Added an automatic correction for some config values which were entered wrong by the user
Updated the downloaded MariaDB client. If you want to update your MariaDB client, you need to delete MariaDB-JDBC-Connector.jar from the plugins' config folder
Added the option "Commands.Friends.SubCommands.MSG.DisableMessageReceivingServers" to the config
Performance improvements
Party server switch will use less CPU
Added the option "MySQL.EnhancedDataLoading" which is disabled by default
If enabled it will greatly improve the loading speed of large friend lists
On some MySQL forks/if your server is heavily bandwidth limited this may slow down everything.
Fixed bugs
Fixed an API bug
Fixed language mistakes
Fixed problems with RedisVelocity
Fixed parties joining servers which were listed under "PartyDoNotJoinTheseServers" in the config, if "Commands.Party.SubCommands.Join.AutoJoinLeaderServer" was activated
Disabled MiniGameStartingCommands for minecraft 1.19 clients
Beginning with minecraft 1.19 the minecraft server verifies if a command was actually was send by a client. Due to that it is not anymore possible to spoof commands using bungeecord
This feature still exists in extended version of Party and Friends for 1.19 clients, as instead of the bungeecord simulating the command which is not possible anymore with 1.19 clients, the spigot server simulates the execution.
Added an option to have minigame join commands by the whole party
This option can be activated under Party.MiniGameStartingCommands
This option only exists for mini-games which don't have a bungee/proxy mode. You should always prefer the bungee mode, as it uses less performance and everybody in the party joins the mini-game, even if they are not on the same server
My Discord is now linked in error messages instead of Skype
New API methods
Fixed bugs
Fixed the deletion of party and friends accounts using pafadmin
Fixed a problem concerning loading color format code combinations in certain messages from the messages.yml
Improved managing of max players per party
You are now able to set permissions which add more party slots to the default max size
Changed the location of the party max settings to 'Party.MaxPlayersPerParty' in the config
Improved command spam protection
Display names for servers can be configured under "ServerDisplayNames". To use Server display names you need to activate "ServerDisplayNames.Use". After you activated that setting and restarted the bungeecord there will be more options in the config, which will enable you to define server display names
The plugin will now be able to correct some values which were wrongly entered into the config by the user
Updated the included library c3p0 to fix a security vulnerability
Duo to how the library was used in party and friends it is only possible to use this vulnerability if the person has access to the files on the bungeecord
Performance optimizations in general, if "General.MultiCoreEnhancement" is activated (By default activated)
How many friends are listed per page (10 by default) can be customized inside the config.yml under "Commands.Friends.SubCommands.List.EntriesPerPage"
The language which is set under "General.Language" will be used as template for the messages.yml
Made it more clear that "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" needs to be activated in the config to use the messages.yml
Java 7 is not supported anymore. It is not updated anymore by oracle, it is a security risk for everybody using it, it is also not anymore supported by spigot/bukkit/minecraft and some future features of Party and Friends are only possible with Java 8/9. If anybody needs help installing Java 8/9 I will help him if he asks me too (Look in the description under Support to find out how to contact me).
Fixed problems with some MySQL server side settings
Fixed that if the MySQL password was only consisting of numbers and was not formatted properly it was not recognized
Fixed a language mistake in the config
Added some api methods
A person who joins a party is now automaticly joing the server of the leader, when he joins the party (can be disabled under "Commands.Party.SubCommands.Join.AutoJoinLeaderServer")
If an error happens while booting up the plugin the user will be informed via pm as soon as he joins the server (till now only for a few errors but in the future for more)
Added boot error command which is registered only when Party and Friends fails to boot. This command gives you some tips how to fix it and how to contact me
Added priorities for subcommands
You can set a priority in the config
A command with a lower priority will be shown first in the command help
On big servers the plugin is faster on peek times by handling multiple commands at the same time
Added random messages
Some messages in the messages.yml (is created when "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" is activated) are now lists
One of the given messages will be randomly chosen, which makes the plugin feel more real
Till now only a few messages are supported (those who are created as a list), but in the future more messages will be supported
You can now set with "Extensions.UseExtensionFolderAsConfigFolder" if you want to save configs of extensions in the folder /plugins/PartyAndFriends/extensions
No matter which system the config.yml and messages.yml is now read and written in UTF-8
In all modern editors you can set the type of encoding (tutorials: Windows notepad, notepad++, Atom (Edit -> Select encoding -> UTF-8), textedit (by default UTF-8))
For all normal latin characters (like A - z, 0 - 9, etc.) nothing changes
Possibility to easy add own friend/party subcommands via API methods without touching the src of this plugin (contact me if you uploaded a plugin extension for this plugin so I can link it) (How to do it you can find out here)
Removed hardcoded language
Now using lists for "General.PartyDoNotJoinTheseServers" and for the command aliases instead of splitting them by "|"
Command names can now be removed, so you can remove /friend and only let it be called by /amigos or something like that