PlayerPoints icon

PlayerPoints -----

A point based currency system.

Version: 3.3.0
Great plugin, please support 1.21.3 as soon as possible, temporarily unavailable
Author's response
It already supports 1.21.3

Version: 3.2.7
just ignore those russian clowns in the reviews, the plugin works perfectly fine and has done so for a long time. amazing dev and long standing plugin

Version: 3.2.7
Найден 1 потенциальный эксплойт в системе перевода. Ранее сообщал в лс. 0 Эмоций.
Нет обновлений. Можно сделать к примеру очистку всех юзеров, либо же авто-очистку юзеров которые не играли N-кол-во дней/ которые имею менее N-кол-ва поинтов.
Found 1 potential exploit in the translation system. Previously reported in PM. 0 Emotions.
No updates. You could, for example, clear all users or set up auto-cleaning for users who haven't played for N days / who have fewer than N points.

Version: 3.2.7
Найден 1 потенциальный эксплойт в системе перевода. Ранее сообщал в лс. 0 Эмоций.
Found 1 potential exploit in the translation system. Previously reported in PM. 0 Emotions.

Version: 3.2.7
Дробные числа, Дробные числа, Дробные числа, Дробные числа, Дробные числа, Дробные числа, Дробные числа

Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers, Fractional numbers
Author's response
PlayerPoints does not and will never support decimals, if you need decimals you need to find a different plugin, sorry.

Version: 3.2.7
please, support for 1.21, This is a great plugin.
Expect you to update as soon as possible, as I can't use it for my 1.21 server
Author's response
1.21 is already supported. Please report any issues in our Discord server or the Spigot discussion page.

Version: 3.2.7
please add hidden commands like
"/pp give Player 10 -s"

Or should I just cut all messages from the configs?

Version: 3.2.7
Awesome! works great, is really simple and easy to use, compatible with vault (optional) and auto-connection with economyshopgui plugin!

Version: 3.2.7
YOURE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jokes aside, Thanks for the update, Love your plugins!

Version: 3.2.6
The command /points and /points help is available to regular players, as there are no permissions for them and it cannot be banned. I'm not satisfied that they understand which plugin is being used
Author's response
The /points command can be blocked by negating the playerpoints.basecommand permission. Did you check the wiki or go to our Discord server for support?

Version: 3.2.6
Good plugin. Please update placeholder! I can't use placeholder to show points for my scoreboard.

Version: 3.2.6
5 stars. reason i am using this is vault do not support 1.20.2. i found out this plugin's even better than vault. thanks for creating this!

Version: 3.2.6
Good but i want to set every new player will start with 100 points. how to do that?

Version: 3.2.6
This plugin works great, and was super easy to understand/set up. This developer is awesome. I use the Player Points as vote rewards and it works well with our shop system too where I have a section of the shop that is just for player points. The developer took time to explain everything in the docs and I like the presentation of the plugin too. Great work! I'm using 1.20.2 if that is helpful for anyone, and it's working well alongside our normal eco money too (our server uses both).

Version: 3.2.6
cool plugin! thank you! but when the Folia support will be added? please add the Folia)

Version: 3.2.6
У меня один вопрос... Почему я не могу подключиться к базе данных? Но сам плагин топовый)

Version: 3.2.5
Perfect, do what he have to. Useful for premium shop or any others mini game rewards :)

Version: 3.2.5
Apart from config.yml and help, which are not very elegant, the plugin is great for me at the moment.

Version: 3.2.5
Love the plugin but the leaderboard doesn't update correctly.
When people have the same amount of points it won't put the person who got to that amount first on top. It will put the person who used the plugin first at the top. Could this be changed?

Version: 3.2.5
Very good plugin, I love it, but could you make it possible to edit the message that says Running PlayerPoints v3.2.5, plugin created by etc... Please, all users see it... I will delete this review and put 5 stars when I do!

Version: 3.2.5
Excellent plugin, just what I was looking for.

(I hope author will be keeping it up to date)

Version: 3.2.5
Please, add a bungeecord support, I would like to players have same balance on defferent servers
Author's response
This already exists in the plugin. Just install it on all your servers and connect them to the same MySQL database. Please use our Discord server for questions or feature requests in the future.

Version: 3.2.5
this shit is girly fr

Version: 3.2.5
Add point shop system. Other features are nice.
Mysql feature is good.
Author's response
This is an economy plugin, not a shop plugin. If you want to make a shop, you can use several other plugins to do that.

Version: 3.2.5
This plugin is the best for a 2nd currency on your server. I had some issues initially, but their friendly support team helped me resolve them in seconds. Keep up the good work rosewood team :3

Version: 3.2.5
Very nice plugin, he makes my server's economy system better and is very helpful for my server. Any consideration to make this plugin update compatible to version 1.19.3? We are looking forward to the plugin update!
Author's response
PlayerPoints is already compatible with 1.19.3. Thanks for the review.

Version: 3.2.5
Hi, the plugin is really great! I now only have a small problem with the placeholders. I would like to display the top list in a hologram with the placeholer %playerpoints_leaderboard_<#>% The only problem is that it only shows %playerpoints_leaderboard_1% as an example, but not the player name. I am using Papi and have tried to include several expansions from Points. And without it, no points are displayed as placeholders. Is that because of Papi Placeholder or because of PlayerPoints? Best Regards lice

Minecraft Version 1.19.2 , PlayerPoints-3.2.5 , PlaceholderAPI-2.11.2
Author's response
You'll need to remove all PAPI expansions that you installed for PlayerPoints, they're all highly outdated and will cause all placeholders except %playerpoints_points% to break.

Version: 3.2.4
Nice plugin! It's unique from the other economy plugins considering using points instead of coins and such.

Version: 3.2.0
I will give a fairly complete review of the plugin after several months of use.

The plugin has a pretty clear concept, to have a currency apart from the current Vault whether it is linked or not to Essentials or another plugin, ie you can have several on the server, in my case I have Essentials + Vault and I have PlayerPoints via mySQL but without being linked to another plugin, ie I have 2 currencies on my server 1 as currency for buying and selling all kinds of things and then I have PlayerPoints for all my server.

I hope you have understood well the concept and how I have it implemented on my server and now I will tell the bugs and problems that the plugin has.

There are problems with the UUID, according to the DEV is because I use an Offline Server, I have +60 plugins and none gave me UUID errors, I have plugins created by me based on UUID's and I have no problem, the problem is in the way you have coded your plugin and you do not know how to solve it.

I maintain contact in a Discord community with several founders of servers of my native language and all have certain problems with PlayerPoints, coincidence? I don't think so.

The last PlaceHolders you have introduced something that is too basic for your plugin that you should have it for a long time because in Discord I have pressed you until you have introduced it seems to be not working and have errors everywhere, something unusable.

Every error I find in your plugin you put an excuse, which gives me to understand that you are incompetent and do not know how to develop a good plugin and PlayerPoints had signs of being a plugin to be taken into account by how you paint it on the web, but after months of use you realize that the plugin is useless, they are all problems.

And this is one of the errors that for example it exercises also at the time of showing a TOP of my currency that I have in my server with PlayerPoints:
1 user with 40 million and the rest with 60 thousand only, a bug that can not be allowed.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND using this plugin under any circumstances if you do not want to break the economy of your server, it is better to be cautious before committing these errors that I have had when using this plugin. In addition the support is very bad, they respond to the 2 weeks approximately and then not as you see they do not fix their errors and blame the errors to something that does not concern them, they are INCOMPETENT.

Version: 3.1.1
Excelent!!!It is a excelent plugin!For My Server.I can use MySQL on all subservers.

Version: 3.1.1
Our Minecraft community is still using the reset version based on the 1.10 code. Could you please let me move this plugin to

Version: 3.1.1
To this day this plugin still stands and work as always intended. Love the works of the author and the people who update it to this day,

Version: 3.1.0
Excelent plugin. I have been using it for years and this updated version saved thousands of servers around the world. Thank you and keep up the good work!

Version: 3.0.3
Awesome plugin! Never had any issues with it whatsoever. Amazing Developer. keep at it!

Version: 3.0.3
Awesome plugin! I have been using the older version for many years now.

I'd like to see:
- Default amount for a player on joining
- Being able to disable messages (when string is empty in .lang file)

Other than that 5/5

Version: 3.0.3
Great plugin and now is updated and hopeful the old mysql connection leak fixed :D

Version: 3.0.3
I like this plugin. Hope it will get better and better in the future. Apart from it, I couldn't find any more flexible plugins.

Version: 3.0.3
The person below me is just mad that the developer didn't instantly add their request. This is a fantastic plugin, it does exactly what it says and is a great choice if you want a secondary currency.

Version: 3.0.3
I did not like it, it is not compatible with chestcommands, there is no way to change the command from /p lead to /p top, it has no system to execute command for so many points, I do not recommend it.

Version: 3.0.1
I was creating a plugin that uses the PlayerPoints plugin.
Not only did they help me debug my code for over 1 hour, they basically gave me a crash course on how to use API's.
Best support I have received on a plugin ever.
The plugin itself is extremely versatile and has many uses.
Would reccomend to anyone who wants to have points to use in multiple servers on a bungee network.

Version: 3.0.1
super easy to use, active developer, mysql lighting speed support, placeholders support, update on latest, RGB support and so much more features this plugin have to offer for a simple currency plugin

Version: 3.0.1
Nice update on the token manager, as always i love this plugin so much
Looking forward for more function :D

Version: 3.0.1
I srsly love this plugin, love the way which I can manage a new economy system in my server, specially using the events which I can use it for my private projects. honestly amazing.

Version: 3.0.0
Thanks for this trash update where everyone's playerpoints were set to 0, really amazing work from this new dev.

Storage type is set to YAML and i have 28 KB of storage in there that was used prior to this update, as soon as i update it, its all gone.

Nothing i can do about it, even switching to SQLITE makes no difference
Author's response
I would have appreciated it if you would have at least contacted me for support before this. Your storage.yml file should have automatically been imported, but if it got missed for some reason you can do '/points import' to load all the previous data.

Version: 3.0.0
Esophose: the next update is gonna big.
*Me to my self*: cool hope to see PP 2.2
The version on the UPDATE: yeeeetttttttt 3.0 babe

Thanks for maintain this plugin, very gud, worth 5 start all time rating XD
Author's response
Thanks for the review lol

Version: 3.0.0
I would like to switch between full (0) and incomplete numbers (0.23) And add a limit on getting points per day. Thanks for the nice plugin!

Version: 2.1.9
OMG cant belive this is a thing now, THANKS so much for bringing it back to life :3

Version: 2.1.9
Good plugin i would recommend the support is helpful aswell it will give eveything u need with economy and minigame reward system (not click bait)

Version: 2.1.9
Wow that's great, thanks for updating the plugin. Previously, I used this add-on, but the bad thing when my server crashed for other reasons, it erased all the data from storage.yml. I hope that in this updated version you have no problems.
- Add animations with titles when depositing points
- Add sounds when transfers are made

Version: 2.1.9
I can't wait to look forward to support for Mysql, come on! look forward to. qwq

Version: 2.1.9
I am hyped for the MySQL feature for this plugin! Can't wait goodluck with this.

Version: 2.1.9
Nice to see this classic plugin being picked up for further development. Looking forward to MySQL support! <3

Version: 2.1.9
MYSQL connet timeout??
How fix???
Author's response
To my knowledge the MySQL functionality of this plugin is currently broken. I'm working on fixing this as I've only taken over management of this plugin a few days ago. There should be an update out within a couple days to fix this and any other issues

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Great plugin! But I have a problem, when I try to do a custom shop with deluxe menu (and I want the console execute the command 'points take %player% x') it says "Transation failed". Could you fix this? Thanks!
Author's response
Download the player expansion.

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Excellent! I want to take this plugin to Chinese forum MCBBS and with your name and page. Can you agree me?

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Hope to add support for MySQL database, so that if the server is damaged, the data will not have any problems

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Nice fork! What about the source code? It would be great........................

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Hey please add placeholder it would be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
PlaceHolderAPI is not supported and plugin updates are not available.
If I fix this, I will revise the review.

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Discord link doesn't work, and it doesn't support 1.16 :( Please fix discord link

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
Hi, I was wondering when you are planning to release the next version of this plugin.

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
[22:55:57 WARN]: Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
[22:56:09 WARN]: Legacy plugin PlayerPoints v2.1.8-BUILD2 does not specify an api-version.

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
It would be very good if the author maintains and updates, but it is only supported in discord, but discord only supports paid plugins, which means that the author of this plugin does not care about its quality, and the plugin issues raised in the discussion forum are ignored by the author

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
can use add placeholder %playerpoints_points_top_1% ...........................................

Version: 2.1.8-BUILD2
i am so glad to be the 420th download
Author's response
:) Congratulations.

Version: 2.1.8
The plugin is good, I hope to support 1.16 and Chinese. There are a lot of 1.16 servers now, I hope to support 1.16 as soon as possible
Author's response
1.16 should be supported except for 1.16.2.

Version: 2.1.8
Great plugin, I was wondering does it support MySQL or is this feature coming soon?
Author's response
It'll be coming soon dw.

Version: 2.1.8
Can you convert uuid to the name display on sql not? The convert function does not work on crack versions: ((

Sorry bad english
Author's response
Not sure what you mean, but if you have suggestions or features it's best to contact me through the discord server.

Version: 2.1.8
I have been using the same old version from 2016 until today in several spigot versions, from 1.8 to 1.16.1 and it still works fine!
My network economy depends heavily on PlayerPoints.
Updates are needed and welcome!
I don't know if it is fixed in this version, but the only problem i face with it is that it only credits the points correctly if the player is online. At least on cracked server. Using MySQL.
Author's response
Currently SQL is disabled/removed until I am done rewriting it for the next update :)

Version: 2.1.8
Very good plugin. But there is not enough support for negative numbers =( for Example, I want to take -1 away from the player, but I can't.
Author's response
There is a take command? /points take <player> 1

Version: 2.1.8
I admit that is what I was looking for, but when I used the plugin with sql (in 2019), after a while without a player entering, it threw an error, did you fix it?
Author's response
Please read the latest update, this is not the place to ask questions, join the discord server if you have questions.

Version: 2.1.7
I want to tell you all how great this plugin and how the code must be top notch. I have been using this plugin since 2016 with the same version I downloaded then all the way through 1.15.2 without ever updating the plugin. Unfortunately it finally broke with 1.16 and I came here looking for an updated version and voila!!! here it is. thanks!
Author's response
No problem! I am currently working on adding some interesting stuff in the next update, along with removing other dependencies after years of using it but having issues with it.

Version: 2.1.7
Love this plugin, use it for voter rewards on my server that they can spend in BossShopPro! PlaceHolderAPI recently made some API changes and now the 1.0.0 extension for PlayerPoints no longer functions (fails with [PlaceholderAPI] playerpoints is attempting to register placeholders via a PlaceholderHook class which is no longer supported!) Think you can remedy this? I didn't even know you'd moved off of bukkit and onto Spigot.
Author's response
I'm not the original author, but will look into fixing the PAPI expansion issue.

Version: 2.1.7
Nice Plugin.
But there was a bug
Caused by: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

at ~[?:?]
at ~[?:?]
at org.black_ixx.playerpoints.PlayerPointsAPI.look( ~[?:?]

can fix it?
Author's response
I see, at this time I am reworking SQL so that it no longer requires another library! so yes this will be fixed soon but I will need people to test it for me when the next update is out.

Version: 2.1.7
Nice plugin.
Can you turn "you have received -1 points from xxx" to "you have been taken 1 points from xxx"?
Author's response
That should be possible already in the messages configuration.

Version: 2.1.7
Excellent and simple plugin economy, but i cant edit TOP points mensajes! you can fix it?! please work on 1.16.1 nice work!
Author's response
I'll take a look at it when I can!

Version: 2.1.7
[PlaceholderAPI] expansion class PlayerPointsExpansion is outdated:

PlaceholderAPI 2.10.7
Please update
Author's response
I'll take a look at it when I can!

Version: 2.1.6
Very nice plugin! I just wonder how you setup mysql? Is there any updates on it? It is otherwise a really good plugin. I have added you on discord (saw other review where you said your username). Please keep this plugin alive. Also, can you add placeholders? Or is there already?
Author's response
There are already placeholders with PAPI.

Still nothing on SQL if it was broken in the original build as I am still learning it.

Version: 2.1.6
Awesome economy for any server. I am personally using this for Prison for players to be able to purchase different things in a shop. It is very easy to use and would highly recommend.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review.

Version: 2.1.6
Really well made plugin, perfect for my players! Works fine with no issues, allows me to keep track of my players' progress.
Author's response
Thank you for your nice review.

Version: 2.1.6
Great Plugin!
Everything works as before, ilysm Solo! <3, It would be epic to add /playerpoints log, where players transactions are logged :P
Author's response
I'll look into adding that when I can :)

Version: 2.1.6
Good plugin. Pls add mysql support (5/5)
Good plugin. Pls add mysql support (5/5)
Author's response
It should be added already, but I will take a look when I can to try adding it (if it's broken) notice this may take up to a week as I need to learn MySQL (don't currently know it). Add me on discord for further updates on this: $olo#0001.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 116,908
First Release: Jun 27, 2020
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings