I will give a fairly complete review of the plugin after several months of use.
The plugin has a pretty clear concept, to have a currency apart from the current Vault whether it is linked or not to Essentials or another plugin, ie you can have several on the server, in my case I have Essentials + Vault and I have PlayerPoints via mySQL but without being linked to another plugin, ie I have 2 currencies on my server 1 as currency for buying and selling all kinds of things and then I have PlayerPoints for all my server.
I hope you have understood well the concept and how I have it implemented on my server and now I will tell the bugs and problems that the plugin has.
There are problems with the UUID, according to the DEV is because I use an Offline Server, I have +60 plugins and none gave me UUID errors, I have plugins created by me based on UUID's and I have no problem, the problem is in the way you have coded your plugin and you do not know how to solve it.
I maintain contact in a Discord community with several founders of servers of my native language and all have certain problems with PlayerPoints, coincidence? I don't think so.
The last PlaceHolders you have introduced something that is too basic for your plugin that you should have it for a long time because in Discord I have pressed you until you have introduced it seems to be not working and have errors everywhere, something unusable.
Every error I find in your plugin you put an excuse, which gives me to understand that you are incompetent and do not know how to develop a good plugin and PlayerPoints had signs of being a plugin to be taken into account by how you paint it on the web, but after months of use you realize that the plugin is useless, they are all problems.
And this is one of the errors that for example it exercises also at the time of showing a TOP of my currency that I have in my server with PlayerPoints:
1 user with 40 million and the rest with 60 thousand only, a bug that can not be allowed.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND using this plugin under any circumstances if you do not want to break the economy of your server, it is better to be cautious before committing these errors that I have had when using this plugin. In addition the support is very bad, they respond to the 2 weeks approximately and then not as you see they do not fix their errors and blame the errors to something that does not concern them, they are INCOMPETENT.