PlayerPoints icon

PlayerPoints -----

A point based currency system.

PlayerPoints v3.0.0
Hello! PlayerPoints is now under new ownership and will be maintained by us for the
forseeable future. We have read your feedback and have resolved as many of the complaints
as we could find. Please note that this is a very large update, if you happen to find any
bugs, please report them on our Discord server and we will get them fixed ASAP.

Our goal was to keep as much backwards compatibility with the older version as we could,
however you will have to update the new language file on your own and it is recommended
that you reset your config.yml file to clear out the old unused settings.

=== v3.0.0 ===
+ Added proper SQLite/MySQL support with no external libraries
+ Added export/import command to export data to a storage.yml file and import it to a database type
+ Added PlaceholderAPI support (%playerpoints_points%)
+ Added tab completion for commands
* Updated all the messages and introduced a new locale system for loading languages
* Entirely reformatted the config.yml and removed some useless settings
* api-version has been set to 1.13
* Database transactions are now run asynchronously wherever possible
- Dropped support for the old storage.yml file, it can be imported to the new format with '/points import'
and will automatically be imported on first load if it exists.
----------, Apr 27, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 116,963
First Release: Jun 27, 2020
Last Update: Dec 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
75 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings