ParrotGlue icon

ParrotGlue -----

Make Parrots stick to your shoulders in 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20 & 1.21!

This version is compatible with all server versions from 1.12 through to 1.12.4.

  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.vehicle.enter" (default: false) which enables releasing parrots when entering a vehicle; minecart, horse, pig, etc.
  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.vehicle.exit" (default: false) which enables releasing parrots when exiting a vehicle; minecart, horse, pig, etc.
  • Adds a short cooldown after exiting a vehicle to avoid releasing a parrot when toggling off sneak.
  • Fixes incompatibility with Spigot downstream forks; Works in 1.21.4 Paper, Purpur, etc.

If you appreciate the work I put into this plugin, please consider checking out my premium plugin SkyGrid.

ParrotGlue now supports all Minecraft versions from 1.12 through to 1.14.X.
  • Added support for Versions prior to 1.14.x.
  • Supports 1.12.X, 1.13.X and 1.14.X.
Some features are not available in earlier versions of Minecraft; Parrots will not be released when riptiding in Minecraft 1.13.X.

If you appreciate the work that goes into this free plugin, please consider checking out my other plugin GlowUp.
----------, Jun 21, 2019

This version is only compatible with 1.14 and above. For 1.13.x, please use version 2.1.

  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.spinattack" (default: true) which enables releasing parrots when performing the riptide spin_attack animation. Parrots are released after a short delay to minimise the chance they'll be hit and killed, thus stopping the player due to the collision.
  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.crawl" (default: true) which enables releasing parrots when the player performs the "crawling" animation on land. This typically occurs when the player is in a 1 block high space.
  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.sneakunderblock" (default: true) which enables releasing parrots when the player is forced into a sneak pose whilst in a 1.5 block high space; the parrots would otherwise have their heads colliding with the .5 of a block above. This option is unrelated to players performing a sneak intentionally, and can be enabled/disabled independently of "releaseParrots.sneak".

If you appreciate the work I put into this plugin, please consider checking out my premium plugin SkyGrid.
----------, May 17, 2019

ParrotGlue has been tested and confirmed working on Spigot 1.14!

ParrotGlue v2.1 works across all 1.13.x and 1.14 versions.
----------, Apr 25, 2019

This plugin is no longer compatible with 1.12.2 and below, Use v1.3.2 for 1.12.X versions.

  • Updated to support 1.13+
  • Added new config option "releaseParrots.swim" (default: true) which enables releasing parrots when a player starts to swim (not just float in water). Otherwise, the parrot will still be released when the player takes suffocation damage in water if "releaseParrots.damage" is true.
----------, Jul 24, 2018

  • Fixes permission nodes for the /releaseparrots command
----------, Jul 5, 2018

  • Fixes NPE when player changes world
----------, Mar 18, 2018

  • /releaseparrots [playerName]: Releases parrots on command sender's shoulders. If a player name is specified, will release the specified player's parrots.
New config options
  • releaseParrots.flight: Release a player's parrots when flying (default: true) (this is a "fix" for parrot(s) being invisible on a player who is, or has previously, been flying with the parrot(s) on their shoulder(s))
  • releaseParrots.bed.enter: Release a player's parrots when they enter a bed. (Default: true)
New Permissions
  • parrotglue.command.releaseparrots: allows releasing own parrots from shoulders using the /releaseparrots command with no arguments. (Default: false)
  • parrotglue.command.releaseparrots.other: Allows releasing parrots from other player's shoulders using the /releaseparrots command with a player name specified. (Default: false)
----------, Mar 13, 2018

  • Added config options for releasing parrots before teleport
  • releaseParrots.teleport.sameworld: release parrots before teleporting to a location in the current world (default: false)
  • releaseParrots.teleport.netherportal: release parrots before travelling via a nether portal (default: false) (This can be a little iffy, as parrots can be released into the nether portal and sent with you to the new world.)
  • releaseParrots.teleport.changeworld: release parrots before teleporting to a different world (default: true). This option has no effect on players travelling via nether portal, as that is handled based on the above config option.
  • Fixed parrots being released in the world a player is being teleported to when using the changeworld config option.
----------, Jun 26, 2017

  • new config option to leave parrots behind when switching worlds: releaseParrots.worldchange (defaults to false).
----------, Jun 25, 2017

  • Parrots will now fly from your shoulders when you take damage
  • Adjusted fall velocity to make minor allowances for players running down hills. Players walking off 3 high walls will not lose their parrots, players running off 3 high walls might.
----------, Jun 24, 2017

This is the first update built against the 1.12 spigot release API.

This update brings a few more opportunities for parrots to fall off, and a config file to enable/disable them as you see fit.

  • Parrots will now fall off a player's shoulders if they fall too quickly (typically after 2.5+blocks)
  • Parrots will now fall off a payer's shoulders if they are gliding and angle down slightly; gravity at work!
  • Parrots will now be removed from a player's shoulders on death (oops)
  • The above options are now configurable, along with parrots falling off when toggling sneak, in the config.yml. All default to true
  • Players must have the permission node parrotglue.enabled (default: true), if this permission node is set to false they will experience the vanilla behaviour.
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the 0.x versions!
----------, Jun 12, 2017

  • Raised parrot height; Now they fall off your shoulders, not your feet!
  • new permission node: "parrotglue.enabled" (default: true); if true, player will have parrot glue on their shoulders, helping parrots to stick better. For vanilla behaviour, this permission node should be false for the player.
----------, Jun 2, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,722
First Release: May 18, 2017
Last Update: Yesterday at 2:36 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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