugins its always better to restart. Luckperms is good too but i used this on my server for a LONG TIME. 2 Years to be exact. And it works. Never broken, never any problems. I LOVE this plugins. The plugin doesnt have any problems it has excellent Permission Managment. Chat formating is VERY GOOD for managing 600 Players... And tablist. ITS, WOW. You can customize more than you can in other plugins. Please stop posting bad reviews If youre an A-HOLE and a freaking Moron. Learn how to use minecraft servers Kids trying to be youtubers. And Olafcio. this isnt a Terrible Plugin your just a freaking moron at a freaking dumpster pc. Kid Learn how to use Minecraft Server :D

And youre supposed to CHANGE THE PERMISSIONS OLAFCIO. YOU MORON- YOU THINK A FUC**** PERMISSION MANAGER IS BEING PRE SETUPED? THIS ISNT AN HARDWARE STORE WHERE THEY WILL INSTALL AND SET IT UP FOR YOU. THE OWNER DOESNT KNOW WHAT PLUGINS YOU HAVE. This plugin isnt making servers insecure. Youre just insecure about ur weight moron. And Youre Lazy KID And its not giving owners the RANK. First of. Why luckperms isnt that popular? Because there isnt no presetup ranks! Thats why powerranks is kinda better for people what dont know much. The maximal crap people would do is make a review like you Olafcio. Your Dumb As fu** If you want server owners know how to make server THEN TEACH THEM? LIKE THIS PLUGIN WOULD WORK IF YOU WOULD TEACH THEM. MORON. IT DOES PROVIDE UTILITY FEATURES PERMISSION MANAGMENT AND SERVER OWNERS SHOULD LEARN THAT THE ABSOLUTE SHI* YOURE TALKING ABOUT IS NOT TRUE. THEY SHOULD HAVE THE KNOWLEDGE TO FU** YOUR REVIEW BECAUSE ITS SAYING THINGS LIKE YOU JUST POSTED IT AND DIDNT EVEN TESTED IT!

YOU EVEN SAID: Keep in mind, that these plugins require configuration, and knowledge - everything is done within the files.


Hey PowerRanks Owner! Am just typing this because i love this plugin and people dont know how to use it they just download it and expect it to work . Have a great day! Hope your okay and continue development on plugins! :D

Version: 1.10.10
Terrible plugin. Had a terrible experience, while looking at the owners that use it.
Shortly: Use luckperms!

Some might think, powerranks is very good, as it provides a lot of essential features to the server - and while that is true, there's no such thing as an "utility". It both has many upsides, and downsides. PowerRanks provides 1.permission management 2.chat formatting 3.tablist, and maybe even something more, did I miss anything? Yeah, that's too much. It's like MS Windows, while being good, is often a pain in the . Permission management doesn't exist in this plugin - permissions being wiped, often don't work, thus being a critical failure. Chat formatting - yeah, it's there. Honestly, maybe it's good, but EssentialsX will never be replaced . Tablist feature - whether it's good or not, it isn't the exact TAB plugin format, thus making sites such as https://rgb.birdflop.com not work with it.

Now, you are probably thinking - wait, but you didn't say it's very bad, so why is your opinion very bad? Well, the reason is:
- admins abusing their permissions
- servers being griefed/killed by "MODERATORS"
- plugin not providing basic rank plugin functionality
and me thinking - "what the fu3k." I am tired of it. Moderators shouldn't have permissions, that admins have; moderators shouldn't be able, to ban THE OWNER. Moderators shouldn't be able, to take over the server. Now it's the part, when you, the plugin maker, says "RTFM; [...]" or something. I don't care; the plugin makes servers insecure, and owners not creative.

Now, creativity. The plugin has default rank settings, some simple gradients - "that's cool! It's giving the owner some examples, about the ranks." No, that's giving the owner the ranks - not examples. Many owners simply do not care, and leave default rank settings on the server, due to the lack of knowledge, to them theirselves, and their lazyness. If someone would give them links, to a text prettifier and minecraft text gradient maker, they would make some ultimate crap, or even worse, do not understand how to use it.

Mission failed. I want server owners to know how to make servers, now they don't because of a sh1tty plugin that doesn't provide utility feature - permission management. I think that, server owners should learn, and have knowledge about creating server, when doing so - not using this. As a replacement for PowerRanks, I recommend using these plugins:
- LuckPerms
- LPC/EssentialsX Chat
You should also use these plugins, as they will probably be an utility to you:
- PlaceholderAPI
- Vault
To have best results, use these websites:
- fsymbols.com/generators/smallcaps/
- rgb.birdflop.com
Keep in mind, that these plugins require configuration, and knowledge - everything is done within the files.

Before finishing the review, I also want all to tell all these people in the reviews, who don't know how to use this plugin - you really should go to school, as it's the easiest thing I've ever used (while I was testing).

Version: 1.10.10
Rude developer, bad discord, bad plugin. Very buggy and lot of times made my server crashed with 10gb ram.
Doesn't support 1.8+

Only luckperms!!!!!!!!!

Version: 1.10.9R2
powerrank worksgood but why ranks won,t show in the player name and tab???? pls fix this or this is not issue , pls say what should i do???

Version: 1.10.9R2
Good Plugin, Are you guys going to wait for 1.21 or go ahead and update to 1.20.6?

Version: 1.10.9R2
It says I'm not op and I can't do anything pls fix I typed /op $$$$$$ and it won't work
Author's response
Not an issue with PowerRanks, please learn how Minecraft servers work please, Thanks :)

Version: 1.10.9R2
amazing plugin i use this for like almost 1 year and i never got any problems perfect

Version: 1.10.9R2
i dont know i dont know i dont know i dont know i dont know i dont know i dont know

Version: 1.10.9R2
I updated to this latest version afraid of failures due to bad comments but it worked incredible on my server! Thanks for implementing sensitivity in names
Author's response
Sometimes mistakes can be made, but I do my absolute best to fix every issue that I encounter. Thank you for trusting PowerRanks!

Version: 1.10.9
Made a spigot account just to say this.

Buggy, poorly made plugin that floods the console with errors and reports. Also caused my server to almost always be maxed out on ram (8 gb allocated with 1 - 5 people on was somehow always 100%)

Author's response
Instead of complaining, you could've reached out so I can work on fixing the issues you're experiencing. Use whatever fits your needs.

Version: 1.10.9
Plugin just completely shits itself when you try to reload configs. ALSO: Having cached values is not an excuse for a terribly written config handler. You can cache without breaking reload functionality.

Adding to that, its yet another bloated plugin that tries to be 10 plugins at once and does a terrible job at all of them. Use LuckPerms and other plugins that can do the same. Dont think having everything in one plugin is better, if anything its worse.
Author's response
Instead of complaining, you could've reached out so I can work on fixing the issues you're experiencing. Use whatever fits your needs.

Version: 1.10.7
Bruh the permissions not eaven working correctly then why is there infront of my name what the name of the world is?
Author's response

Version: 1.10.7
this plugin is great when it works because it always gets disabled with my server.

Version: 1.10.6
For those who's wondering if the plugin is compatible with 1.12.2, yes its compatible with 1.12.2 ive tested this for my server. Anyways, this plugin was great.

Version: 1.10.6
Nach fast jedem reload ist die permissions weg und ich habe keine lust mehr andauernd die permissions wieder neu zu machen!
Author's response
Make sure your server is turned off before editing any files since PowerRanks uses caching while the server is running.

Version: 1.10.6
It is the best plugin, but now the whole plugin isn't working, pls fix this, also the dc link doesn't work!

Version: 1.10.6
its very bad in 1.10.6 . It is very similar to another plugin that everyone knows.the promote and demote removed in plugin but But it still in configuration.[prefix] always shows duplicates in tab and chat.webeditor always shows error time out and you have to spam the command /pr we start &/pr we load to it works.and you have to spend alot time so its not Easy to use and alot more ... im stil using 1.9.3 its more like power ranks its ez and fast to add perms in >>config>>ranks |and it does not need a web editor at all.

Version: 1.10.5R2
itz so good cuz itz eazy to use and i realy love this plugin + better then luckperms (:

Version: 1.10.5R2
It works wonderfully until it randomly breaks your entire server. At first, the webeditor stopped working. Then, all operator commands entirely stopped.

Version: 1.10.5R2
I had just one problem. Why scoreboards doesn't work or appear? No, seriously, I've tested. Without the plugin works but with it doesn't. If I could fix this, it would be perfect!

Version: 1.10.5R2
i had so much trouble with my rank plugins but with this its amazing! this is like a blessing

Version: 1.10.5R2
Best ranks system ever worked! Alles finely ist th e best! Better as luckperms!.

Version: 1.10.5R2
I don't really know where to start ... it's the worst plugin I've ever had.

We decide to use PowerRanks because it was an alternative with LuckPerms with a rankup system integrated with the game currency.
After about a couple of months, the web editor started not working.
We contacted Discord support to tell us to reinstall everything (which we did but it didn't help), plus it took some pings to get staff support.
They applied the timeout on me and in the meantime the server remained closed.

Moral of the story: We had to put the server in maintenance several times for several days because this plugin is done with the feet.
Don't trust the number of downloads of a plugin.

Version: 1.10.5R2
Terrible I rather use GroupManager cause this plugin is filled with bugs
You cannot arrange ranks in customer order in a tab list like which one should be on top and which not its completely bugged the weight thing is also broken ranks perms get bugged in certain times I used to use this and love this plugin until I witnessed this bugs and glitches and the support omg don't ask me how bad they are! and I didn't came here to get help cause I have already shifted to another Ranks Plugin Groupmanager

Version: 1.10.5R2
I personally think this plugin is great! It's easy to use, it handles permissions AND ranks, and it's pretty easy to integrate into other plugins!

Version: 1.10.5R2
Even if you change the config, it will be reverted after rebooting. It doesn't matter how many times you do it. Trash plugin. don't put this plugin
Author's response
This has been explained in the documentation. Worth a read before complaining about nothing.

Version: 1.10.5R2
Great rank and permissions plugin, will continue using this plugin. Although since ive heard rumors of breaking changes in newer versions, ill be staying on 1.9.5.

Version: 1.10.5R2
trash plugin when i set al the prems for my owner rank i still cant do anything dont download this trash plugin

Version: 1.10.5R2
Très bon plugin mais je pense juste qu'il manque un fonctionnalité, il faudrait rajouter dans la config un moyen pour faire en sorte de choisir dans un monde quel grade on a par exemple on est vip sur le HUB mais en bedwars on a pas de grade car les gens qui n'on pas de bungee ne peux pas gérer les grade selon les mondes.

Version: 1.10.5R2
PowerRanks for me has been wonderful, and I've got it installed on all of my servers and I even suggested my friends to get it. However, this fun period was not to last for too long... All of a sudden, 9 months ish ago, all of the ranks' permissions (and nothing else) had just gotten wiped, I'd done nothing though, I recall it happening when I was offline. The config and lang files and player.yml file weren't affected. I wasn't worried, I'd saved the Ranks.yml file in my notes a few months prior to this, and nothing was wrong since. Fast forward 2 months after this... Same thing happened, then after another month, AGAIN, I didn't bother... I had it saved, doesn't matter, right? No... You thought that was all? Lmao. Present, EVERY PLAYERS' RANKS, gone. This happened like 1 week ago, and just today, like 20 mins ago, too, today's one was worse, PLAYERS STARTED TO GET RANDOM RANKS OUT OF NOWHERE. they were vip, became the lower rank, they were mod, became the same rank as the vip did, and etc. Like what the heck? I'm also using an older version of the plugin, I believe, but that's also FOR A REASON. The newer version for me, I saw that it's buggier and it said An internal error occured while trying to perform this, in several commands. Well. That's my review, as a partly long time PowerRanks user, these problems, I believe must only just be fixed and dealt with. It is really stressful for me when players lose their ranks out of nowhere for no reason AT ALL. I only gave the plugin a 3 star rating because it's the easiest plugin out of TAB, PermissionsEx, luckperms, etc. I just didn't feel like switching, and look at where that got me. Please, just try to fix these. Or if they are already fixed, please let me know. I'm not switching to a newer version until I don't get a response. Thank you.

Version: 1.10.5R2
great plugins, just hope player could do /rankup instead of /pr buyranks

80 text

Version: 1.10.5R2
A great plugin. Tbh, it's basically the best permission and ranks plugin. Better then LuckPerms. Just I hope the planned Bungeecord support will come out soon :)

Version: 1.10.5R2
very good plugin, if you're trying to start a server and you DON'T have this plugin, i have no idea what you're doing.

also a pro tip: don't accidentally hold shift too long while typing a rank with a 1 in it ;) (pro tip part 2: it causes your server to go absolute whack and you have to reinstall the plugin)

Version: 1.10.5R2
I have been making and playing around with MC servers for a long time and I have to be honest, power rank seems like a must have for anyone who wants to start their server and start it right.

Personal Ranking Based on my usage:
Easy to use; 10/10
Understandable Documentation; 10/10
Discord community / aid; 9.5/10
In-game functionality; 10/10
Web-Editor; 10/10

The plugin brings together all the items you need into a fun package. If you need ranks setup for a PrisonMC, Survival MC, or any other server type I recommend this one.

Version: 1.10.4
I rate this plugin 3/5 stars because the plugin just broke my server. The command (/pr setperm rank permission.something) sometimes says An internal error occured, check console for more. It also broke some other plguins like essentials, because sometimes it says You dont have permission to do this even tho I am opped. Here is console log: https://pastebin.com/raw/YWSvNDZr
Author's response
PowerRanks does not support Minecraft versions below 1.13, In your log I see that you're using Minecraft 1.8.8.

Version: 1.10.4
J'ai télécharger la version 1.10.4 du plugin et l'éditeur en ligne ne marche pas quand je fait /pr webeditor start sa m'emmène sur la page de l'éditor mais je ne peux rien modifier sur l'aile droite rien ne s'affiche quand je clique sur le rank de plus en jeux quand je change mon rank avec la command /pr setrank <player> <rank> le rank s'actualise dans le scoreboard mais dans le tab et avec nametagedit le rank reste bloquer a mon précédant rank et ne change pas il faut que je déco reco pour qu'il change.

Pouvez vous remédier a cela svp. Sinon trés bon plugin

Version: 1.10.4
Works as expected. Runs on my server now for 4 years and most Problems have been fixed by simply updating.

Version: 1.10.4
[14:36:30 INFO]: Tymianeq_83 issued server command: /pr addperm Admin beasttokens
[14:36:30 ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'pr' in plugin PowerRanks v1.10.4
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:46) ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:141) ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:651) ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand(PlayerConnection.java:1397) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnection.a(PlayerConnection.java:1232) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:45) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a(PacketPlayInChat.java:1) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$1.run(SourceFile:13) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515) [?:?]
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264) [?:?]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.D(MinecraftServer.java:748) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.DedicatedServer.D(DedicatedServer.java:406) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.C(MinecraftServer.java:679) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:577) [server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834) [?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor.of(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/md_5/bungee/api/ChatColor;
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Data.PowerRanksChatColor.colorizeRaw(PowerRanksChatColor.java:92) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Data.PowerRanksChatColor.colorize(PowerRanksChatColor.java:43) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.chatColor(PowerRanks.java:882) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.updateTablistName(PowerRanks.java:873) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.updateTablistName(PowerRanks.java:823) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.updatePlayersWithRank(PowerRanks.java:929) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Data.Users.addPermission(Users.java:477) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Commands.rank.cmd_addperm.onCommand(cmd_addperm.java:37) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Commands.PowerCommandHandler.onCommand(PowerCommandHandler.java:165) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:44) ~[server.jar:git-Spigot-d21162c-61e0c69]
... 15 more

Version: 1.10.4
paper spigot kullanıyorum çalışmadı

[12:41:17] [Server thread/ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling PowerRanks v1.10.4 (Is it up to date?)
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0
at jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBounds(Preconditions.java:64) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.outOfBoundsCheckIndex(Preconditions.java:70) ~[?:?]
at jdk.internal.util.Preconditions.checkIndex(Preconditions.java:266) ~[?:?]
at java.util.Objects.checkIndex(Objects.java:359) ~[?:?]
at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:427) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.updateTablistName(PowerRanks.java:780) ~[PowerRanks.jar:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Events.OnJoin.handleJoin(OnJoin.java:73) ~[PowerRanks.jar:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Cache.CacheManager.load(CacheManager.java:193) ~[PowerRanks.jar:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.onEnable(PowerRanks.java:183) ~[PowerRanks.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:264) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:370) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:500) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugin(CraftServer.java:564) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:478) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.reload(CraftServer.java:1035) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(Bukkit.java:857) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(ReloadCommand.java:54) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:159) ~[paper-api-1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:897) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_18_R1.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(CraftServer.java:860) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.handleConsoleInputs(DedicatedServer.java:507) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.tickChildren(DedicatedServer.java:481) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tickServer(MinecraftServer.java:1470) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1264) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:317) ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-176]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833) ~[?:?]

Version: 1.10.4
its the best free ranks plugin imo, but 1 problem for me, the problem is i created 3-5 custom ranks but, they dont show up in config.yml, pls tell me how can i fix this, i cant run my minecraft smp without it, btw i use aternos

Version: 1.10.4
Not working what so ever, cant change name or chat color, cant give permissions at all, its simply not working.
Author's response
If you can provide me with information, I can improve/fix it. Saying "not working" and "this is garbage" doesn't help in the slightest.

In the PowerNetwork Discord server you even didn't gave us a chance to help you.
If you like to complain instead of wanting help, I recommend you to use a different plugin.

Version: 1.10.3
Not working. At start it's fonctionnal but now is not working. It's make crash for all things (commands , tablist , and others).
Author's response
If you can provide me with error logs, I can improve/fix it. Saying "not working" doesn't help in the slightest.

Version: 1.9.9R4
excellent plugin but can you like add a way we can have same ranks on 3 worlds and the rest of the worlds dont have those ranks

Version: 1.9.9R3
which economy plugin does the power ranks use (if it uses pls tell and give the link pls)? and btw this is best rank plugin ever i found :)

Version: 1.9.9R3
great plugin but when i used it first time it was working sooo perfect but then when accidently remove it and upload it again it was spamming one error that was this

[PowerRanks] Task #7 for PowerRanks v1.9.9R3 generated an exception
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Long.intValue()" because the return value of "nl.svenar.PowerRanks.Cache.CachedPlayers.getLong(String)" is null
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks.updatePlaytime(PowerRanks.java:952) ~[?:?]
at nl.svenar.PowerRanks.PowerRanks$3.run(PowerRanks.java:355) ~[?:?]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftTask.run(CraftTask.java:100) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:468) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.b(MinecraftServer.java:1427) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.DedicatedServer.b(DedicatedServer.java:436) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:1342) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:1130) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R3.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0(MinecraftServer.java:291) ~[patched_1.16.5.jar:git-Paper-782]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831) [?:?]

can someone help me

Version: 1.9.9R3
This is a very excellent plugin. But the one problem we (other people) in my server are facing that sometimes when we message, it has a chance for PowerRanks to not apply the prefix and other things. Sometimes, the plugin is completely busted, and does not do anything to the chat and restores Minecraft's default chat. I have to restart my server to fix this issue. My Paper (I do not use Spigot) version is 1.17.1-90. Maybe it has to do something with that? Also, pardon me if I said this issue in the wrong section. This is still 5 stars because I love this plugin and appreciate all your hard work on this project. I'm sorry for this long message. Good luck.

Version: 1.9.9R3
works really well on my server great job developer! The colours are really nice and smooth :)

Version: 1.9.9R3
Well, working really well on spigot but wath about paperspigot, also has support on paperspigot???

Version: 1.9.9R3
Anyway this is the best rank plugin!
Can set permission,rankup,buyrank and more...
Good Luck!
I Like it!

Version: 1.9.9R3
Always used this as my permissions plugin and I never experienced any issues. Would 100% recommend, easy to configure and easy to understand.

Version: 1.9.9R3
Easy to use, its Best plugin for ranks, cool addons good discord server 5 stars.

Version: 1.9.9R2
just use luckperms, way more better & simpler then this It even has a web editor
Author's response
Please don't bother reviewing this plugin if you don't know what features it has.

Version: 1.9.9R2
Update to early version 1.8+ pleasssssssssssss
This is the best plugin!!! But please update ;(

Version: 1.9.9
Yo, I have a strange problem in a 1.16.4 server, with a ton of another plugins, and with Luckperms. "Strange" because this plugin broke all the Luckperms perms, and the essentials economy. Idk fvcking why, but I hope that this uptade fix that, I love this plugin, so, I hope that I don't have any problems on my server rn.
Atte: Ksky

Version: 1.9.8
it's so easy
you can change almost everything from the ranks.yml
you cant even do that with pex

Version: 1.9.8
Please add 1.8 - 1.13 support ;/ I will use on my PVP server 1.8 and it doesn't work. You can add time - rank fe. VIP for 30 days and after that its a player

Version: 1.9.8
Witam super plugin ale pasuje dodać do rang czas zeby gracze którzy mają vipa mieli rangę na 30 dni itp i wtedy wtyczka idealna !

Version: 1.9.8
Works smoothly everythings great but how can I remove the "World" prefix before the rank and name? for instance "World [MEMBER] User1: hi
Author's response
Thanks for the review.
To remove the 'world' name use (/pr config removeworldtag)
If you experience bugs, please join the Discord server( https://discord.gg/rAgBHMB) or create a issue report on Github( https://github.com/svenar-nl/PowerRanks/issues/new/choose)

Version: 1.9.7
Very easy to use!
Why doesn't the placeholder "% powerranks_rank%" work with infoboardreborn?

Version: 1.9.6
What can I say, this is the first time I rate a plugin and write a comment even if I test a lot of plugins, this plugin is AMAZING
Thank you guys for making it free and I am looking forward to the updates I hope it becomes a source of income one day and thanks again XD
msg for you: Download the plugin you don't need to read the reviews !!!!!!!

Version: 1.9.6
Great plugin I love it works great good job! and can you please fix the placeholder %powerranks_rank%
Author's response
Thanks for the review.
If you experience bugs, please join the Discord server( https://discord.gg/rAgBHMB) or create a issue report on Github( https://github.com/svenar-nl/PowerRanks/issues/new/choose)

Version: 1.9.5
It is very good, lightweight, fast, and most importantly, the GUI is partially customisable and does not look bad at all. A few suggestions I have:

add the createrank command to the GUI
add hex colour picker (for 1.16)

sidenote: I have made a spigot account just to make this review :)
the author seems like a nice person and is very helpful
Author's response
Thanks for the review, your suggestions have been noted and I will look into them!

Version: 1.9.5
All good hehe :) Support ! Love this plugin.
Easy and simple to use.
Thanks for keeping it free and up to date.
Author's response
Thanks for the review(s) :)

Version: 1.9.4
Nothing else to say then thanks ;D
Love the plugin, simple and easy to use, recommendations to everyone.
Keep up! :D

Version: 1.9.3
All what y'alll should say for this plugin is thank you man.
This is well made, plenty of options but most important it's simple and easy to install and use. Again thanks for keeping it free and for maintaining it. Keep up the good work man. Happy Holidays! :)

Version: 1.9.3
free stars LOL, .........................................................................

Version: 1.9.2
This plugin is fantastic and super easy to configure ...
I have a problem and it is that when I use / pr rankup or put up posters for the purchase of ranks it throws me a message saying that the purchase of ranks is not allowed in the world and I don't know where to change that

Version: 1.9.1
great permissions plugin overall. please add world specific permissions ========

Version: 1.8
Really really good but needs some things. I think this plugin would be the best rank plugin but only if it had a better dropdown menu for permissions just like luckperms.

Version: 1.8
Alguien me puede decir las variables? que no las encuentro las de papi no me funcionan plis ayuda :,v

Version: 1.8
I've seen your plugin "PowerRanks" on spigotmc, it's fantastic!!!!!
I'm a Chinese server owner using the plugin. Could you please allow me to translate your plugin and advertise it to MCBBS? Many Chinese server owners want a translated language file, and I can help them. You know not all of them are good at English, they can't read your post (Even with Google translator) they need a Chinese translator. I'll show them your spigotmc page and let them download the plugin here. I'll NEVER claim it as mine, I just wanna translate it and let more people know it. I'll NEVER leak the jar file.
Hope for your reply!

Version: 1.6
Support for this plugin is VERY fast and effective. This plugin works incredibly well, and the web editor is a very nice touch, and allows server admins who are inexperienced to setup an entire ranking system easily, and helps experienced admins make quick creations so that the harder stuff can be done quicker manually within the files.

LOVE this plugin. The Dev team does an amazing job, keep up the good work!

Version: 1.5.1
This is a really good plugin. I have occasionally had errors, but they got fixed quickly and I got support super fast. The dev is super active, and this plugin overall adds a good rank system with subranks and is very stable.

Version: 1.1
Best permission/rank plugin there is in my opinion. Very easy to configure, always up to date, super quick updates. Never had an issue, I trust this plugin with my very life.

Version: 1.0
This is the best Ranking plugin, keep updating it,
A feature-request, can you add a nametag to the players, I mean the tab have the ranks and name color in it, but there are no name tags, it will be amazing if you add it :P

Version: 0.9.1
Great plugin, it's very easy to add ranks, permissions etc. The support is also excellent. An overall great product :)

Version: 0.8
Great plugin and a great active developer! Everything is working fine, keep up the good work!

Version: 0.7
So far so good. Though maybe I am reading something wrong, but I am unsure of how to have certain ranks be listed as better than others.
Author's response
PowerRanks does not care about rank order and sorting is not an option right now, as for the tab-list (player-list) sorting is not possible without the use of packets since that is sorted client-side.

Version: 0.7
Nice Plugin, Continue Updating it Please, Is The best Rank Plugin, I love it :D

Version: 0.6
great plugin, easy to use, simple). I will give a little spoiler to others: in the next version (possibly) there will be support for gui in versions of minecraft 1.8+.
your supporter, itzJOH =)

Version: 0.6
This is surely the best ranks plugin..If you got any issues the support at discord server is the best for fixing them for you

Version: 0.6
5 Stars, Great plugin. Really easy to use. But can you setup Tebex using it?? Because I am making a Minecraft Network.

Version: 0.5
I would rate 5 stars as this is a great no BS plugin however the one bug that prevents me from using this is that if I have 2 ranks eg Member and Admin and Admin has some permissions that member doesn't and I get demoted down to Member I still have access to all the Admin permissions until I log out and back in or I get kicked. If this bug wasn't a thing easy 5 stars, also I'm on MC1.15.2 Paper Spigot in case your wondering.
Author's response
Thanks for letting me know, it has been fixed in v0.6 that is available now.

Version: 0.5
terrible no gui + many bugs.....................................................................
Author's response
What bugs are you experiencing, also, see '/pr gui' for a gui.

Version: 0.4
Was having some issues with the plugin on creating rank perms. Hopped into the discord and Svenar and ScriptConsole BOTH helped me until i fixed the bug and configured chat commands! 100% recommend them

Version: 0.1.9
This plugin is becomming the best
Rank plugin on Spigot ;)

It is really nice!

Keep up the good work

Version: 0.1.7
5stars if you add nametag support ([OWNER] FicelleYTB]) above head ;)

cool plugin

Version: 0.1.3
Works fine, also in Version 1.15.2. There are some small Bugs but i hope these will get fixed. Solid Plugin
Author's response
The new 0.1.6 version should work fine on 1.15.2

Version: 0.1.3
I Have Proplem WIth This Plugin ... When i Use World Guard .. Power Ranks Block every command from world guard .. l can break block and place without permissions .. please i need help
Author's response
This has been fixed in v0.1.6

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 851,506
First Release: Feb 8, 2019
Last Update: Aug 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
80 ratings
Find more info at powerranks.nl...
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