This is the first update built against the 1.12 spigot release API.
This update brings a few more opportunities for parrots to fall off, and a config file to enable/disable them as you see fit.
- Parrots will now fall off a player's shoulders if they fall too quickly (typically after 2.5+blocks)
- Parrots will now fall off a payer's shoulders if they are gliding and angle down slightly; gravity at work!
- Parrots will now be removed from a player's shoulders on death (oops)
- The above options are now configurable, along with parrots falling off when toggling sneak, in the config.yml. All default to true
- Players must have the permission node parrotglue.enabled (default: true), if this permission node is set to false they will experience the vanilla behaviour.
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the 0.x versions!