Added pages for /friend list and many other enhancements
Added pages for /friend list
How many friends are listed per page (10 by default) can be customized inside the config.yml under "Commands.Friends.SubCommands.List.EntriesPerPage"
The language which is set under "General.Language" will be used as template for the messages.yml
Made it more clear that "General.UseOwnLanguageFile" needs to be activated in the config to use the messages.yml
Java 7 is not supported anymore. It is not updated anymore by oracle, it is a security risk for everybody using it, it is also not anymore supported by spigot/bukkit/minecraft and some future features of Party and Friends are only possible with Java 8/9. If anybody needs help installing Java 8/9 I will help him if he asks me too (Look in the description under Support to find out how to contact me).
Fixed problems with some MySQL server side settings
Fixed that if the MySQL password was only consisting of numbers and was not formatted properly it was not recognized
Fixed a language mistake in the config
Added some api methods
A person who joins a party is now automaticly joing the server of the leader, when he joins the party (can be disabled under "Commands.Party.SubCommands.Join.AutoJoinLeaderServer")
If an error happens while booting up the plugin the user will be informed via pm as soon as he joins the server (till now only for a few errors but in the future for more)