PlayerPoints icon

PlayerPoints -----

A point based currency system.

Note: This update contains changes to the locale files command descriptions, they will need to be updated manually to only be the descriptions and no longer contain the command name or formatting.

=== v3.3.0 ===
+ The main command can now be customized under the new commands/points.yml file
- The aliases.yml file is no longer used and can be deleted
+ Locale messages for the command descriptions have been updated and will need to be changed, otherwise you'll see doubled formatting in the /points help menu
+ Added Folia support
* Fixed an issue where placeholders could be parsed arbitrarily in commands
* Commands that update points now have an additional -s flag to make them silent
* A modern MySQL driver is now loaded on servers 1.16.5 or higher for better MySQL compatibility
----------, Dec 30, 2024

=== v3.2.7 ===
+ Added support for 1.20.6
* The /points take command no longer takes points if the player doesn't have enough to take
----------, May 3, 2024

=== v3.2.6 ===
* PlaceholderAPI placeholders are now parsed in command arguments for command blocks and console
* You can no longer pay yourself with the pay command
* You can no longer spam the pay command
* The TokenManager conversion will now copy usernames if available
* Converters now display their progress in console since this can take a while for large servers
* Fixed data not fully reloading on /points reload
----------, Jul 3, 2023

=== v3.2.5 ===
+ Exporting and importing now includes the UUID->Username mappings
* Fixed empty messages still sending with the prefix
* Updated the GamePoints converter
* Fixed an issue where bungee notifications were still sent while the plugin is disabling
* The plugin now loads during startup instead of postworld
----------, Nov 13, 2022

=== v3.2.4 ===
* Fixed the PlaceholderAPI leaderboard placeholders always requiring a player
* Made it possible to not send a message by setting it to ''
----------, May 23, 2022

=== v3.2.3 ===
* Fixed an SQLite query error on 1.8.8 servers due to a super outdated SQLite driver
----------, Mar 31, 2022

=== v3.2.2 ===
+ Added a converter for GamePoints
+ Added better UUID/Username caching for bedrock player support
* Fixed the leaderboard placeholders potentially causing lots of lag
* Fixed an error when no players were online but the leaderboard placeholders were still used
----------, Mar 29, 2022

=== v3.2.1 ===
+ Added a setting to give players a starting balance on first join
+ Added support for the Treasury economy API
* Fixed an invalid query when no players were online
* Fixed a potential error if a UUID does not match a username properly
* Usernames are now cached for longer as long as the leaderboard placeholders are constantly used
----------, Mar 6, 2022

=== v3.2.0 ===
+ Added leaderboard placeholders (see wiki for details)
+ Added a setting to send point updates to all servers (for better network support)
* Fixed null leaderboard entries
* Fixed votifier hook not always sending messages
* Fixed a color typo in the give success command message
- Removed deprecated API methods
----------, Feb 24, 2022

=== v3.1.1 ===
+ Added a placeholder %playerpoints_points_shorthand% for displaying a player's points in shorthand notation
* Fixed configs not generating properly on newer versions of 1.18.1
* Fixed commands being displayed in the help menu multiple times if they had multiple aliases
* Fixed points not being taken if the player has less than the target amount
----------, Jan 3, 2022

=== v3.1.0 ===
+ Added aliases.yml to allow you to change the subcommand names, this file may be changed in the future
+ The '/points giveall' command now supports negative values
+ Added Portuguese and Hungarian locale files
+ Added '/points importlegacy' and '/points version'
+ Added legacy database support settings to the config.yml
* Rewrote the entire data system so the plugin performs significantly better and more accurately
* Deprecated all async methods in the API, they are no longer required and don't positively affect performance
* Undeprecated previously deprecated API methods
----------, Sep 30, 2021

=== v3.0.3 ===
* Fixed players not being able to be found in commands on their first login ( #11)
----------, Jun 23, 2021

=== v3.0.2 ===
+ Added zh_CN, zh_TW, vi_VN, and ja_JP locales
+ Added placeholder %playerpoints_points_formatted% to get the points formatted with separators
* The old placeholder %playerpoints_points% now gets the points without any separators (like in previous versions)
* Fixed ancient MySQL data not getting migrated to the new format properly
* Optimized /points giveall
* Optimized lookup of points using old look API method (lookAsync still behaves the same)
----------, May 29, 2021

=== v3.0.1 ===
+ Added French translation
+ Added ability to convert data from TokenManager using /points convert
* Fixed an issue where legacy storage.yml data wasn't loading properly
----------, Apr 29, 2021

Hello! PlayerPoints is now under new ownership and will be maintained by us for the
forseeable future. We have read your feedback and have resolved as many of the complaints
as we could find. Please note that this is a very large update, if you happen to find any
bugs, please report them on our Discord server and we will get them fixed ASAP.

Our goal was to keep as much backwards compatibility with the older version as we could,
however you will have to update the new language file on your own and it is recommended
that you reset your config.yml file to clear out the old unused settings.

=== v3.0.0 ===
+ Added proper SQLite/MySQL support with no external libraries
+ Added export/import command to export data to a storage.yml file and import it to a database type
+ Added PlaceholderAPI support (%playerpoints_points%)
+ Added tab completion for commands
* Updated all the messages and introduced a new locale system for loading languages
* Entirely reformatted the config.yml and removed some useless settings
* api-version has been set to 1.13
* Database transactions are now run asynchronously wherever possible
- Dropped support for the old storage.yml file, it can be imported to the new format with '/points import'
and will automatically be imported on first load if it exists.
----------, Apr 27, 2021

In this update, all I did was grab the code from 2015 in the old Maven repository and update support for 1.16.5, but please note, SQL will not work due to its old library not working past 1.9+.

If you want SQL, feel free to fork the GitHub and make your own version or do a pull request.

if I have time, I plan to potentially rework it into a new system using HikariCP, but no promises.
If you'd like to take over the resource, feel free to make a discussion.
----------, Feb 3, 2021

  • Added ability to access PlayerPoints.getAPI().
This is the final build before SQL addition, I just wanted to get this out before I work on finalizing the upcoming wiki.
----------, Aug 22, 2020

Make sure you read the entire update


  • Improved Metadata.
  • Improved Restriction Listener & Votifier Listener.
  • Improved API.
  • Improved Vault Layer handling UUID translations.
  • Improved UUIDFetcher.
  • Removed MySQL/SQLLite storage type and dependency for SQLibrary.
  • Removed Update Modules.
This is a update that is going to be helpful when rolling into 2.1.9, adding support for SQL built into the plugin.

I'm also working on a expansion system meaning there will soon be available developer based addons that other people can create or I can :)

Make sure to join our discord server where people get the best information about stuff happening in PlayerPoints or changes.
----------, Aug 13, 2020

  • Improved API when sorting users by name and points.
  • Improved UUIDFetcher.
  • Improved Votifier Listener.
  • Improved CommandHandler to be faster when executing commands.
  • Improved IModule.
----------, Jul 20, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 116,908
First Release: Jun 27, 2020
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings