ODailyQuests | Daily quests plugin (1.16 - 1.21) icon

ODailyQuests | Daily quests plugin (1.16 - 1.21) -----

Dynamize your server & increase player retention with daily quests !

Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.3.0!

It's been a long time (290 days and 6550 downloads)! First of all, I'd like to wish you all a happy new year in 2025.

After all this time, I'm finally publishing 2.3.0 on the plugin's Spigotmc page. I know that many of you are already using this version, via snapshots, but it was necessary to publish it in order to streamline support.

For those of you already using this version, it's still worth doing the update as it includes some significant optimisations and additional fixes.

Many tickets and suggestions are still waiting to be processed. I'll try to deal with them quickly, and above all to increase the frequency of updates, even if it means releasing versions with fewer changes. I'm also in the process of setting up a Jenkins service to make publishing easier.

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that the plugin is open-source, and that if any developers want to try implementing suggestions, I'll be happy to provide them with further details if necessary. It takes up a lot of my time, and any help is welcome, including support.

As usual, I'll do my best. Thank you for your patience and support.

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files.
But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.

The Wiki is normally up to date. If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.

If you want to support my work, you can make a donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!

Best regards.



  • Added 1.21 support.

  • Added Folia support, thanks to adabugra.

  • Added support for WorldGuard flags BLOCK_PLACE and BLOCK_BREAK.

  • Added the ability to restrict quest progress to WorldGuard regions.

  • Added a protection_bypass: true parameter in quests, if for some reason the player needs to be able to progress the quest without having the necessary permissions in the WorldGuard/Towny region.
  • Added the ability to choose the bossbar color and type for the progress message.

  • Added custom quest types that you can create in the config and complete via commands.

  • Added KGenerators support for BREAK type.

  • Added support for EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE & FIREWORK_ROCKET in LAUNCH quest.

  • Added support for TOTEM_OF_UNDYING in CONSUME quest.

  • Added CustomCrops support for BREAK quests.

  • Added CustomFishing support for FISH quests.

  • Added quest type VOTIFIER_PLUS.


  • Removing Java 16 support. Java 17 minimum required.
  • Fixed the odailyquests.reroll permission which was simply not working.

  • Fixed KILL quests that were no longer working with WildStacker.

  • Removed errors when using a crafting table but not for crafting a new item (for example when repairing).

  • Fixed an error when a MythicMobs mob died without player intervention.

  • Fixed startup error when Citizens does not work on server.

  • Fixed quest indexes that did not match in configuration errors.

  • Fixed problem resetting quests on re connection when configuration errors were found.

  • Fixed category rewards that were not given after reconnecting.

  • Handling of errors when loading the interface if items are out of bounds.

  • Fixed custom model data not working on items.

  • Fixed incorrect progress amount on VILLAGER_TRADE quests when using the SHIFT key on the keyboard.

  • Fixed player head no longer loading.

  • Fixed quests that did not load if the use_oraxen or use_itemsadder options were enabled when the plugins were not present on the server.

  • Fixed COOK quests that increased in stack size when dropping a single item.

  • Fixed a glitch on FARMING quests that progressed when breaking a container with the required items.

  • Fixed keyboard shortcuts that did not advance CRAFT quests.

  • Fixed items that were not counted in the left hand for CRAFT and COOK quests.

  • Fixed errors related to an update to PyroFishingPro.

  • Fixed errors related to an update of the ItemsAdder API.

  • Rerolling a quest no longer reduces the total number of quests completed by the player.

  • Rerolling a quest now decreases the number of quests completed in the category concerned, to prevent the category reward being given out before all the quests in the same category have been completed... (hoping this makes sense).

  • Fixed antiglitch that did not count tree shoots and mushrooms in quests when they transformed.

  • Fixed an error in the use of custom textures on heads in 1.21.

  • Fixed the option take_items_for_get_quests, which didn't take items if the player used them as hats.

  • Fixed an issue where category rewards were given multiple times on reconnection.
  • Added a two-second delay to the midnight reset, to avoid server synchronisation problems that caused quests to be reset BEFORE midnight, resulting in a negative time remaining.

  • Fixed the ignoreNbt parameter, which was not correctly taken into account for GET quests.

  • Potion parameters are no longer ignored on the ignoreNbt parameter. If a potion is extended, or of the night vision type, the player's potion must also match.

  • The type of block placed is now stored by the antiglitch, to avoid blocking the progress of FARMING quests on items that change type as they grow (e.g. the TORCHFLOWER).

  • Fixed region/world restrictions that were not applied to quests requiring a click in the player interface.

  • Replacing the storage of entites from spawners by directly writing a metadata in entity instance, to avoid memory leaks.
----------, Jan 30, 2025

This update fixes major bugs that appeared after version 2.2.4.

- Added the option ignore_nbt: true to the configuration of quests requiring an item, allowing only the type of item to be checked without taking NBT tags into account.

- Fixed the excessive progression of KILL quests when using the Sweeping Edge enchantment, which was sending the quest reward several times.

- Fixed the ItemsAdder & Oraxen integration (there was errors on server startup).
----------, Mar 18, 2024

Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.2.4!

8 months and over 4200 downloads after the last update, I'm back!
This is a colossal update. Please read the entire contents carefully.

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files.
But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.

The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.

If you have any problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.

If you want to support my work, you can make a donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!


  • Added support for placeholders in messages in the messages.yml file.
  • Added support for all plugin placeholders in quest descriptions (%drawIn%, %achieved%...). The use_placeholders: true option is required.

  • Added use_custom_furnace_results option, to be enabled if the furnace can give items with a particular custom model data.

  • Added support for all custom recipes (and custom items as results) in CRAFT quests.

  • Added the ability to specify several entity names for CUSTOM_MOBS quests.

  • Added an error for incorrect potion type in quest configuration.

  • Added support for items from MMOItems for quests and the interface, in the same form as previous integrations (e.g. required_item: "mmoitems:<category>:<id>").

  • Added the disable_logs option in the configuration file.

  • Added the %status% placeholder, that you can use in the quest description. It will return the achieved message if the quest is completed, or the progress message if not.

  • Added the disable_status option in player_interface, to disable the automatically displayed messages below the quest.
  • Added the use_oraxen option, which works in the same way as use_itemsadder.

  • Added the ability to specify a prefix/suffix in deactivated worlds in the configuration file. For example, if you enter ?_survival all worlds ending in _survival will be deactivated.
  • Added support for COINS_ENGINE in category rewards and the global reward.

  • Added time comparators for PLACEHOLDER quests.
    See: https://ordwenplugins.gitbook.io/odailyquests/quests/quests- types/placeholder-quest#compare-durations

  • Added support for AutoUltimateRestart, which was causing quests not to be saved when the server was shut down.

  • Added placeholder %odailyquests_name_<index>%, which returns the name of the player's active quest.

  • Added the QuestProgressEvent to the API. This event is called each time a quest progresses.
  • Added the reroll command, which replaces a player's quest with another.
    • For admins: /dqa reroll <player> <index>, requires the odailyquests.admin permission.
    • For players: /dq reroll <index>, requires the odailyquests.reroll permission.
    The corresponding messages will be added automatically.

  • Added the /dqa add total <player> <amount> command.
    The corresponding messages will be added automatically.

  • Fixed FARMING quests not progressing due to antiglitch.

  • Fixed errors when the player disconnects immediately after logging in, while their quests are still loading.

  • Fixed BREAK quests not working with blocks from ItemsAdder.

  • Fixed an NPE on the items required for a quest.

  • Fixed disable_spawners_progression option not working if WildStacker was used.

  • Fixed an error when placing blocks while the antiglitch is enabled.

  • Fixed a data backup problem when the server is shut down.

  • Fixed an error related to the last snapshot that caused the plugin to crash on each reload.

  • Correction of amounts and oven types not taken into account for the use_custom_furnace_results option.

  • Crops are now taken into account in BREAK quests when antiglitch is activated.

  • Changed the antiglitch so that it blocks progress for all players if another player performs the action. For example, if a player places/drops a block, another player will not see his quest progress if they break/pickup it.
  • Fixed an error when a player clones a book on a crafting table.

  • Preventing the completion of a GET quest if the player has items required in his left hand, and adding the associated line to the message file.
  • Fixed the negative time remaining issue for timestamp 2 mode. When the time runs out, the quests will be renewed:
    • when the player joins the server
    • when the player progresses a quest he had before (this one won't progress and will be replaced)
    • when the player opens his interface
    • if they have an activated placeholder that turns negative

  • Fixed PLAYER_DEATH quests that could not execute commands on completion.
  • Added a 1ms delay before giving a quest reward, to correct "Player not found" errors.

  • Fixed VILLAGER_TRADE quests that did not work when no required item was specified.

  • Added support for TORCHFLOWER, PITCHER_PLANT and GLOW_BERRIES for quest type FARMING.
  • Added smithing table support for CRAFT quests.

  • Fixed duplication glitch on CRAFT quests.

  • Fixed HEX colours not being displayed on ACTIONBAR messages.
----------, Mar 3, 2024

Fixed a NullPointerException for the progression message.
----------, Aug 2, 2023

Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.2.2!

This update is being released earlier than planned, mainly to correct a problem with a malformed configuration file that was causing errors.

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files.
But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.

The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.

If you have any problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.

If you want to support my work, you can make a donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!



  • Added rewards by category (easy, medium, hard). They can be deactivated and work in the same way as the global reward.

    When players complete all the quests in a category, they receive the associated reward.

    This should be added automatically to the top of the config.yml file.

  • Add reward type COINS_ENGINE.
    More info here.
  • Added support for %drawIn% and %achieved% placeholders in the player interface, for all items other than the player head.
  • Correction of the malformed configuration file that was causing errors on version 2.2.1.
  • Fixed placeholders that did not work in the item name.
  • Fixed a problem applying colours to placeholders returned by PlaceholderAPI.

  • Removal of unnecessary log messages and handling of an error when an NPC dies.
----------, Jul 31, 2023

I forgot to delete lots of debug messages in the previous update... Sorry about that.
----------, Jul 28, 2023

Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.2.0!

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files.
But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.

The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.

If you have any problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.

If you want to support my work, you can make a donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!




  • Added the placeholder %odailyquests_name_<1/2/3/...>% to get the name of an active player quest.
  • Added support for PAPI placeholders in the quest name & description. More info here.
  • Added support for custom head textures for both menu and required items. More info here.
  • Added direct support for Oraxen and ItemsAdder for both menu item and required items. More info here.

Player interface
  • Added support for %progress% & %required% placeholders in complete_get_type message.
  • Added support for PAPI placeholders in progress, status and complete_get_type messages
  • Added support for PAPI placeholders in the player head (both item name and description). More info here.
  • Added the possibility of specifying a list of slots for items in player interface.
  • Added some item flags to hide all item attributes in the player interface.
  • Added the possibility of specifying an item to be displayed in the menu when the quest is completed, using the parameter achieved_menu_item. It works in the same way as the menu_item or the required_item and supports all types.

  • Added the progress message, which is displayed each time the player progresses on a quest (see default config.yml file on the Wiki).


  • Fixed an error at the time of rewards if PlaceholderAPI is not installed.
  • Fixed an issue with quests requiring an inventory click to complete if multiple quests have the same menu item.
  • Deleting forgotten printouts from the console.
  • Fixed quests using MythicMobs that were no longer working.
  • Fixed an error when clicking on custom heads in player interface.
  • Fixed AutoUpdater not updating files.
  • Fixed bugs on FARMING quests where watermelons and pumpkins were involved.
  • Customization of certain error messages that did not affect the operation of the plugin, in very specific cases.


  • Removed the relocation of dependencies in the plugin, which will now be downloaded directly by the server. The plugin is now 2,700KB smaller...
  • Big code refactoring.
----------, Jul 28, 2023

Hello everyone, welcome to the 2.1.0!

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml to get clean files.
But if you don't want to do that, the plugin have an auto-update feature. It is at your own risk.

The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.

If you have a problem, don't hesitate to report it on our Discord or in the discussions section.

If you want to support my work, you can make a donation or simply leave a review on the plugin page!



  • Added a "debug" mode to facilitate support. To enable it, add the option debug_mode: true in the config.yml. This will result in more extensive logs being written to a file. Only use it when requested by the support.
  • Added the required worlds for each quest. More info here.
  • Added PLACEHOLDER quest type. More info here.
  • Added the possibility to use custom head textures in playerInterface. More info here.
  • Added command /dqa open <player> to force open the interface for a player.
  • Added the possibility to not set a reward for a quest.

Player interface
  • Added support for placeholders in playerInterface name.
  • The interfaces (player & quests) are now reloaded on the /dqa reload.
  • Added the possibility to use custom head textures in playerInterface. More info here.
  • You can now set multiple slots for a quests item (convenient for custom menus). More info here.


After more than 8 months, here is a first version of the anti-glitch.
All informations are available here.​


Here is also in this version a first draft of an API. Few features are available for the moment, don't hesitate to suggest me some.
All informations are available here.

  • Fixed synchronization problems between servers when using MySQL.
  • Fixed a problem with GET quests that caused them to stop working when using a custom model data.
  • Fixed the total number of quests that was resetting at each quest renewal.
  • Fixed an error that prevented rewards from being given if PlaceholderAPI was not present on the server.
----------, May 18, 2023

After so much time, the 2.0 is finally published on the Spigot page of the plugin.

To update the plugin, we really recommend that you completely reset your config.yml and playerInterface.yml files, to get clean files, and follow the procedure described just below to update your quests. But if you don't want to do that, the plugin now has an auto-update feature. This will be useful for small changes, but for such big changes, it is at your own risk.

Changes have also been made in the playerInterface.yml file and quest files. The Wiki is normally up to date.
If anything is unclear, please feel free to let us know.

This version took a lot of work. Feel free to rate the plugin on the Spigot page to support us.

If you have any problems, don't hesitate.


Configuration file:
To properly upgrade from version 1.3.6 to version 2.0, it is first recommended to reset your configuration file.

Player interface file:
Then you can see how to update your playerInterface.yml file here.

Quests files:
For logical reasons, entity_type has been replaced by required_entity.
To do this effectively, you can open the file, press CTRL+F to open a search bar, type entity_type, click on "select all"/"replace all" and type required_entity.

Custom Model Data (quests)
Custom Model Data (player interface)
Multiple items/entities per quest


  • It is now possible to select multiple items/entities for the same quest.

  • It is now possible to choose the number of daily quests.

  • It is now possible to store progressions in H2.

  • For logical reasons, entity_type has been replaced by required_entity.

  • Added support for custom model data for quest menu items.

  • Added support for custom model data for player interface items, including player head.

  • Added the ability to use placeholders in the player interface (player head included).

  • Added snowballs to the usable items for LAUNCH quests.

  • Added the ability to specify whether a required potion should be extended or upgraded. More information on the Wiki: https://ordwenplugins.gitbook.io/odailyquests/quests/quests-types/item-quest#potions

  • GET quests are now compatible with required item lists. A sum of all items in the inventory that are listed in the quest's required items is done, to determine if the quest is completed or not.
  • Added %odailyquests_desc_<index>_<line>% placeholder.

  • Added %odailyquests_iscompleted_<index>% placeholder (returns true or false).

  • Added %odailyquests_requiredamount_<index>% placeholder.‎
    ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
  • Custom model data can now be used on the player's head and quest items.

  • The quest progress is now cancelled if the player is in an unauthorized area or if another plugin cancels the associated event
Major fixes

  • Fixed an error if a quest does not have a valid menu item.

  • Fixed an error if a placeholder is used for an offline player.

  • Fixed errors that occurred with certain uses of the crafting table.

  • Fixed the progress placeholder, which was returning an internal error.

  • Correction of errors when PlaceholderAPI is not used.

  • Fixed quests loading multiple times on player login when a placeholder was used in the scoreboard

  • Fixed a bug when the player logs out if the number of quests has been changed since the last save

  • Fixed the problem of quests not resetting when changing years.

  • Fixed sheep color that was not working.

  • Fixed remaining glow when quests are reset.

  • So, so much more little fixes.
Other improvements

  • Optimization of SQL data saving at logout.

  • YAML tasks are now asynchronous to avoid lags.

  • Removed some debug and useless logs messages.

  • Quest positions in the player interface now start at 1 (like items)
----------, Feb 16, 2023


Since the last update, a message appeared in the console each time an item was dropped by a block, and items of type CLOSE, PLAYER_COMMAND and CONSOLE_COMMAND no longer worked in the player interface.

This is fixed in this update, sorry for the inconvenience.

If bugs occur, please report them.

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, Aug 16, 2022


- The colors in the NPC names are now functional.
- Player quests are now reloaded with the command /qadmin reload.

- Fixed an error when there were no items other than quests and the player head in the player interface.

- Fixed an error that caused player progressions to not be saved on server shutdown or reload, if the chosen storage mode is MySQL.

- Fixed errors that prevented the plugin from launching if the storage mode selected was YAML.

- Fix error on server reload if storage mode chosen is YAML.
- Correction of an error when a player disconnects.

Player interface
- Enchantments for completed quests are hidden.
- FILL item names are no longer displayed.

- Added quest type CARVE, where you have to turn a pumpkin into a carved pumpkin. No need to specify an item for this type.

- Added support of sheep colours for SHEAR quests.
To specify a colour, you simply add the line sheep_color: <COLOR> below entity_type. The available colours are listed on this page, in the Enum Constants section. You can always leave the colour unspecified.

- Added quest type PLAYER_DEATH, where you have to... die. No need to specify an entity for this type.

- Added the quest type LOCATION, where a player must travel to specific coordinates in a world. It is possible to specify a radius. The quest must be validated in the player interface. More information on the Wiki.

- Added the quest type FARMING, where the player must harvest fully grown crops. This works with all crops that have multiple stages of growth, you can find a list here.

Support for WildStacker
If you are using WildStacker to group mobs, you now have an option in the configuration to enable, called "use_wildstacker". If you kill several stacked mobs at the same time, they will all be counted in the KILL quest. This is currently not compatible with the PICKUP quest type.

- Big code rewrite, on all quest management and progression.
- The "Few seconds" message is now configurable, in the config.yml file.
- An empty message will no longer be sent to the player if the corresponding line is empty in the messages.yml file.
- The config.yml and messages.yml files are now reloaded with the /qadmin reload command.

If bugs occur, please report them.

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, Aug 7, 2022


On July 1, a bug occurred on most servers that quests did not reset. The cause was the month change, and the way I was comparing dates in the code.

This is now fixed. There should be no more problems when changing months.

- Fixed a bug that prevented quests from being renewed once the next month was reached.
- Fixed an omission that caused all quests to be renewed at midnight every day, without taking into account the timestamp or temporality mode.

To avoid conflicts with other plugins, the main commands of the plugin are now /dquests (like /dailyquests), and /dqadmin (like /dailyquestsadmin).
The /quests and /questsadmin commands are now aliases, so you can still use them. They will simply not take priority if another plugin using these commands is installed on your server.
----------, Jul 3, 2022


  • Fixed an omission that caused the number of completed quests not to be incremented if a GET quest was completed.
  • Fixed an error at the `/qadmin reload` command.
  • Fixed that quests of type "VILLAGER_TRADE" without a specified required item were simply not created.
  • Fixed a bug where quests, if category mode is selected, were not in their correct locations and changed each time the player logged in.
  • Fixed the `%achieved%` placeholder in the player interface, which was not incremented.
  • Fixed many bugs on `VILLAGER_TRADE` quests (synchronized progress, required item not taken into account...).
  • Fixed `FISH` quests, where the required item was not taken into account.
  • Fixed a bug with the `synchronized_progression` parameter, which caused that no quest would progress if the first one was not completed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented quests from loading at player login if quests are categorized and progressions are stored on a MySQL database.
  • Fixed an error when a villager feeds an entity.

  • Players will now automatically get new quests at midnight, if the `timestamp_mode` selected is 1.
  • Players now have a total number of completed quests. You can display it with the placeholder `%odailyquests_total%`.
  • The `/qadmin reset` command has been updated accordingly. Please refer to the Wiki.

  • Added quest type `EXP_POINTS` (player must get a given amount of experience points).
  • Added quest type `EXP_LEVELS` (player must get a given amount of experience levels).
  • Added support for complex recipes in `CRAFT` quests.


You can now choose in the configuration if the `GET` quests take the required items from the players.

If bugs occur, please report them.

If you store player progress on a MySQL database, you MUST regenerate the database, to add the column of the total number of quests completed by the player.

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, Jun 23, 2022



Added the possibility to disable the glow of completed quests in the player interface (in your playerInterface.yml file).

- Fixed an issue with yesterday's update that caused "KILL" quests to not progress if the spawners option was disabled.
- Fixed a problem on "CRAFT" quests, which did not take into account the number of crafted items.
- Fixed an error when the player clicks on a head in his quests interface.

If bugs occur, please report them.

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, May 23, 2022


Added type "CLOSE" for the player interface items (wich close the inventory on click).
Added the possibility to disable the progress of "KILL" type quests if the entities come from a spawner.

Now, quests no longer have to specify a required item or entity. You can for example make a quest "break 500 blocks" which will take into account **all** broken blocks. The choice is yours!

Fixed a bug that would take the player's formatted nickname instead of their neutral nickname when executing reward commands.

Added an error message when there is not enough quests in quests files and disable the plugin (to avoid server crashes).
Queries to the database are now asynchronous (for optimization purposes).

It is not impossible that some bugs occur. Please report them.

If you like my work and want to support me, think about rating the plugin and liking it. This will greatly motivate me!

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, May 22, 2022



The overall architecture of the code has been extensively reworked. This means that the plugin is in theory more powerful, more optimized and easier to maintain.

However, as this is a very big update, you may encounter problems. If this is the case, please report it.

You will need the old configuration file to generate a new one to take advantage of the latest updates (saving the old one to reflect the changes).

I have normally updated the Wiki. If any information is missing or unclear, please let me know in the Discord server.

If you like my work and want to support me, think about rating the plugin and liking it. This will greatly motivate me!

  • Added an option to choose if quest progressions are synchronised if a player has multiple quests of the same type with the same required item.
  • Added an option to disable the global reward.
  • Added the ability to disable quest progression in certain worlds.
  • Added title and subtitle. You can choose the duration of the fades and the time of appearance.
  • Added actionbar message.
Player interface

You can now fully customize the interface of player quests.
A new file will be generated, and you will be able to place the items you want, which will be able to perform commands as a player or console.

More information on the Wiki.


  • Added MILKING type. For this type, you don't need to specify an item/entity.
  • Quests with type CUSTOM_MOBS now needs the internal mob name if you use MythicMobs. More explains here.
  • You can now use custom items for every quest that requires an item. More explains here.

Added placeholder %odailyquest_<category>_<index>% that returns the name of the selected quest. You must specify a single category and an index. Holograms
Added the possibility to create a hologram for a given quest. This hologram consists of the quest name, description and menu item. More information here.
I'm working on a global hologram, with pagination, that lists all quests, for a future update.

  • Fixed a problem where several identical GET quests were being performed at the same time when clicking.
  • Fixed an error when the command to open the global menu is performed while categories are activated. A message has been added to the messages.yml file.
  • Fixed a bug when displaying the player's head for Minecraft versions lower than 1.18.
  • Fixed a bug that changed the player's quests at each reconnection if some of the file could not be loaded when the server started.

Thanks a lot, Kind regards.
----------, May 18, 2022



  • The plugin now requires Java 16 to work.

    This means that the plugin is now incompatible with Minecraft versions lower than 1.16.

Weekly & Monthly quests
  • Add temporality mode :

    Select between daily, weekly and monthly quests.

    You can choose in the config.yml file the initials for the time remain placeholder ('d' for days, 'h' for hours...).

    At the moment you can only have daily, OR weekly, OR monthly quests, but not three quests of each type in parallel.


  • The /qreload command no longer exists. It is now directly integrated into the /qadmin reload command.

  • The /quests help command and any syntax errors now display an explicit help message with the list of commands.

  • The /quests command without arguments now opens player quests interface.

Quests types

  • EXP reward type no longer exist and is replaced by EXP_LEVELS and EXP_POINTS. Associated messages have been added.

  • Added support for HEX colours. You can now use HEX colours everywhere, in fact (messages, config, quests, menus...).

    You can get HEX colours codes here: https://www.hexcolortool.com/

  • Fixed a bug that would replace one player's menu with another's if both opened their menu.

  • Correction of errors occurring when the server is reloaded. Progressions were not being saved and quests were not being reloaded for connected players.

  • Added an error message when a quest cannot be loaded because it has been deleted from the file.

This is a significant update.
If there are any problems, please report them.

I have normally updated the Wiki. If any information is missing or unclear, please let me know.

Also, I recommend that you reset your configuration file, to get the latest updates (saving the old one to reflect the changes).

If you like my work and want to support me, think about rating the plugin on its Spigotmc.org page and liking it. This will greatly motivate me!

Thanks a lot,
Kind regards.
----------, Apr 24, 2022


Vault is no longer a dependence.

The "MONEY" reward type will not be usable if the plugin does not detect Vault.

This change has been made because on some servers, for some reason I have not yet been able to determine, the plugin does not detect Vault and therefore cannot be used.

So even if the plugin does not detect Vault, ODailyQuests should still work. To send money as a reward, you will need to use the commands.
----------, Apr 5, 2022


New quests types :
  • BREED : breeding animals
  • TAME : taming wild animals
  • SHEAR : shear an entity (affected entities: SHEEP, MUSHROOM_COW, SNOWMAN)

Rewards :
  • Add PlayerPoints support for reward type "POINTS".

Placeholders :
  • Add placeholders for quest progressions (%odailyquests_progress_<1/2/3>%).

Other :
  • Add error messages when an item or entity type is invalid in a quest file.
  • Wiki has been updated.
  • Some fixes.

With kind regards.
----------, Apr 3, 2022

  • Add update checker.
  • Add global reward.
  • "EXP" reward type will now add complete levels to player.
  • Some fixes.
To use global reward, you need to reset your configuration file. This will generate a "global_reward" section.

The pattern is the same as quests rewards.

With kind regards.
----------, Mar 29, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,599
First Release: Mar 27, 2022
Last Update: Jan 30, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
Find more info at ordwenplugins.gitbook.io...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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